Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1421

When Cao Rongsheng said this, everyone was surprised.

Of course, Yan Xin was surprised at first, and then he was extremely surprised. How could he expect that Cao Rongsheng would be so straightforward.

The meaning of this is completely to arrange her to be the female No.1 in the big film of the cinema, while Yin Suyan is reduced to female No.2, which is equivalent to changing roles of two people.

Don't look down upon it. It's just a change of role. However, the female No.1 is the leader. It's the whole line of the film. Her personality is also very gratifying. She will be very popular with the audience.

On the other hand, female No. 2, although she has a lot of parts, is a vicious villain and does not please the audience. This kind of role, unless the old character to control, the old character can do, that really hate the bone, that is success.

But the acting skills are not very good, to play this role, not to mention the promotion of fame, I'm afraid it will cause the audience to scold, it's very good.

Yan Xin thinks that she can't control the female number two, and she is very jealous that Yin Suyan can get the role of female No.1. In her opinion, Yin Suyan should take female No.2.

So she moved up a crooked mind, just as Cao Rongsheng, the biggest investor in cinema films, also fell in love with her.

She took out her best trick and said to Cao Rongsheng that she wanted the female number one.

Unexpectedly, just in the afternoon and Cao Rongsheng had a sleep, so quickly in the evening to get things done, beyond Yan Xin's expectation.

Just before the crowd could react, Cao Rongsheng continued to speak, and his tone was very cold: "Miss Yin Suyan, she is really a good performer, and she has won the most awards in this private room. But it doesn't mean that Miss Yin Suyan is qualified for the female No.1. I also read the script, so I prefer Miss Yan Xin to be the female number one.

What's more, Miss Yin Suyan was the last one to come in, which shows that she has a poor attitude towards work. If she is shooting in the crew in the future, it will be too late for the whole crew to wait? Therefore, director Pan, in my comprehensive consideration, please change the roles of Miss Yin Suyan and miss Yan Xin. "

Yin Su Yanxiu frown, although the face is calm, but still with a trace of anger in her beautiful eyes.

First of all, it is not because of her fame and status that she won the No. 1 role.

She is through several auditions, by Pan Liguo as well as the screenwriter and deputy director, agreed together.

After all, pan Liguo and others are professional directors. It is impossible to let you serve as female No.1 or No.2 because you are famous.

In addition, the screenwriter also comes to the audition. Who can understand the script of this movie better than the screenwriter?

The script is written by a screenwriter. Who is the most suitable character?

The screenwriter also saw the audition of several other actors, including Yan Xin's, and finally decided to star Yin Suyan.

However, Cao Rongsheng said that he had read the script and found it inappropriate.

Cao Rongsheng is a layman. Do you know the script better than the director and the screenwriter?

This is the first point. The second point is that Yin Suyan was not late and did not step on the spot. He was already five or six minutes ahead of schedule.

As a result, in Cao Rongsheng's mouth, it was like being late for a long time.

And within the crew, they started shooting in strict accordance with the set time.

These two reasons make Yin Suyan, who has a good temper, a little angry, which is totally unreasonable.

Don't mention her. Even pan Liguo, the chief director of the film, was also in a state of consternation. When he saw Cao Rongsheng looking at him, he immediately shook his head and wryly laughed: "Mr. Cao, you don't know that Miss Yin Suyan is the first female. It was decided by me, deputy director Cheng, and Hao scriptwriter Hao. I also reported to you at that time. You didn't have any problems. Miss Yin Suyan, no matter in terms of acting skills or lines, perfectly fits the female No.1 role.

In addition, when we publicized the film, we had already publicized it to the public. Miss Yin Suyan was the first female in the film. Miss Yin Suyan's current popularity in China, I don't need to say more. How many fans or passers-by are looking forward to her starring in this film. If such a rash change of roles, fans or passers-by will be disgusted.

Miss Yin Suyan was not late and arrived a few minutes in advance. Besides, I have heard that last night miss Yin Suyan recorded a variety show all night in order to get to Lingnan in time. Originally, she planned to record it for three days. But miss Yin Suyan is very hardworking. She can finish all night long. In terms of work attitude, I think Miss Yin Suyan is very dedicated. So on the whole, please think twice! "

Although pan Liguo was afraid of Cao Rongsheng and replaced him as a director, he also understood that if the female No. 1 of the film was not Yin Suyan, then no one could be competent for the film's female No. 1.

Pan Liguo is aiming at making better films.

If this is destroyed, he would rather not shoot.

The most important thing is that he suspected that Yin Suyan was the last one to come and annoy Cao Rongsheng. There was still some room for him to gently refute Cao Rongsheng's words.

Wu fan, male No.2, also said: "although I hope that Su Yanjie will play female No.2, my male No.2 will become an opponent of Su Yanjie. In order to be better, learn acting skills from sister Su Yan. This is my personal idea, but for the sake of the whole movie, I don't want sister Su Yan to be the number two girl.Anyway, sister Su Yan is the actress who won the 10000 flower award. It's not good for her to be a supporting role for Yan Xin. "

Wu Feifan's fame is not as big as Yin Suyan and Lu Qingfeng, but among male stars, it belongs to the first line.

But Yan Xin computes a second line reluctantly, if not these several months slightly fire, may also be only a third line small star.

Therefore, Wu Feifan looked at Yan Xin and shook her head all the time. It was obvious that Yan Xin was not qualified to be the first woman in the film.

This makes Yan Xin sullen. In fact, she also knows that her acting skills can not meet the requirements of the film's female No. 1, and even female No. 2 is barely able to do so.

But what if she can't do it! As long as you become the first woman in the film, then her fame and status will be promoted again!

What does she have to do with the quality of the film?

But at the moment, Lu Qingfeng also rarely said: "Mr. Cao, I also think this is not proper. It's not a small role. It doesn't matter if you change the role. The key is the leading role, and the starring role is also exchanged, but it's a big event. So I think it really needs to think twice. "

The reason why Lu Qingfeng helps Yin Suyan talk is that the female number one wants to play with him.

Although Yan Xin is also a beautiful woman, she is far from Yin Suyan.

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