Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1423

Yin Suyan in order to play a good role.

For a month and a half, I spent a lot of time reading scripts every day, and then studying script lines and so on.

I didn't expect that, in the end, it was just because of the hidden rules that led to the wasted effort of one and a half months.

Cao Rongyan has no choice but to compromise with her, but naturally she will not be aggrieved.

At this time, Yin Suyan just walked out of the private room, there was a figure standing in front of her.

Lin Kai, of course, was the figure. Although he did not stay in the private room, he could clearly understand the whole process under the golden pupil.

After all, the task of the system is to protect Yin Suyan one day. He uses the golden pupil to see if Yin Suyan will be in it and whether there is any danger.

Just to see, Cao Rongsheng and others, unite to bully Yin Suyan.

Lin Kai couldn't help asking, "Miss Yin, do you really don't play this role? I think you like the female number one character

Yin Su Yan's eyes show a trace of doubt, do not understand Lin Kai, how to know what happened in the private room.

But on second thought, Lin Kai's ability is beyond her imagination. She can even avoid the gun. It's normal to know what's going on in the private room.

Yin Suyan did not think much, and then said with a smile: "although it is a little pity, but nothing."

She wants to laugh very often. It seems that there is nothing wrong with her. But after Lin Kai, the grievance in her eyes is more intense. Even the smile seems to be worse than crying.

Yin Suyan doesn't want to be like this, but in front of Lin Kai, he can't control it.

Seeing Yin Suyan's expression, Lin Kai continued to ask, "I don't regret the previous decision."

Yin Suyan smell speech, originally prepared to say no regret.

But in the face of Lin Kai, she always reveals her most real thoughts. She sighs slightly: "it's false to say that you don't regret it. It's a little bit more or less."

Lin Kai didn't show any surprise. Instead, he said with a smile: "when I sent you to Lingnan, you took the initiative to talk to me about the role you want to play. It takes a lot of energy to say that you like the role. You must play it well and show it to the audience. Then in the private room, you can still fight, rather than give up decisively. "

"Mr. Lin, I still don't want to talk about it."

In Yin Su Yan's beautiful eyes, there were tears swirling in her eyes, and she sighed heavily: "Mr. Lin, I won't fight for it. The outcome must be the same. It's better to be decisive. Thank you, Mr. Lin. we don't have to stay here. Let's go. I'll treat you to a meal

Lin Kai didn't mean to leave. Instead, he took Yin Suyan's hand and asked with a smile: "Miss Yin, I have said that today is your bodyguard. Since you have been wronged, you should be fair. So I'll take care of it for you. "

The system task to protect Yin Suyan is not only to encounter life danger, but also to protect Yin Suyan in such a situation.

Regardless of the task of the system, Lin Kai saw that Yin Suyan was wronged and couldn't watch it. So the Lin family decided to make justice for Yin Suyan.

Without waiting for Yin Suyan to finish speaking, Lin Kai pulls Yin Suyan and walks into the private room.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone in the private room, Lin Kai takes Yin Suyan back to the previous position of Yin Suyan.

Not only that, Cao Rongsheng, Yu Qiyang and others can also feel the fierce breath of Lin Kai.

In particular, Cao Rongsheng, as if this fierce breath, is aimed at him in general, let him a little breathless.

Cao Rongsheng was shocked in his heart. He still hardened his head and yelled at Lin Kai: "little bodyguard, don't go out quickly!"

Hearing this, Lin Kai sneered, "is Cao always right? I don't mean anything else. Just come here and let you choose. There are two options available to you. The first choice is that Yin Suyan is still the No. 1 female in this film. You also continue to invest in it, but you can't use any methods to make Yin Suyan suffer any grievances.

The second choice is, I heard that the script, the crew and the actors were all brought by director Pan. You just need to invest in it. Then you can not invest, you and your assistant can go directly! "

Cao Rongsheng laughed when he heard Lin Kai's words.

Assistant Yu Qiyang, as well as Yan Xin and Lu Qingfeng, also laughed.

It is Pan Liguo and Wu extraordinary, both eyebrows a wrinkle, and then did not have too much reaction.

"Ha ha! Do you want to laugh me to death? The first choice, why should I let Yin Suyan continue to be the first woman in the film? I'm the biggest investor. I'll let whoever I want to be the No. 1 woman!

As for the second choice, it is even more ridiculous! This movie needs a lot of special effects. It needs a lot of money to support the shooting! This film has a lot of investment. If I hadn't invested in this film, who would have dared to invest in it? "

Cao Rongsheng sneers, but also full of confidence, you know, this cinema film is a big investment.Other investors have no guts to make big investments like him.

Assistant Yu Qiyang also immediately echoed: "boy, this movie is a big movie with a big investment of less than 3.4 billion yuan. Do you know what the concept is? It is also a top-notch film investment production level in foreign countries! In addition to the current film industry, although the box office is getting better and better, investors are cautious. Without Mr. Cao's investment in this film, do you really think other people dare to invest in this film? "

Yan Xin couldn't help but sneer at Lin Kai: "a bodyguard is a bodyguard. I don't know where Yin Suyan was hired. Let such a person be a bodyguard. I don't worry about whether I will be trapped by this bodyguard? Yin Suyan, I advise you to change your bodyguard. Otherwise, you will fall into blood mould because of this bodyguard. It will be too late to regret. "

Lu Qingfeng had a great hatred for Lin Kai, but he would not let it go at this time. He took such a good opportunity and looked at Lin Kai with ridicule and said, "you bodyguard, you are stupid. Didn't you hear what you said before? This is not a place for a small bodyguard like you to stay! Get out of here! In order not to affect the appetite of eating! "

Lin Kai's face did not change in the face of several people's taunts.

He immediately shook his head and laughed: "who says no one dares to invest? I invested. "

The plain tone seems to be telling a very common thing.

Lin Kai's words made several people laugh.

"It's killing me! You a small bodyguard, can get 3.4 billion? What a fool Lu Qingfeng was the first one to sneer.

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