Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1446

After all, Zhou Zhenyuan is also a master of martial Saint level. After a short shock, he reacted quickly and quickly prepared to flee here.

But how could Lin Kai give Zhou Zhenyuan a chance to escape. First of all, he tripped Zhou Zhenyuan.

If you change to do it, you can't do it, and you will trip Zhou Zhenyuan.

This shocked Zhou Zhenyuan. Lin Kai was as powerful as rumors.

After he was tripped, he did not give up running away. He used his whole body strength to break out of terror in an instant. First, he got up, and then at the fastest speed, he went to the wall outside the villa and jumped away.

Zhou Zhenyuan also belongs to the middle level among the martial saints and ancient warriors.

If faced with any master, he thought that he could try, fight with him a few times, and then run away.

But now it's Lin Kai! I don't want to fight with Lin Kai at all! Even think, do not dare to think!

After all, Lin Kai is the master who can suppress Lin Yuan. At present, he only has the idea of running away!

However, when he just jumped on the wall, Lin Kai came to Zhou Zhenyuan's side in an instant.

And Lin Kai, also seized Zhou Zhenyuan's shoulder, and then threw it down mercilessly, throwing Zhou Zhenyuan on the ground in the villa courtyard.

Lin Kai fell next to Zhou Zhenyuan and looked down at him with a smile: "when the guests come, they don't welcome them, but they want to escape.". It's just a matter of escaping. Now you have to pay me such a big gift. "

Zhou Zhenyuan stood up unsteadily and realized that he couldn't escape from Lin Kai's hand. His face was gloomy and terrible. Looking at Lin Kai, he asked knowingly, "who are you? What can I do for you? "

"Oh? Do not know me, why see me at the first glance, say how you are? Not only that, but they fled immediately. "

Lin Kai glanced at Zhou Zhenyuan and spoke leisurely.

This sentence left Zhou Zhenyuan speechless.

Lin Kai then opened his mouth: "Fujino Jiro, I think, you know better than me. So I'm just here to talk. If it's a good conversation, I can save your life. If you don't have a good conversation, do it yourself. "

Zhou Zhenyuan's face became more gloomy, and the last glimmer of hope in his heart was immediately dashed.

He thought that Lin Kai knew he was here because of something else.

However, after hearing the name of Fujino Jiro, he knew that on the Internet, Lin Kai was the one who returned his good and evil.

Zhou Zhenyuan is powerless in his heart, but Lin Kai is hard to deal with even his own boss, let alone him.

So he had to bow his head and ask, "well, what do you want to talk to me about?"

When Lin Kai heard Zhou Zhenyuan say this, he laughed again: "the practitioner is a Junjie, but since you know me, you must know what I'm looking for you for. So there's no need for me to ask? "

Lin Kai can naturally use the ability to tell the truth, but there are still some defects in the ability to tell the truth.

For example, after Lin Kai asks a question, the other party only answers the question. Sometimes it is not comprehensive.

Therefore, if you can let the other party answer by yourself, you can answer by yourself. Then combined with the ability to tell the truth, it is more comprehensive.

Zhou Zhenyuan was quite hesitant. When he heard Lin Kai say this, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm Lin Yuan's man!"

Lin laughed. Although he knew it for a long time, Zhou Zhenyuan himself admitted that it was a good start.

He nodded slightly and said, "that's right. You go on."

"Linyuan has several special subordinates, and there will be no relationship between them. My subordinates are composed of six martial saints and ancient warriors. Because Lin Yuan got the fatal information of the six of us, he had to work for him. Of course, because of the high price Lin Yuan gave, he was willing to work for him in the end.

The six of us have been following Lin Yuan's orders. However, Lin Yuan is cautious and will not direct orders to us. Moreover, he was ruthless. A few days ago, one of our partners was chased by Lin Yuan. Now, life and death are unknown. "

Lin Kai couldn't help but say, "that Zheng Tianhao, right? He's dead. "

"What?" Zhou Zhenyuan was obviously suppressed, especially from the mouth of Lin, more frightened.

So, Zheng Tianhao was killed by Lin Kai.

Zhou Zhenyuan looked at Lin Kai in fear, and then continued to speak: "but these days, Lin Yuan has no energy to deal with you, so he ordered to arrange for us to find a way to deal with you. It's said that Lin Yuan was secretly planning to annex large families and groups in several cities nearby. After all, he was targeted in the East China Sea and could not annex the East China Sea any more.

As a result, Lin Yuan set his mind on several nearby cities, including Lingnan, which is also part of the plan.

I don't know what the plan is. But the task of assassinating you, let me cooperate with Fujino to assassinate you. "

Lin Kai said again, "you take me to the Department where you are."Zhou Zhenyuan immediately shook his head: "I also said that I have the handle in Lin Yuan's hands. Moreover, if I betray him, Lin Yuan will definitely fight against my family."

"Your family?" Lin Kai frowned.

Zhou Zhenyuan said helplessly: "compared with other people in the Department, my situation is worse, and I know the specific location of my family. At one time, someone from another department also learned about the family's specific location, and then put down a cruel hand to destroy the family. I don't need to say more about Lin Yuan's ruthlessness. "

Lin Kai nods to himself. Lin Yuan can do this kind of thing.

He thought for a while and asked, "I'm not Lin Yuan. I won't involve your family. You can, don't take me to your department. Even without you, I believe that after that, I can also find it. It's just a matter of time. "

Lin Kai is not joking. He has gradually grasped the secret power of Lin Yuan. If he explores it deeply, he can still find it.

Zhou Zhenyuan did not expect that Lin Kai was so good at talking, and he was relieved.

But before he relaxed, Lin Kai said: "the former did not chat. Now we talk about the Internet. What means does Lin Yuan use to register the Internet, and you are on the Internet. How do you release the reward task? Please answer me

Internet is a global underground dark transaction. It is more difficult to register an internet account than to ascend to heaven.

Especially in the position of China, it is even more difficult.

Of course, by means of forest resources, registration is no problem.

But to release a task, it has to go through a variety of audits.

In addition to proving that you are a villain, you should also provide evidence.

That is to say, the matter was handed over to Zhou Zhenyuan. Then Zhou Zhenyuan provided evidence that he was a villain and successfully released the reward task.

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