Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1422

"What's more, the script of Yin Suyan No.1 has been obtained for a month and a half. I must have a deep understanding of the characters in it. After all, if you switch on the role tomorrow, it will affect the progress. After changing the role, the lines are not familiar, and the image of the role is not understood, which is even worse. "

Lu Qingfeng quickly added that he didn't really want to be in his heart. Yan Xin and he played against each other.

If Yin Suyan plays with him, he still has a chance to contact Yin Suyan, which makes it easier to take Yin Suyan.

If Yan Xin becomes the first female in the film, it will destroy his chance.

Lu Qingfeng was in a hurry and finished speaking for Yin Suyan.

However, as soon as his words came out, the atmosphere in the private room reached the climax.

Director plus Male No.1 and No.2 are both talking for Yin Suyan, which makes Yan Xin very unhappy.

Yan Xin also did not care what, a hot brain, shouting: "I also have the script of the No.1 female role! In one and a half months, I have figured out the script of female No.2 and No.1, so I can shoot and start it tomorrow! "

When hearing this sentence, Yin Su Yan's eyes showed a glimmer of enlightenment, and then looked at Yan Xin, his face was very calm.

She said she was asked to change roles for no reason.

Over the years in the film and television industry, no one is just the last one to arrive, not late, but also a few minutes ahead of time.

Female number one and female number two change roles, this kind of appalling thing.

Now that sounds like this, it must be Yan Xin and Cao Rongsheng. There is some kind of private transaction.

Otherwise, what does it mean for a female No.2 to take the script of female No.1 to speculate?

If we just want to make the role of female No.2 better and more natural, we can take a look at the script of female No.1, which is totally OK.

But if you try to figure out the script of female No.1, it will be a big problem. Isn't it that you regard yourself as a female No.1?

It's obvious that Yan Xin has already made preparations. She will be the No.1 girl in this cinema!

Yan Xin saw the people's different expressions, and knew that he was in a hurry and said something wrong. However, seeing Cao Rongsheng's face normal, he did not blame anything, and was immediately at ease.

Assistant Yu Qiyang also saw Cao Rongsheng's present look. Before Cao Rongsheng could speak, he immediately said: "the words of general manager Cao are not just casual words, but are determined after careful consideration. Therefore, it is necessary to change the role, let Yan Xin be the female number one of the film, and Yin Suyan is the female number two.

If not, I believe that Mr. Cao will not invest in this crew again and let you live and die! If you don't have a big investment, how can you shoot it? "

After Yu Qiyang's words were finished, those who just spoke for Yin Suyan shut their mouths one after another.

Although the film may be criticized for changing roles, it is widely publicized. Even if the final quality is not good, it can attract a large number of audiences and buy tickets in the previous few days.

The box office is bound to be amazing. No matter how many directors and stars, there are box office dividends. The higher the box office, the more you get.

What's more, the film pay after the performance is also very high. If they don't have this big investment, how can they get the high pay.

As a result, pan Liguo, Lu Qingfeng and others stopped talking. Instead, they all looked at Yin Suyan to see what Yin Suyan meant.

The eyes of all the people on the scene are focused on Yin Suyan.

Yin Suyan's face was still calm. She immediately said with a faint smile: "at the beginning, it was pan daosan Gu Maolu. Please let me try the role of the female No.1. In order to perform that effect, I asked for several auditions. Director Pan and screenwriter Hao agreed that I could be a perfect match for the female No.1. In addition, I loved the role of the No.1 girl, and agreed to participate in the shooting of the film. "

Yin Su smoked for a moment, and then began to speak slowly: "if there is any other reason, let me replace female No. 2, I am OK. As an actor, his job is to play a good role. No matter what the role is, he can play it well. Female one, female two, in fact, is also a trivial matter.

However, if only because of some kind of private transaction, leading me to change my role, I will not let it succeed. A contract has been signed. In this case, you are in breach of contract. "

Yin Suyan's tone gradually became a little cold: "if general manager Cao insists that Yan Xin be the first female in this film, I can't say. According to the contract, I can terminate the contract, and I will no longer participate in the shooting of the film."

After that, Yin Suyan's face returned to calm. For her, it was a small matter whether she would participate in the film or not.

Of course, the brokerage company behind her may not be good.

There are still a few months left in the contract she signed with the brokerage company, so she still has to follow the arrangement of the brokerage company in these months.

However, her fame is too big, leading to the brokerage company on her, basically no restrictions.

Still, it's better to get involved in the film.

Therefore, Yin Su Yan took another look at Pan Liguo.

Pan Liguo, as a director, has a decision in this regard, but he would not have invested in the film without following Cao Rongsheng's advice.At that time, pan Liguo had to look for other investment companies.

However, it is not so easy to find.

Pan Liguo hesitated a little, and then said to Yin Suyan, "Su Yan, female number two has a lot of parts, but the role is not pleasing. I think you'd better think about it again. Sometimes there is a certain reason to step back, or it's not good for anyone, don't you? "

After hearing pan Liguo's words, Yan Xin's face showed a smile of pride, even the chief director of the film, said so.

Coupled with Cao Rongsheng's meaning, it can be said that she has become the No. 1 female in the film, which is a matter of certainty.

In this world, in addition to money, power is also very important!

If money and power are added together, we can really do what we want!

Cao Rongsheng has both money and power. Even if you Yin Suyan is famous, you still have to bow to money power!

Yan Xin thought excitedly.

As for the client Yin Suyan, hearing pan Liguo say so, her face did not change, still very calm, she said with a faint smile, and then stood up and said, "director Pan, do you forget that you are not selecting me, but I am selecting you. Many big directors have asked me to cooperate. Recently, two or three directors have been pushed out by me.

Since you agree with Mr. Cao, I have my pride, so I'm sorry. Director Pan, if I have a chance to cooperate in the future, I will go first. "

After Yin Suyan finished speaking, he went to the private room without looking back.

Although she said so tough, but the beautiful eyes, or with a trace of obvious grievance color.

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