Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1456

Lin Qianqian is suspicious of Xia Dongluo, but she knows that Xia Dongluo is calling there, so it's not good to stop it.

She then asked Lin Kai, if invited a second-line star even, if the second-line star, use.

Lin Kai looked at Lin Qianqian curiously, shook his head and said with a smile: "didn't you say that you have to wait a few days? Why do you need it now? "

How could Yin Suyan have no time? When she was just picking up the film, she began to spend time every day practicing the script of the female role.

Within a month and a half, the script lines of female one had been polished. Not to mention the script lines of the first girl, I have read the whole script many times, trying to figure out the dialogue with other characters and so on.

Yin Suyan is so serious to polish, is to play this role well.

Last time, Yin Suyan was unreasonably asked to change the role, which was very aggrieved.

So it took ten days to build the scene.

In the past ten days, Yin Suyan took a paid vacation. She polished the script lines and didn't need to spend a lot of time studying the script.

In addition, it happened to be in the East China Sea. Lin Kai said that he could be invited at any time.

Lin Qianqian said at this time: "the main reason is that you have made good the effect of this skin care product. If the star is busy, don't call. "

Lin said with a smile: "I'm not busy. I just have time. Or if it's necessary, I'll just ask them to come along. "

"They? Together? "

Lin Qianqian was stunned and didn't understand what it meant.

Lin said with a smile: "I said in the morning that I am busy investing in movies these days. It happens to be shooting in Donghai, and the whole crew is idle for the time being. If you ask professional people to help shoot advertisements, it's much more professional than the photography team you hire. "

Also did not wait for Lin Qianqian to have any reaction, Lin Kai is to dial Yin Suyan's phone, Yin Suyan must have agreed, said will come immediately.

Lin Kai called pan Liguo again. Without thinking about it, pan agreed to Lin Kai. How can we say that Lin Kai is the biggest investor, also provides such a good shooting site and even builds such exquisite ancient buildings.

This was something he didn't even dare to think about before.

What's more, Lin Kai was still his Savior, so he didn't agree and started to come.

In half an hour.

When Xia Dongluo's people arrived, there was a high-speed rail in the neighboring city, and it would take 20 minutes to arrive.

Xia Dongluo invited the female classmate, is a relatively dark skin young girl, the girl is more beautiful, but the hair is a strange shape of the explosion head.

As long as you have seen the recent hot music talent show, you will know her name is Xu Mochou.

Outside Lin Qianqian's company, some people saw Xu Mochou about to enter the company. Some passers-by recognized her and asked for her signature.

Xu Mochou, however, is indifferent and aloof from thousands of miles away. She seems to be suddenly famous, which makes her abnormal expansion.

Xu Mochou looks at all, those passers-by, directly into Lin Qianqian's company.

Several employees also recognized Xu Mochou and wanted a signature.

However, Xu Mo Chou was still in a high attitude. Looking at the crowd, he said in a cold voice: "the boss of your company, invite me to speak for the advertisement. If it wasn't for my old classmate who asked me to come over and speak for this advertisement, I would not look up to your small company. What's more, who is responsible for the spokesperson? I'll say it first. If it's less than five million, I won't shoot it. "

Several employees of Lin Qianqian's company were embarrassed when they heard Xu Mochou's sentence. They didn't expect that Xu Mochou had just become famous, and then he drifted away. Obviously, even the stars are not counted, so they set up a big brand spectrum.

A famous employee couldn't help but murmured: "it's just relying on her own modeling and the show's deliberate gimmicks that made her enter the finals. Although rap is very good, but it is only good. Compared with other players who have entered the finals, it is still far from it. It is not arrogant to make yourself more than a big star, but also a big star. "

"Yes, I don't know what Lin always thinks. Let her represent our skin care products. Don't say I'm discriminating. Look at the skin. It's OK to speak for skin care products. "

Several employees are talking in a low voice.

When Xu Mochou heard these employees talk like this, she looked at Xia Dongluo and said, "Xia Dongluo, don't you say that this company is asking me to come? Why do a few small employees have such an attitude? "

Hearing Xu Mo Chou's icy voice, Xia Dongluo is scared. He is afraid that Xu Mochou will go like this.

He immediately pointed to the employees and yelled, "what should you do! In addition, Xu Mochou now every program broadcast, there is a hot search, enough to prove the flow of Xu Mochou! In my opinion, it is not too much for Xu Mo to ask for 5 million endorsements! Five million is also the second-line stars, a level of weak fame!

It can be said that five million please Xu Mochou endorsement, that's a big profit! If you let Xu Mochou get angry, I'll see how to deal with you! "Although these employees do not belong to Xia Dongluo's Department, Xia Dongluo also belongs to their leaders. If they sue Lin Qianqian, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, these employees dare not speak any more, they can only be very oppressed in their hearts.

They really want to say that what is hot search is that the program group uses Xu Mochou's speeches to create conflicts in order to improve the audience rating.

In short, it is to sacrifice a person, let netizens scold this person, and then enhance the attention.

Xu Mochou is such a role.

However, the more black, it is indeed a kind of traffic, but this flow can not be realized, such as cashing.

When these employees were about to leave, suddenly an employee seemed to think of something and suddenly said, "wait a minute. When I passed by the technology department, I heard Mr. Lin, a young man from general manager Lin, talking to each other. It seemed that he asked a crew to speak for our skin care products. I didn't know whether it was true or not? The director's name is director Pan. "

Xia Dongluo heard this sentence, as if he had heard a big joke: "ha ha! Are you kidding? All the crew? I admit that Mr. Lin has the ability to invite some third tier stars, but it would be too much to ask for a crew! What else director Pan? Are you kidding me! As soon as I hear it, I know that it's a bad director. I guess it's casual. If I pull a person from any media company, I'll act as a director! "

The employee didn't understand this, but when he heard Xia Dongluo say so, he looked very embarrassed and thought he had said something wrong.

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