Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1449

For Lu Qingfeng's words, Lin Kai shook his head and said nothing more.

Lu Qingfeng's reaction is so fierce that anyone can see that Lu Qingfeng is worried that he can't afford to lose.

So there's no need for Lin Kai to explain more.

Lin Kai also directly ignored Lu Qingfeng's glare. He handed a stack of drawing paper in his hand to the engineer responsible for setting up the film.

That is the engineer Gao Zhengsheng.

Lin Kai said, "engineer Gao, look at the problem. If there is no problem, start construction and finish all the buildings to be built in ten days. "

Gao Zhengsheng didn't immediately pay attention to Lin Kai. After he took over the pile of painting paper, he actually had disdain on his face.

He is a real professional, more than Lu Qingfeng, naturally want to understand construction drawings, can not use manuscripts.

Take the manuscript and explain two situations.

The first situation is to fool at will, the second is to draw their own, quite confident.

Either way, it is extremely irresponsible.

Is it not a dream to draw all kinds of ancient buildings and all the details in one night? Let alone his senior engineer, even his teacher, who is only a few super engineers in China, may not be able to do so.

If Li ya'er was not here, he would not even look at these manuscripts.

Gao Zhengsheng just lowered his eyes and unfolded the first painting paper. He intended to take a look at it at will. But when he saw the architectural figure on the painting paper, he was shocked in an instant.

The architecture on this paper, including all kinds of details, is perfect!

Plane, three-dimensional, magnifying details, everything, the specific values are also written out.

Each line is also extremely accurate, which is better than the intelligence of the computer!

It can be said that as long as you follow the above, 100% can be perfect and build it out! It saves a lot of time!

Gao Zhengsheng's eyes widened and looked at the painting paper in his hand as if he had seen the ghost, with an incredible look.

Li ya'er, beside him, is puzzled by Gao Zhengsheng's expression.

Li Shengxian gave the project to her. Naturally, she tried her best to do it well, so she invited the most top ancient architectural engineers in China.

What can shock a top ancient architect like this?

Li ya'er with a little puzzled, her eyes can not help but fall on the paper on which Gao Zhengsheng unfolds.

Even though Li ya'er was a layman, she also showed incredible color when she saw that the exquisite ancient buildings on the drawings were better than those on computers in various details.

After half a ring, Li ya'er comes back to her senses and looks at Lin Kai. Her eyes show a more worshipful look: "Lin Mr. Lin, this, this is really your painting? "

Lin Kai nodded: "from four or five o'clock in the afternoon, painting to eleven o'clock, we didn't have time to eat dinner."

When Li ya'er hears the speech, her beautiful eyes are full of fanaticism, and she increasingly worships Lin Kai. Now Lin Kai is like a God in her mind.

After Gao Zhengsheng regained consciousness, he still ignored Lin Kai. Instead, he took great care to roll up the painting paper.

Then I unfolded the second painting paper and looked at the exquisite ancient buildings on the painting paper.

As if in his eyes, these are not paintings, but works of art.

The ancient buildings on each painting paper, let alone the details, are described as long as you can think of them, and the unexpected ones are also described.

In particular, all kinds of ancient buildings are different in appearance and details.

Can a person paint for seven hours?

Normally speaking, it doesn't take a few days to draw.

At this time, pan Liguo, Wang Xiaoliang and others also saw the difference, and came to Gao Zhengsheng one after another to watch the painting paper.

Although they are also laymen, as directors, they are quite familiar with the scene. When they see the ancient buildings on the painting paper, their expressions are extremely excited and exclaim. They are almost perfect in line with the buildings described in the script!

Lu Qingfeng followed pan Liguo and Wang Xiaoliang and went to see him. He was worried that he would lose.

However, when he looked at it, his face was completely bloodless. He didn't expect that Lin Kaizhen had managed to do all the drawings and plans!

According to the above drawing scheme, to build the ancient building, construction will be completed in ten days!

In this way, he really changed from male one to male two! It's unacceptable to him!

Pan Liguo laughed: "Mr. Lin is really a god! Not only young and promising, but also amazing medical skills! Today, it is a painting of architecture, but also a magic stroke! With Mr. Lin's drawings, the progress of our film will not be delayed! Can follow the planned process, and even complete the shooting ahead of time

Wang Xiaoliang also said: "yes, with these buildings in the script, including Mr. Lin himself has drawn many other ancient buildings, then shooting will be more convenient and quick, and will not use too many special effects. These magnificent ancient buildings are "special effects" in themselvesA chief director and an associate director are filled with emotion. After hearing this, others are also looking forward to it.

Wu Feifan naturally followed. Seeing these drawings and being recognized by the public, he understood that it was certain that he would replace Lu Qingfeng's role as male one.

He was so overjoyed in his heart that he decided that he had to polish the script lines of male one well in these ten days.

After all, Lin Kai also said that if he did not study the script lines of male one, he would not let him replace him.

Now there is such an opportunity, Wu fan certainly will not let go.

Just as everyone was surprised by Lin Kai's paper, Gao Zhengsheng had already turned to the next one.

However, when Gao Zhengsheng saw the painting paper, he no longer showed an obsessed look, but frowned deeply.

Soon, he pointed to some place of the ancient building on the painting paper and questioned: "is the supporting position of the ancient building reversed? This kind of building is good-looking, but it can't bear the wind force above level 6. This is in the mountains. It is common for the wind force to be above 6. If there is an accident during filming or tourists' sightseeing, it will be a big trouble. "

When others heard the speech, they all frowned at the position Gao Zhengsheng pointed to, as if it was not quite right.

Li ya'er asked, "senior engineer, can I change it?"

Gao Zhengsheng shook his head and said, "in fact, it's not just a matter of reversing it. It's moving the whole body by pulling one hair. I only noticed this. In fact, every building on the painting paper has this problem. It can be modified, but it will take at least a few days. If you don't repair them, these drawings are invalid and useless. It's better to draw them again. "

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