Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1450

When hearing Gao Zhengsheng's words, except Lu Qingfeng, other people's heart sank.

That is to say, these drawings drawn by Lin Kai are useless?

Pan Liguo is a little worried, but this is related to the process of his own film.

Although his illness has been cured by Lin Kai, if he can finish shooting earlier, he will finish shooting earlier.

So he said, "senior engineer, do you mean that if there is a force of six or more, it is easy to blow down the ancient building?"

"It's not easy to blow down. It's just that the structure of this ancient building is very different from that of our modern architecture. It would be very unstable if we built according to the drawing paper. If the wind force of force 6 or above blows for a long time, it will falter and collapse in the end.

We can't build in the construction industry. After all, if something goes wrong, the first person to be held accountable is the engineer. So I dare not build these drawings. "

After hearing Gao Zhengsheng's explanation, people understood more clearly that these drawings really can't be built. In case of an accident, let alone other things, it's estimated that the film can't be made.

Lu Qingfeng was one of the most excited people on the scene. He sneered at Lin Kai: "ha ha! Linkai! It's said you're going to lose, don't you believe it? Do you really think that if you draw it overnight, you can start construction immediately? It's unnecessary! "

Lu Qingfeng seems to be from hell, suddenly came to heaven, that kind of mood let him incomparably happy, he and Lin Kai bet, it seems that he won!

At this time, Li ya'er looked at Lin Kai and said, "Mr. Lin, the ancient buildings you have painted and all kinds of details are really perfect. But if you really say that to engineer Gao, these drawings are not very good. "

What Li ya'er said is very euphemistic, but we can all hear that these drawings can not be constructed immediately, either redrawn or modified.

Either way, it will take at least a few more days.

Without waiting for Lin to open his mouth, Lu Qingfeng continued to sneer: "so what is euphemistic? Just say, these drawings are invalid!"

Lin Kai's face was very calm. He lifted his eyelids and took a faint look at Lu Qingfeng. He didn't say anything.

He quickly turned his eyes to Gao Zhengsheng and said with a smile, "Mr. Gao, you may as well tell us what problems have arisen."

Gao Zhengsheng was stunned. He didn't expect Lin's meeting to be so calm. Did he accept the problem with an open mind?

Gao Zhengsheng didn't think much about it. He immediately said all the problems that had arisen.

After hearing this, Lin Kai shook his head and said with a smile, "engineer Gao, you have neglected a little bit. As you know, ancient architecture and modern architecture are different, but they have a lot in common. To be exact, modern architecture has absorbed a lot of ancient buildings, and the ancient buildings you know are just superficial. With thousands of years of history, architecture is the second place in the world and no one dares to be the first.

That's because our ancient architecture has a long history. The ancient buildings I have constructed, this kind of structure, can be said to be more stable than the present five or six hundred meter high buildings. Not to mention the six level wind, even if it is to increase several levels of strong wind, are not afraid. In addition, the seismic capacity is also very strong, can withstand at least a magnitude 9 earthquake

Lin Kai did not laugh. The structure he chose was the most solid structure rare in history.

The reason why it is rare is that no one can describe it, but he has the ability to extract and easily describe all kinds of details.

Therefore, this structure and all aspects of security are among the best.

When Gao Zhengsheng heard Lin Kai's words, his expression gradually cooled down. He didn't expect that Lin Kai was refuting him.

He is an engineer in ancient architecture. Can Lin Kai understand ancient architecture better than him?

Gao Zhengsheng snorted: "Mr. Lin, the paper you painted proves that you have a certain attainments in drawing. I am not as good as you are. But in terms of ancient architecture, no one knows better than me, including you. I'm studying the structure of ancient buildings. I'm more thorough than my teacher. My teacher is the only one of the few outstanding engineers in ancient architecture in our country.

In other aspects, I'm not as good as my teacher, but in terms of ancient building structure, I dare say I'm the first in China. You insist that the structure of the ancient buildings you painted is OK, and I can understand it. After all, this is your painstaking painting. It must be hard to accept. All your paintings are invalid.

But don't lose face and force the construction of these problematic ancient buildings. If this harms others, your responsibility is indispensable! Let me put it this way. I won't go to the construction for this kind of problematic drawing scheme! "

Li ya'er sighed helplessly, and said to Lin: "Mr. Lin, otherwise, the drawings and plans will be drawn by senior engineers, which will take only a few days. How about delaying the crew for a few days at most? "

Lin Kai responded faintly: "I said that there is no problem with the ancient building structure on my drawing. If there's a problem with this, I won't bring it out. Senior engineer is only lack of academic knowledge. He claims that he is the first one in China in the study of ancient building structure. In my opinion, it is in vain. "This made Gao Zhengsheng's face even colder: "Mr. Lin, what do you say? You say I'm not academic enough? In vain? "

Lin Kai continued to speak softly: "yes, you don't even know the structure of this kind of ancient architecture. Fortunately, you said that your research on ancient architecture is the first in China. No one knows more about ancient architecture without you, tut... "

Gao Zhengsheng was a little annoyed: "ha ha, tell me how strong the ancient building structure you painted is! If you can prove it, I admit I am in vain; otherwise, you will sue you for slander

Lin Kai shrugged: "since you don't believe it, you have to prove it. So I have to do a simple little experiment. I will build a simple house according to the way of some ancient building structure on my drawing. In this way, we can clearly see whether the ancient building structure is firm or not. "

Are you kidding? He used the extraction ability to extract the best scheme of ancient building structure. Would it not be firm?

But when people heard Lin Kai's words, they were very curious. Was Lin Kai really so confident?

Even Gao Zhengsheng frowned with a little doubt in his eyes. But on second thought, no one knows architecture better than me.

Therefore, Gao Zhengsheng sneered and called in a group of workers.

The good thing is that the materials have already been transported here.

Gao Zhengsheng then directed the group of workers to build simple houses according to the ancient architectural structure painted by Lin Kai.

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