Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1444

"Three of you, I abandoned your elixir field, not only that, but also castrated you chemically, so that you would not harm other girls in the future."

After Lin Kai finished speaking, he walked out of the private room.

He was in the process of uncovering the ability to tell the truth, he ran the real Qi and abandoned the elixir field of the three men in suits.

That is to say, these three people are useless and can't use the means of ancient warriors.

Not only that, he also castrated the three men with genuine Qi. Since he has seen it, he will not ignore it.

In addition to these two kinds of injuries, the three people had to stay in hospital bed for at least half a year.

This is a severe punishment for the three of them.

Lin Kai didn't care how the three men treated themselves, but he almost did that kind of unreasonable thing. He still had to teach him a lesson.

When Lin opened the private room, he quickly went to a private room next door and walked in.

When Gangyi went in, he saw that there were several young girls crying in the private room. They all looked at Lin Kai in fear that Lin Kai would take them away.

These young girls are very young and their families are basically poor. I wanted to find a part-time job while reading, but I was cheated into it by a man named brother Dao.

When these young girls realized that they were wrong, it was too late.

The knife brother used threats to keep them here.

At this time, Lin Kai saw these young girls who were just like startled birds. He sighed in his heart that this was the danger of the world.

Fortunately, he met them today. Otherwise, these young girls will definitely be destroyed in the future. It will be an endless nightmare.

But Lin Kai found that one of these young girls was a little special.

This special girl is the most beautiful of these young girls.

It's not because she's beautiful and special. In fact, it's because, compared with other girls, this girl looks very calm and doesn't have any crying.

Even in terms of facial expression, it can be said that it is not calm, but the indifference to the world.

Lin Kai was just a little curious, and immediately said to them, "you don't have to worry. The group of people in this club have been solved by me. You go now, and be more careful in the future. Don't be cheated."

He also asked why these young girls would be cheated, so he added a special sentence.

In addition to that some special girl, other young girls, each of them was extremely surprised, and then quickly fled to the private room.

Only some special girls, but sit there, do not move, there is no meaning to go.

This let Lin open frown, immediately walked over to ask: "this girl, why don't you leave?"

"Why am I leaving?" The special girl first looked at Lin Kai, her eyes were very cold, but her face showed a smile more beautiful than flowers, and asked, "do I look beautiful?"

Although he is smiling, his eyes are still cold.

Lin opened his eyebrows and frowned deeper. He did not open his mouth to respond to anything. He just looked at the girl quietly.

Seeing that Lin Kai didn't speak, the girl continued: "five thousand, buy it now, double the price for the night package. And it's my first time, so there's no discount. "

The girl said it with a calm look, as if she were telling something very common.

If other girls said that, Lin ignored the meeting directly, but this girl made him feel strange.

It's the first time. Why is it so peaceful? Is it to say, brainwashed by this club?

If that's the case, Lin Kai will never sit back and ignore it.

So he asked, "are you voluntary or forced?"

"It's none of your business." The girl said and said, "as long as you give me money, I will do it."

She suddenly laughed. Of course, her eyes were still cold: "if you think I'm good, if you have the ability, you can spend tens of thousands of yuan a month, and it's OK to take care of me."

Hearing this, Lin Kai could not help but walk towards the girl.

Seeing that Lin Kai is getting closer and closer, the girl sneers at her. She says that all men in this world are the same. On the surface, they look like dogs and men, but each one is hypocritical.

For example, the man in front of him did not promise or refuse. What does this mean? Explain that this is in default.

What's more, the man began to walk towards her, which was more obvious.

If before, if this man had refused, she would have looked up, now full of scorn.

In fact, she despises herself more. If it was not for lack of money, she would not sell her body at such a low price.

Being taken care of by this man is always like being in a club.

And the more and more close to this man, also very handsome, not a loss.

While the girl was thinking, Lin Kai had come to the girl.The girl immediately stopped thinking, quickly stood up, and then showed her slender figure, which just said: "are you satisfied? If satisfied, I will follow you... "

Before the girl finished, she suddenly stopped. She was not interrupted by any voice. She stopped talking by herself.

Because when she was talking, she could see clearly that there was no indecent meaning in the eyes of the man in front of her, or even her thoughts.

The girl can sense that the man in front of her is just looking at her purely.

What's more, the girl didn't expect that the man in front of her immediately grabbed her arm.

Lin Kai didn't exert any force, just took her to the bathroom.

Without waiting for the girl to react, Linkai takes the girl to the faucet and turns on the faucet.

"Ah! What are you going to do to me! Let me go

The girl finally panicked and wanted to struggle out of Lin Kai's hand, but as an ordinary weak girl, how could she get rid of Lin Kai's hand?

So even if the girl tried to resist, she was forced to take it under the tap by Lin Kai and poured water on the girl's hair.

Of course, more than ten seconds later, Lin Kai took the girl back from under the tap.

She glared at Lin Kai with her wet hair.

Lin Kai sees this scene and continues to catch the girl under the tap.

It's no use letting girls struggle.

More than ten seconds later, Lin Kai moved the girl from under the tap again.

The girl is still unconvinced and even scolds Lin Kai.

Lin Kai is indifferent, and goes round and round like this, using the water from the faucet to cool the girl.

In fact, the purpose of Lin Kai's doing this is not for other purposes, but just to make the girl sober up.

Unfortunately, the girl is very stubborn.

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