Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1459

As a result, Lin kaicai directly said that he would bet with Xia Dongluo.

Otherwise, he didn't care about Xia Dongluo, let alone bet.

Xia Dongluo did not expect that Lin Kai would still bet, so he continued to sneer: "Oh? What bet? "

Lin Kai said casually: "you said that Miss Yin and director Pan must have to pay for the endorsement? If you want the endorsement fee, you will win. I can tell you the technology of extracting that material, and you will have complete control of the material technology. Don't you always admire this material technology?

But if you don't have endorsement fees, you quit. Originally, I didn't want to worry about anything, but you colluded with Xu Mochou and deliberately said that the endorsement fee was five million yuan, and then you two shared equally. To do this is to dig the company's money so that you can get it. What I said is right? "

"Nonsense! What nonsense Xia Dongluo was shocked and didn't understand how Lin Kai knew such a secret thing. His face changed and he naturally denied it.

Lin Kai said faintly: "you just think I'm talking nonsense. As for the specific appearance, you two must know better than me. Now I'm talking about gambling with you. Do you want to bet. If you win, you get five million endorsements. If you lose the bet, please leave the company. "

Lin Qianqian doesn't have any opinions. Of course, she trusts Lin Kai. Besides, she also finds out that Xia Dongluo and Xu Mo are worried about each other.

Even if Lin Kai doesn't say, she won't give five million endorsements to sign a contract with Xu Mochou.

Xia Dongluo didn't understand how Lin Kai knew about it, which made him feel a little uneasy now. He was still struggling with whether to bet or not.

Because this is related to his job, he finally got a department director of a medium-sized enterprise. Moreover, this skin care product will definitely be a hot item in the future.

Combined with the reasons, his current position is still very good.

But he is still very dissatisfied, just want to pit company money.

Xia Dongluo became more and more entangled.

But Xu Mo said coldly: "Xia Dongluo, what are you afraid of? If you really don't want the endorsement fee, why does Mr. Lin want you to call me over? So, what dare not gamble! I'll bet on it

In fact, Xu Mochou is not sure. The reason why she said this is of course that it has nothing to do with her.

If she wins the bet, she can get a high amount of advertising fees. If she loses, Xia Dongluo is the loss anyway, and she is not affected.

Xia Dongluo's brain was too confused at this time. He did not want to understand this. He immediately bit him and began to hum: "yes! What dare not gamble! I bet

Lin Kai smell speech, light smile, and then pan Liguo, also called to the office.

Lin Kaixian introduced Yin Suyan and pan Liguo to Lin Qianqian.

He said to Lin Qianqian again: "Qianqian, you'd better ask."

Lin Qianqian knows that neither Yin Suyan nor pan Liguo will charge endorsement fees, because this is what Lin Kai himself said.

She would never believe anyone who said so.

Lin Qianqian was deeply moved. Unexpectedly, Lin Kai invited Yin Suyan as the spokesperson and pan Liguo as the director to shoot the advertisement. It was a combination of strong forces and better effect.

Yin Suyan is the goddess of the people, and director Pan Liguo is not only a good filmmaker, but also has made several short film advertisements. He is a benchmark advertisement in the advertising industry of China.

Therefore, this skin care product advertisement, will definitely become the advertisement profession, the milestone work!

However, in order to make Xia Dongluo and Xu Mochou believe, Lin Qianqian asked with a smile, "Miss Yin, how much endorsement fee do you need to represent skin care products for our company?"

"Mr. Lin." Yin Su Yan said politely with a smile: "as Mr. Lin said before, this time for the product endorsement, no charge, free for your company to speak skin care products."


Isn't it?!

Xia Dongluo and Xu Mochou are all stunned and unbelievable.

Xu Mochou couldn't help but say to Yin Suyan: "Miss Yin, you are a national goddess level star. Why do you have to bend down and speak for a small enterprise for free?"

Yin Su Yan looked at Xu Mochou and seemed to recognize it. He said faintly: "you and I know that I have seen some videos of you."

In this respect, she did not say much and did not comment on Xu Mo's worries.

Lin Kai knows that Yin Suyan is polite. Yin Suyan doesn't want to hurt Xu Mochou.

But when Xu Mochou heard that Yin Suyan knew her, she looked extremely arrogant, as if to say, you see, even the national goddess knows me, you can see how high my popularity is.

Yin Suyan went on and said, "it's my own business to speak for free without endorsement. Even the brokerage company can't control me. In addition, I was invited by Mr. Lin Kailin, who is my best friend. When he invited me, he would not talk about money. "

When Lin Qianqian heard the word "best friend", she couldn't help feeling jealous. After staring at Lin Kai, she asked pan Liguo again and respectfully asked, "director Pan, you don't charge any fees, right? Whether you accept it or not, I'm responsible for the whole crew's food tonight. You're a professional. It's really flattering to shoot the advertisement. This advertisement is perfect with Miss Yin's endorsement! "Lin Qianqian also pays attention to it. She knows it's free, but the etiquette can't be forgotten. The staff working on the shooting are still very hard, so inviting a meal is the best choice.

Pan Liguo laughed: "of course, there is no charge. Even if it is forced to me, I don't want it. Mr. Lin is my Savior, so he should know how to repay him. What's more, it's not a big deal to shoot an advertisement. Compared with Mr. Lin for saving me and the whole crew, I have to thank Mr. Lin, so this little thing is nothing at all. "

The crew members who came to shoot the ads were all volunteers, because Lin Kai's Reinvestment Made welfare better.

In all aspects, it is much better than previous investors.

I appreciate it very much. The crew members are very enthusiastic.

Pan Liguo naturally needless to say, did not want to think, on the road, he conceived how to shoot this advertisement, let this kind of advertisement, become more popular.

Hearing this, Lin Qianqian said with a smile, "thank you very much, then."

After pan Liguo also did not say what, in a hurry out of the office, began to prepare for the shooting of advertising matters.

As for Xia Dongluo and Xu Mochou, their faces are not good-looking.

Xia Dongluo, in particular, looked as if he were dead gray. He did not expect that Yin Suyan and pan Liguo really came to work for free.

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