Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1445

Before Lin Kai was a special soldier, now he is an immortal.

For the girl this stubborn, he will not have, any soft hand.

Since one time and two times, for the girl to wash water, do not wake up, then four times five times.

Four times and five times, I still haven't sobered up, but I've doubled it eight times and ten times.

Until the end, the girl almost fainted and went crazy. She didn't have any strength. She glared and scolded Lin Kai.

At this time, the girl's face was pale and weak. And that wet hair, constantly dripping water, also have water in the mouth.

The girl had no previous indifference. Looking at Lin Kai, she was full of fear. It seemed that in her eyes, Lin Kai was a devil.

"It's good. It's better than at the beginning. I don't stare at me or scold me." The girl is smiling.

This smile, the girl can not help but tremble, as if afraid, Lin held a meeting to take her again, under the tap.

She was no longer stubborn, biting her silver teeth and saying, "asshole! What are you trying to do! "

Lin Kai didn't respond immediately. Instead, he grabbed the girl's head and pressed it under the tap. This time, it was as long as 30 or 40 seconds.

The girl was choked by water and coughed constantly. She vomited water and begged for mercy: "let me go! Please! Let me go! Or you will die! "

Hearing this, Lin Kai pulled the girl back from under the tap.

"Oh? I don't think you're afraid of death. "

Lin Kai shook his head and laughed: "I really thought you would not be afraid of death."

Also did not wait for the girl to respond, Lin Kai then said leisurely: "you don't want to be taken care of by me? You passed my examination, tens of thousands of yuan a month, which is a small thing to me. How about I give you 100000 yuan a month? If it's not enough, you can discuss it again, on the premise that you obey me. "

Lin Kai said that nature is false. He just tried. The girl was afraid.

Sure enough, the girl was so busy that she shook her head and shook her head like a rattle. She refused without hesitation: "I don't want to be taken care of by you! So please let me go

There was also a shiver in his voice, which was really very scared.

When Lin Kai heard the speech, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "do you know? If you are taken care of or stay in this club, you must do whatever you are asked to do, whether by the patron or by the guests in the club. What's a cool shower under the tap?

When the time comes to brainwash you, your whole life will be over, it will only be a tool to let out. So, you want to do this? "

Lin Kai's every word, like a needle, straight into the girl's heart.

The girl's eyes showed a strong color of panic. She didn't want to be like this. She really didn't want to be like this, so she kept shaking her head: "I don't want to be taken care of! I don't want to stay in this club! "

"Oh, no? Don't you think it's too little money? Well, I'll give you a million dollars a month. In this one, I'll do whatever I want to do to you. How about that? " Luring Lin to open his mouth.

"Boo hoo, no matter how much money I give, I don't want to be fostered!" The girl began to cry: "please! Please let me go

Hearing this, Lin Kai's look returned to normal. Looking at the girl's remorse now, he knew that what he had done before had not been done in vain, which had a great effect.

This is not the reality, it is much more cruel.

It would be more terrible than death to be played with by some devious people.

Lin Kai shook his head slightly, and then he took out all his cash, which was not much.

After all, there are very few people with cash in these days.

After that, Lin Kai handed over all his cash to the girl and said, "the money is not much. It's just the travel expenses. You'd better go home. There are many ways to make money in the world. The most simple and direct way is to read well. You are not old enough. You should still be at school age. Or add a message, if you have any difficulty, you can contact me later.

If it's the cost of going to school, or what happened to my family, you can contact me. "

Lin Kai said, also put his business card, to the girl's hands.

It is the so-called sending Buddha to the west to help people to the end.

He chose to help the girl, and he did the same.

But it's also about helping with principles, not without brains.

The girl was obviously stunned by Lin Kai's words. She didn't think that Lin Kai was going to help him.

Also did not wait for the girl to have any reaction, Lin Kai and quickly pulled her out of the compartment.

At the stairway on the second floor, several strong men with tattoos were still lying on the ground, screaming with pain.

When they do this kind of business, they dare not call the police. They are trying to kill themselves.

They did not dare to call an ambulance. They had to wait for someone to come and send them to the hospital.Lin Kai noticed that the girl's eyes stopped at one of them for a while.

That person is the leader of these people. It seems that this person is the brother Xiaodao, that is, this club. He is the most heinous person.

As a result, when Lin Kai passed by, he secretly used his true Qi to castrate the knife brother.

This kind of castration doesn't have any feeling. I can only wait for brother Dao to find out.

Other people in the club already know that brother Xiaodao and others are Lin Kaida.

So when he saw Lin Kai, he was afraid and did not dare to stop him.

So that Lin Kai with the girl, incomparably smooth out of the club.

On the side of the road, Lin Kai called a taxi for the girl. No matter whether the girl would like to or not, he took the girl into the taxi. Then he said, "it's nearly midnight. It's not too late. You'd better go home. If you have anything to do, you can contact me. "

The girl did not refuse this time, and even said a rare sentence: "thank you."

Lin grinned and didn't respond much. Then he looked at the taxi and walked away.

After that, Lin drove the Rolls Royce phantom to the villa area in Lingnan.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a villa.

Lin Kai didn't sneak in directly, but rang the doorbell at the gate.

Before long, there was a messenger at the door: "who?"

"Take out."

"Take out? I didn't order takeout. Where did I get it? " I'm confused.

Lin Kai calmly said, "someone should have ordered it for you. Mr. Zhou Zhenyuan of District 6, 123 Zhongtu Road, Lingnan, is this the right place?"

After hearing this, the other side opened the door.

"Wait at the door. I'll go out." Face to face.

But after a while, Zhou Zhenyuan came out of it.

When he saw Lin Kai for the first time, he was shocked: "how is it you?"

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