Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1448

"Lin Kai, do you really draw these drawings to build the movie scene?"

At this time, Yin Suyan looked at a large number of drawing paper in his hand, while he couldn't help asking.

Lin Kai is speechless. In fact, this is not the first time Yin Suyan asked.

From Yin Suyan morning, saw this pile of painting paper, began to ask.

He also asked many times along the way, and Lin Kai naturally responded.

So he said helplessly: "Miss Yin, do you just distrust me? You didn't know last night that I didn't have dinner with you in order to draw these drawings. "

Yin Suyan smell speech, rather embarrassed immediately response: "Mr. Lin, I have no other meaning."

With that, she put the paper in her hands and put them away.

Immediately she looked up at Lin Kai and said, "Mr. Lin, I think you are really perfect. It's like you can solve everything. I even wonder if you are human? "

Lin Kai couldn't help laughing: "I'm not a human being. What's that? alien? Or avatar? "

When Lin Kai said this, Yin Su Yan chuckled and laughed.

In this way, in the happy atmosphere, before long, Lin drove his car to the back of the mountain range.

As can be clearly seen from the car, many people are waiting in the open space.

Especially those people's various expressions, Ling Yin Su Yan said with a smile: "look at the engineer, and Wang Xiaoliang, Lu Qingfeng and others. It is estimated that they are all laughing at you."

Lu Qingfeng, in particular, had a bet with Lin Kai. Naturally, he didn't want Lin Kai to win.

Later, if Lin Kai doesn't have any drawing scheme, or the quality of the drawing scheme is too low, he must let Lin Kai fulfill his bet. That is to ask Lin Kai to kneel down on the spot to apologize.

For Yin Suyan's words, Lin Kai just smiles. In fact, he doesn't have any idea. He just wants to bring these drawings and schemes to us. Then let the construction team, early construction.

In this way, the pace of film making will be accelerated.

Although Li Shengxian's company has new products, which can drive a lot of revenue, new products have a long history and can not bring much revenue in a short time.

Only rely on the cooperation of the sales side, sign a contract, get a sum of money.

It's just that now the money is used to invest in the film and build the scene for it.

Of course, the redundant construction scene is also produced by Li Shengxian's company.

After all, it is not only to shoot the scene for the film, but also to put the mountain behind into operation as soon as possible.

After the movie is released, we will take the lead in making scenic spots and making profits.

We have to wait in front of the mountain. The health city under the mountain can be put into operation only after the construction is completed.

This process is still very long, so we have to use the beautiful scenery behind the mountains to attract people.

With the promotion of the film, there is no worry about the first group of tourists.

When the first group of tourists feel that the back of the mountain is worth seeing, they will open the reputation, and then they will not worry about any tourists.

So the development behind the mountains and the early completion of the film are also very important.

Linkai then put the Rolls Royce phantom, randomly stopped in a place, he just took the pile of painting paper to his hand, ready to get off the car.

Yin Su Yan suddenly said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, I still don't feel anxious. I don't like Lu Qingfeng's appearance. It seems that he won the bet. Let him be arrogant first, and then..."

Before Yin Suyan finished, Lin opened the door and got out of the car.

Yin Suyan looked at Lin Kai who got out of the car. She couldn't help but curl her lips. After Lin Kai was white, she also got off the car and followed Lin Kai.

"Oh, Linkai, you are here at last. We started more than ten minutes before we got here, and the result was 20 minutes slower than us. And thanks to your Rolls Royce phantom, you don't deserve to drive. "

As soon as Lin Kai appeared, Lu Qingfeng was attracted by a strange atmosphere of yin and Yang.

What's more, Lu Qingfeng mocked: "he also pretended to take a stack of painting paper. If I'm not wrong, it's just manuscript paper, right? It's not like this. At least you have to take some printed drawings at will

Lu Qingfeng has shot films and TV plays about engineers, and knows some knowledge about construction drawings.

In this kind of large-scale project, the manuscript drawings will not be used naturally. All of them are first drawn by hand, then scanned and printed on the computer, and then the plane, three-dimensional and various angle details are processed with software.

Because intelligent machines must be more accurate than people.

And in the computer after the modification, and then professional drawings for printing, that kind of professional drawings, is to prevent accidents, more vulnerable to damage and so on.

All the drawings in Lin Kai's hands are ordinary A3, A4 and other drawings. At first glance, they are manuscripts, and they are easy to be damaged. Do you use this paper as a construction drawing? What an international joke!Lin Kai looked at Lu Qingfeng faintly and said calmly: "Lu Qingfeng, is it pretending? You don't know immediately. Why do you jump out in such a hurry? Are you afraid that you will lose? Can't afford to lose? "

"Can't afford to lose? Lin Kai, you can't afford to lose Lu Qingfeng sneered and his tone was filled with disdain.

Lin Kai responded faintly: "after all, if you lose, you can't keep the man number one. When the time comes, the man No.2 will play the role of man one. And you can only be a sophomore. With your fame and status, you will not be willing to play the role of male sophomore. That's why I said, you can't afford to lose. "

Lu Qingfeng sneered again: "don't say I can't afford to lose, because you must lose. I don't worry that I can't afford to lose."

Lin Kai shook his head and said, "if you don't worry that you can't afford to lose, why do you get up early in the morning? You didn't say it yesterday afternoon. You didn't even shoot the drama. After a good rest, you could sleep till noon at least. However, I woke up faster than anyone else in the morning, and tried to turn over my drawings and was stopped by me.

You don't even wear make-up. It's not like you wash your hair. I even came here to see if my drawings had been finished. If you do, you'll lose if you build the movie scene in ten days. All sorts of factors show that you are worried that you can't afford to lose. "

Lu Qingfeng's face changed slightly when he was told by Lin Kai. People nearby looked at him strangely, which made him look embarrassed. Looking at Lin Kai, Lu Qingfeng quibbled: "that's because I want to make a good play too!

As a male first, shouldn't I follow Mr. Pan to see the venue first? Therefore, I just woke up in the morning and didn't even have time to wash and wash, so I came with pan. I can't afford to lose! "

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