Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1455

"This material that Mr. Lin brought is also very powerful."

"Yes, just a little, can make skin care products more effective than before, at least more than double!"

"The skin care products we are making now are barely among the first-class skin care products. If there are big stars to speak for, the sales should be OK, but if they are big, it will be far behind. Now Mr. Lin provides the technology, once our skin care products come into the market, it will definitely become popular! Occupy the skin care industry with fierce competition now

A large number of technical personnel are excited to discuss. After all, the company is strong, and their core technical personnel will be promoted along with their salary.

Only Xia Dongluo was not happy. On the contrary, his face was a little gloomy. What he was most worried about was that it happened.

However, he was staring at the small porcelain bottle, and his eyes were different.

There are also several technicians, also staring at the small porcelain bottle.

Lin Kai all saw it. Then he asked a technician to extract the liquid of the three color saplings in the porcelain bottle according to his previous method.

Results the effect of skin care products, although a little increased, but not much.

Many talents understand that although the materials are provided, there are also technologies in it.

This technology, obviously, is not intended to inform them.

Even if they get the liquid from the small porcelain bottle, it's useless.

Let some of the technical personnel who are not on the right track, have given up the idea.

Xia Dongluo, in particular, thought that he knew the formula of the current skin care products. If he got the small porcelain bottle again, he would not be able to open a skin care enterprise.

Unfortunately, it's no use getting small porcelain bottles.

The reason why Lin Kai asked a technician to do so was to eliminate those who had ulterior motives.

as a fairy, he distilled the essence of essence.

But ordinary people can't, so in the future, he will refine the good, to Lin Qianqian's hand custody.

According to Lin Qianqian again, how many skin care products to produce, and then distribute them in person.

In this way, it ensures that the liquid of the three color saplings will not leak out.

It was previously agreed by Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian that the three color sapling liquid can be regarded as a trade secret.

At this time, Xia Dongluo knew that the situation was gone and he had no hostility to Lin Kai.

He moved his other thoughts, so he immediately opened his mouth to Lin Qianqian: "Mr. Lin, I have a college classmate. She sings well. Recently, she participated in a music talent show. Because of her good singing, she has always ranked the top three in popularity among the contestants. It happens that this music talent show is also one of the most popular programs recently.

In addition to the popularity of my classmate, we can consider inviting over as the spokesperson of our company's skin care products. With her help, and with the help of this music talent show, the market will definitely open up soon! "

Xia Dongluo said confidently.

Lin Qianqian shook her head and said, "director Xia, you don't need to worry about this. What's more, Mr. Lin Kailin has made an appointment with a star to speak for this skin care product of our company. He can come here at any time. "

Xia Dongluo looked at Lin Kai with a slight disdain: "Mr. Lin, I admit that as a shareholder of Mr. Lin, I can invite a star. But can you bring in famous stars? And like those first-line stars, with the size of our company, but can't afford it. I this is not the same, although not a star at present, but also a very popular recently.

I also signed an economic company, but it's not so famous, so the cost of endorsements is definitely lower than that of second-line stars or even third tier stars. There is also a very key point, since this is skin care products, it must be more suitable to find girls with good skin. My classmate is well maintained, so she is the most suitable choice.

What's more, what month is the time for movies, TV series and concerts to gather together. Whether it is a first-line star or a second-line star, he or she is busy shooting movies and TV plays, holding concerts and going on various variety shows. The company is not without it. It's special to understand. First and second-class stars have to catch up with all kinds of announcements. When we invite them, they all refuse. Mr. Lin said that those he invited could come at any time. They must be stars below the second tier. "

What Lin Qianqian said was not that she didn't trust Lin Kai, but that she had done an investigation in this respect.

First line stars or second-line stars are very busy.

She also believes that Lin Kai must have invited a first-line star.

But if a first-line star can be called at any time, Lin Kai must have accepted the star's great favor.

Even after thinking about it, she still refused to let Lin Kai accept other people's favor.

She asked: "director Xia, your classmate, are you free?"

Xia Dongluo heard this sentence and understood that there was a play. She responded with a smile: "when she is free, she just finished recording that program some time ago, and now she is quite free. And her hometown is in the city next door. She's in her hometown now. If I invite her, I will be there soon. "

Lin Qianqian nodded: "OK, let's talk about it first, and invite her here first. Of course, whether or not to ask her to speak for her will have to be discussed in detail. I don't guarantee that she will be able to speak for her. After all, they haven't been discussed yet. You should know that. ""You know, come here."

Xia Dongluo's face is excited. In fact, he has a general relationship with the female classmate. He is not familiar with him. He saw the girl student and suddenly became angry.

Before he became so famous, he offered the girl a good chance.

Although the company is not so big, but it is also moderate, and the effect of skin care products endorsement is very good, if the endorsement, it will make a lot of money.

He asked the girl to appreciate him and owe him a great debt of gratitude.

In this way, he can get close to the girl.

At the thought of this, Xia Dongluo's eyes were hot, and he didn't want to go out and call the girl classmate.

However, Lin Qianqian saw Xia Dongluo's indecent expression and frowned slightly. She thought that Xia Dongluo was somewhat unreliable.

She went to Linkai.

Linkai is refining the liquid of three color saplings there.

Seeing that Lin Qianqian is always here, Lin Kai stops to refine.

Lin Qianqian then said, "Lin Kai, the mysterious star you mentioned, can you come here now? Of course, if you don't have time, forget it. Or in other words, if you are busy there, don't call. It's not good

She suspected that Xia Dongluo had something wrong with her, so she had to talk to Lin.

Of course, she didn't want Lin Kai to accept other people's favor, so she asked.

If you can come here now, if you are busy in your hands, don't come here. Then you will be the first and second tier stars.

If you are not busy and have time to come, it should be a second-line star, that's OK.

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