Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1447

Zhou Zhenyuan's face changed a lot. He didn't think that Lin had such a good understanding of the rules of the Internet.

In order to issue a reward mission, he killed many innocent people in order to prove that he was a villain, so that he could release the task of assassination.

At this point, Zhou Zhenyuan once again gloomy face, do not know how to respond, brain flying fast.

But he finally gave up, and while Lin Kai was waiting for his answer, he punched him in the head.

Want to kill Lin Kai in a hurry.

Lin Kai is very calm, no accident, as if in his expectation.

He gently raised his hand to block Zhou Zhenyuan's punch.

Lin Kaiwang looked at Zhou Zhenyuan, a frightened man on his face, and said in a cold voice, "it's a pity that you are still too weak."

Lin Kai said, returning a blow to Zhou Zhenyuan, which directly hit Zhou Zhenyuan's chest.

In an instant, Zhou Zhenyuan flew upside down and hit the wall again. His bones seemed to fall apart.

Not only that, Qiqiao began to bleed.

At the same time, Zhou Yuan was full of pain!

Only after fighting with Lin Kai, can he really understand that Lin Kai is powerful!

He is at least a martial Saint level of ancient martial arts, even if the other side is a strong master, but at least he can withstand a few moves.

However, in front of Lin Kai, like a child, he was easily solved.

When was the martial Saint so weak?

Zhou Zhenyuan thought, the consciousness is also more and more fuzzy.

This blow also hurt his internal organs and was hard to survive.

After a while, Zhou Zhen was killed.

Lin Kai looks at Zhou Zhenyuan, who is dead, and shakes his head slightly.

The reason why he didn't have the ability to tell the truth to ask about the specific location was that it would also involve Zhou Zhenyuan's family.

He is not Zhou Zhenyuan's, indiscriminately killing innocent people.

What's more, Lin Kai is confident that he can find Zhou Zhenyuan's department in a short time.

After all, he has solved two of the six people in this department.

With this department, there is no threat to him.

If you really want to go to this department now, I'm sure I'll make a fuss.

Therefore, under comprehensive consideration, there is still no use to tell the truth about the extraction ability, to ask Zhou Zhenyuan.

As for Zhou Zhenyuan's corpse, it is natural to give it to Jiang Shu.


The next morning.

On the outskirts of Xicheng, Donghai, on the back of that mountain range.

There are hundreds of construction workers and a number of large construction vehicles parked there waiting for something.

As long as we wait, we can start work.

In a relatively high place, Li ya'er stood there to discuss, including Gao Zhengsheng, the engineer.

Gao Zhengsheng looked at his watch and found it was already nine o'clock in the morning. He sneered: "Mr. Lin hasn't come from Lingnan yet. It's been three hours. Should we get to the national road? Are we really going to wait here? Mr. Li, I don't think Mr. Lin has really finished all the drawings and plans.

Even if it's done, it's estimated that it's a kind of shoddy one, which can't be used first. According to my idea, I'd better go back first. I'll think about these drawings well. Although the speed will be slow, the quality will be greatly improved. "

Li ya'er didn't say anything more. He just said, "Mr. Gao, wait patiently. Since Mr. Lin said it would be done, it must be done. As for the quality, we have to wait until Mr. Lin arrives. "

Just as Li ya'er finished, an off-road vehicle came.

They are director Pan Liguo and deputy director Wang Xiaoliang.

Since the shooting place has been changed, Lingnan naturally won't go. So pan Liguo arranged for the whole crew to pack several buses and move all of them to the East China Sea early in the morning.

Pan Liguo and Wang Xiaoliang first came to the back of the mountain range and had a look.

As soon as he got out of the car, pan Liguo saw Li ya'er, who was in charge of it. He said with a smile, "Mr. Li, hasn't Mr. Lin arrived yet? Mr. Lin started a little earlier than I did, but it seems that he took Miss Yin and stopped on the way for breakfast

"No, not yet." Li ya'er responded.

Wang Xiaoliang couldn't help whispering to himself: "it's not right. Even after breakfast, it shouldn't be slower than us. Does it mean that Lin didn't come here because he didn't draw the drawings well? "

Wang Xiaoliang is thinking, another car also came, this car goes down is Lu Qingfeng.

As a few important roles in the film, we must be familiar with the location of the film.

No matter Wang Xiaoliang, Lu Qingfeng, or others, they were all shocked by the beautiful scenery behind the mountains.

They have to admit, this place is really, very suitable for the scene of the film!Of course, after Lu Qingfeng was a little shocked, he found that Lin Kai was not here, and immediately sneered: "Linkai was in front of us. After entering the national highway, it disappeared. I don't think I dare to come. I'm afraid I will kneel down and apologize to me in front of so many people. "

People did not pay attention to Lu Qingfeng's words, but the expression is all eyes dew doubt, is really dare not come?

While waiting for the crowd, Lin Kai, with his Rolls Royce phantom, has come to the western suburbs of the East China Sea.

He glanced at Yin Suyan beside his eyes and said helplessly, "Miss Yin, as you know, I'm in a hurry to send this drawing here. You just yell hungry and stop on the way for breakfast. As a result, one meal is not enough for you, and you have another.

And for the second meal, all the ready-made gravy bags are sold out. You have to wait for a new one to steam. I don't know how long it has been wasted. Women are trouble. "

Lin Kai is quite helpless, not only because Yin Suyan had two breakfast.

Or because of a very important reason, that is, at five o'clock in the morning, Lin Kai was going to the East China Sea.

As a result, Yin Suyan went with him.

Yin Suyan is going to the East China Sea today, so Lin Kai will take it with him.

As a result, Yin Suyan didn't know what was going on today. She had to make up for an hour.

At six o'clock, when pan Liguo and others got up and set off, they went to the East China Sea together.

Otherwise, Linkai will arrive here in the western suburb of the city at eight o'clock.

As a result, Lin kaicai could not help feeling that women are trouble.

"You know I'm a woman, so it's normal for you to bother me?" Yin Suyan rolled her eyes, and then she looked down at a stack of drawings in her hands, with a strong color of worship in her beautiful eyes.

It took about seven hours for Lin to draw these plans.

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