Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1454

For Lin Qianqian's jealousy, Lin Kai had no choice but to shake his head. He had to say, "it's not what you think. Of course, you don't ask me who is. After you, you will meet."

"Oh?" This makes Lin Qianqian curious.

Lin Kai just smiles and doesn't say anything more. Let Yin Suyan and Lin Qianqian meet again.

After all, the new products launched by Lin Qianqian company are cosmetic skin care products, which need Yin Suyan's endorsement.

He had already told Yin Suyan about the matter in the past few days. It happened that Yin Suyan also came to the East China Sea, which was convenient.

Before long, Lin Kai took Lin Qianqian back home.

On the way back, Lin Kai went to buy a birthday cake and a present.

Last time, Dong Shusheng's day, such an accident happened, now naturally compensate.

At home.

Although it is near noon, Dong Shu has already cooked almost all the food. Finally, Lin Qianqian has also made several dishes.

This meal, at last, is a happy and complete meal.

The first two times suffered an accident, originally agreed to eat together, the result did not eat.

At the same time, Lin Kai used true Qi to treat the last injuries for Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu.

And he gave a lot of amulets to the two girls, so as not to be implicated again.

After dinner, Lin Qianqian and Lin Kai talk about business.

When it comes to new products, the main reason is that they have encountered some problems.

The skin care effect is very good, but the taste is not so good, although added spices, but always feel that it is still a little worse.

To push out new products, it is natural to strive for the most perfect.

The reason why Lin Qianqian and Lin Kai talk is to ask Lin Kai whether they know each other or not.

Lin Qianqian knows that Lin Kai has a wide range of contacts.

Lin kaiben intended to recommend an expert in this field, but when he saw Lin Qianqian give him skin care products, he immediately had a way.

That's the three color saplings!

He didn't study the three color saplings thoroughly, but he knew that he had developed the tricolor saplings. He had a very perfect aroma. He could use a lot of components of the three color saplings by slightly extracting the liquid.

Lin Kai didn't think about it. He took out the three color saplings, extracted a drop of liquid, and put it on the skin care product. The effect was excellent!

Not only that, the effect of skin care is amazing!

Lin Qianqian was surprised and pleased to see this. After she said hello to Dong Shu, she asked Lin Kai to visit a skin care factory of her company.

Lin Kai has no objection. He also has shares in Lin Qianqian company.

Before Lei Yuan Group's hand, also want to buy Lin Qianqian company, he also helped to solve the matter.

Half an hour later.

Came to the place where Lin Qianqian company produces skin care products.

As soon as she entered the company, Lin Qianqian called in the technicians of the skin care products and the technical director in charge of the whole process.

Technical director named Xia Dongluo, he took a group of technical personnel, arrived at Lin Qianqian here.

Both Xia Dongluo and the group of technicians were curious. They had just had a meal at noon, so they were rushing to make new technical solutions and try to make skin care products more perfect.

I just don't know why the boss's sudden visit.

At this time, Lin Qianqian pointed to Lin Kai beside him and introduced: "he is a shareholder of our company, his name is Lin Kai, Mr. Lin."

Naturally, this group of people are not interested in shareholders or anything, but because of the company's shareholders, they are employees, they can only reluctantly drum up the palm.

Lin Qianqian went on: "Mr. Lin is here to provide you with the same technology, which can make skin care products more perfect. In various aspects, it is much better than the skin care product we are going to make now. "

Although Lin Qianqian understood that it was the three color seedlings that Lin Kai carried, they could not be exposed, so Lin Kai extracted more than ten drops of liquid from the three color seedlings.

If you want to add a little bit of liquid, you can separate it.

A drop of tricolor sapling liquid can produce a lot of skin care products.

That group of technical personnel heard here, but they are all overjoyed. These days, they want to make skin care products more perfect, it is racking their brains, also did not come up with.

Even the technical director has no way out.

What's more, I've worked overtime for a long time. Now I have shareholders and I've brought my technology. That's great.

Mr. Lin, we're not going to give the recipe to a technician

Lin Kai shook his head: "of course not. Just provide materials, and then you can add them."

The three color saplings are rare treasures, which can't be told to this group of strangers.

That group of technical personnel hears speech, but each one doubts, only provides the material? what do you mean?However, at this moment, the technical director Xia Dongluo said: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to say that just by providing materials, we can make the effect of skin care products more perfect. I don't believe it. It's not that I haven't tried any kind of materials on the market, let alone those on the market. I've got a lot of exclusive recipes, and the results don't match our skin care products. So I don't believe that material will work. "

Xia Dongluo said, eyes can not help looking to Lin Kai, eyes with a touch of bad.

In fact, he didn't just say it because he didn't believe it.

It is worried that if the shareholder really brings good technology, then his position as technical director may not be preserved.

After all, he hasn't made progress for so many days. What's the use of him if he can get rid of all the technology brought by a shareholder?

As a result, Xia Dongluo rejected Linkai very much and wanted to drive him away.

Although it is a shareholder, the actual control is in the hands of Lin Qianqian.

He said that is to let Lin Qianqian drive away Lin Kai.

Lin Kai smell speech, light looked at Xia Dongluo, he can clearly detect that Xia Dongluo is very hostile to him.

He didn't know why, but he didn't care, let alone Xia Dongluo. Even if Lin Yuan stood in front of him, his eyes showed hostility.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan is afraid of him.

Lin Kai Chao Xia Dongluo said calmly, "it's no use, the facts speak."

Also did not wait for Xia Dongluo to speak, Lin Kai let Lin Qianqian take him, to the place of production, there walked in the past.

Surrounded by this group of technicians, Lin Kai takes out a small porcelain vase, which is filled with more than a dozen drops of liquid of tricolor saplings.

then extracted a little essence through the instrument and put it into the production of skin care products.

Use the machine to produce this skin care product, and then let this group of technicians, try the effect of this skin care product.

This skin care product is suitable for both men and women.

In the expectation of this group of technical personnel, the skin care products added with materials have a good effect!

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