Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1457

When Xia Dongluo saw the employee, he looked very embarrassed. He even sneered at him. It seems that the employee also agreed with his words.

He did not pay attention to this group of employees, and immediately took his female classmate Xu Mochou to the technical department.

In the office of the technology department, Lin Qianqian knew that Xu Mo was coming, so she came to the office first.

As for Linkai, he continues to refine the liquid of tricolor saplings in the place where skin care products are produced.

Lin Qianqian and Xu Mochou first discuss, if Xu Mochou's requirements are not too much, or in terms of image, they will also use it to advertise.

After all, Xia Dongluo called, if the negotiation is good, naturally have to sign the contract.

Of course, if Lin Kai invited him, he must also speak for him.

That is to say, a skin care product, please two spokesmen, this kind of at least is that big group big enterprise, dare to do so.

However, Xia Dongluo came with Xu Mochou, and Xu Mochou proposed to pay five million for advertising.

You know, this price is the price of a second-line star. With the current flow of Xu Mochou, at most one million, this is the most, and the asking price has been fully increased by five times.

Which is to discuss, it is clear that Lin Qianqian, when the head of injustice.

The market price is based on the market price, which is a little more than the market price. It can be understood that, after all, the price can be cut down in this way.

However, if we directly put forward that the price is several times higher than the market price, it is not simply to bargain, but to set the price on the spot.

Xia Dongluo saw Lin Qianqian's face, some wrong, and quickly opened his mouth: "general manager Lin, five million for Xu Mochou's current popularity, is a little expensive, but not so outrageous? She can come here today to shoot the endorsement advertisement, not only has a lot of time, after that, her private account on the Internet will also help to promote the skin care products. So this price is worthy of Xu Mochou. "

"Within 1.5 million, I can accept it, but if it's five million, I think it's OK."

Lin Qianqian is not a fool, so she speaks.

However, Xu Mochou didn't know where to come from, and continued to say that she would not shoot without five million endorsements.

This time Xia Dongluo was anxious and said, "Mr. Lin, think twice! It will be the finals of that program immediately. I heard from Xu Mo that she is the fourth place in this competition! Although it is the fourth place, there is only one vote difference with the number of votes in the third place! So controversial, to the program must have a wave of traffic.

We have six days to go before the final show, and we just finished shooting the ad. On that day, in the promotion of good advertising, the effect is absolutely good. The five million endorsement fee is worth it "

Lin Qianqian frowned. Instead of answering this question immediately, she said," Mr. Lin Kailin, the invited stars will be here soon. When the stars from Mr. Lin come, I'll consider and decide. How about it? "

In fact, she had a plan in her heart, but it was not very good to refuse directly. Let Xia Dongluo have a look. The conditions of the stars invited by Lin Kai are better than those invited by Xia Dongluo.

Although Lin Kai didn't tell her exactly who the star was, she was definitely better than Xu Mochou.

After all, she doesn't do charity. She runs a company. Hundreds of people in the company are waiting for her to eat. Naturally, she has to choose carefully.

However, Xia Dongluo was very unhappy when he heard this, but he didn't dare to show it too much. He just said, "Mr. Lin, do you mean we have to wait? Isn't that right? "

Without waiting for Lin Qianqian to respond, Xu Mochou, sitting next to Xia Dongluo, first lit a cigarette with great skill. Regardless of the office, he wrote that smoking was forbidden, and he even smoked.

Then Xu Mochou took a smoke and looked at Lin Qianqian in the opposite direction and said in a cold voice, "Mr. Lin, I only agreed to come here for the face of my old classmate. Otherwise, do you really think that five million can invite me? Ha ha, it's still a face for the old students. At present, the first and second tier stars are not free to come, even if they come, they are asking for a lot of money.

I'd like to see what kind of stars you can bring to your small company. At that time, when the so-called Mr. Lin Kailin and the invited star come, you will certainly ask me to sign up for the advertisement

At present, Xu Mo can only say that she has walked into the entertainment circle.

For those first and second tier stars in the entertainment industry, we still have some understanding.

Especially after Xia Dongluo called, she immediately called a brokerage company to help her check. There were no first-class or second-line stars in several nearby urban areas.

Even if there is one, it's also a kind of high class, which can't afford to be invited.

Ignore this point directly, and the rest can't compare with her.

The most important thing is that the five million endorsements are said to be so high because she and Xia Dongluo negotiated in advance.

When five million endorsements have been paid, Xia Dongluo will be given two million.

At that time, Xia Dongluo will operate and replace the advertising expenses of the contract with 500000 yuan.

Xu Mo Chou signed the brokerage company, so she spoke for the company and split accounts with the economic company.In addition, Xia Dongluo took the initiative to ask for a high endorsement fee.

Of the five million, two million are allocated to Xia Dongluo.

If the contract is replaced by 500000, the company will take 80%, that is, the company will take 400000.

She can only get 100000 yuan. With such a high proportion, she can't get any money at all, so telling the economic company like that is totally to make money for the economic company.

According to the discussion with Xia Dongluo, she can take 2.6 million!

Such a good opportunity will not be let go!

At this time, Xia Dongluo heard that Xu Mochou said so, so he had to wait for the star Lin Kai called.

In his opinion, Lin Qianqian is bound to sign an advertising contract with Xu Mochou.

He colluded with Xu Mochou. In fact, he also wanted to take advantage of it to pit the company's money. In any case, such a good opportunity would not be wasted.

Seeing their expressions, Lin Qianqian shakes her head slightly. How can she become the boss of a company without any insight.

She can see the difference between Xia Dongluo and Xu Mochou.

Almost ten minutes later.

Xia Dongluo was the first to wait for something impatient. He happened to see Lin Kai come to the office and asked faintly, "Mr. Lin, why are you alone? What about the star you called? It's been an hour. Why haven't you come? Do you keep my old classmates waiting like this

Lin Kai originally wanted to ignore Xia Dongluo, but when he saw Xia Dongluo's arrogant appearance, he just glanced: "it's none of your business."

Xia Dongluo was angry: "Mr. Lin, as a shareholder, I respect you, but don't let my old classmates wait. You don't want to see who my old classmates are!"

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