Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1420

Anyone can hear Cao Rongsheng's dissatisfaction with Yin Suyan.

And assistant Yu Qiyang said something, obviously for Yin Suyan self penalty cup, feel too little.

It's better not to drink a glass of wine.

Yin Suyan has already sat in a position. Lin Kai is not far behind Yin Suyan's position, which does not hinder the dinner.

Yu Qiyang suddenly noticed that Lin Kai, who was behind Yin Suyan's position, asked in a cold voice, "who is this man?"

As Yin Suyan was just about to speak, Lu Qingfeng said at the first time, "that's just one of Yin Suyan's bodyguards. I really don't know what Yin Suyan thinks. It's insulting to let the little bodyguard bring to this high-end dinner. It's insulting to our most respected general manager Cao, and to this 888 private room!"

"He's here. I don't think anyone has any appetite. After all, if you look at a lowly servant, what kind of appetite can you have?"

Lu Qingfeng said more excited, more said with incomparable hatred, obviously hate Lin Kai teeth itching, finally let him seize the opportunity, immediately against Linkai! This time, he let Lin Kai lose face! Only in this way can he be relieved a little bit!

"Well? It turns out to be a little bodyguard. I think it's who. "

Sure enough, Cao Rongsheng was even more dissatisfied and snorted to Yin Su Yan: "what's the matter with you? Why did you bring a bodyguard in? "

Yin Suyan frowned: "Mr. Cao, in the afternoon, I communicated with you in advance, saying that I could bring my bodyguard in because I got your order. Have you forgotten? "

When Yin Suyan said this, Cao Rongsheng suddenly said something, and then his face was a little ugly. He really had a little impression. In the afternoon, he was in the room with Yan Xin, making a lot of changes.

Then he received a phone call from his secretary asking if Yin Suyan could bring his bodyguard over.

At that time, at the critical moment, Cao Rongsheng said that he could.

But after the event, he forgot about it.

Did not expect to be so embarrassed, this is not in their own face?

Cao Rongsheng's assistant Yu Qiyang, seeing his boss's look, knew that Cao Rongsheng had agreed, and then forgot.

Assistant, after all. Very smart.

Yu Qiyang hastily made a comeback for Cao Rongsheng and sneered: "we Cao always agreed, but we didn't promise to bring you directly into the dinner party. You can arrange it outside the room. You come in with your bodyguard. How can we start this meal? It's not necessary for him to get out of the restaurant

Hearing this, Yin Suyan frowned deeply. How could she not know that it was Cao Rongsheng's temporary repentance, and she did not know how to refute it.

If it's just Lu Qingfeng, it's a small matter for Lin Kai.

But now it is the biggest investor in the film. It is very difficult for Lin Kai.

Before Yin Suyan said anything, Lu Qingfeng became more confident after hearing Cao Rongsheng and Yu Qiyang. After all, they also began to target Lin Kai.

In a different dimension, Lu Qingfeng stared at Lin Kai unscrupulously and continued to sneer: "boy, are you deaf or blind? Did not see or hear, even our investor general manager Cao, let you get out, you still do not roll! This is a place you can't afford to stay in your life! You can only stand outside the door like a watchdog

Lin Kai ignored Lu Qingfeng's words. If it was not for Yin Suyan's face, he would have taught Lu Qingfeng a lesson.

At this time, his face calmly swept to everyone in the dinner party, and then his eyes fell on the embarrassed Yin Suyan.

Without waiting for Yin Suyan to speak, Lin Kai said with a smile: "Miss Yin, it's OK. I'll just stay outside. If there's anything wrong, just shout inside and I'll come in immediately

Yin Suyan smell speech, both guilty and feel, very embarrassed way: "Mr. Lin, let you suffer injustice, in the future will make good compensation for you."

In this regard, Lin Kai just smiles and turns around and goes out the door.

However, at the moment when he was just out of the door, Lu Qingfeng took the opportunity to shout to the waiter outside the door: "waiter! There is a peculiar smell in it. You need to order some fragrant things to purify the room, so as not to eat

The meaning is obvious. It's a mockery of Lin Kai.

As soon as Lin Kai stopped, he could not help looking back at the complacent Lu Qingfeng. He had a smile on his lips.

If you are familiar with Lin Kai, you must know what this smile means.

Of course, Lin Kai didn't do it directly, so he went out at last.

In the private room.

On Cao Rongyan, I'm sorry that she's not in the mood.

In the face of other people's questions and so on, Yin Suyan kept silent and did not go to drink any wine.

In short, the atmosphere is more subtle.

Cao Rongsheng didn't care at all. He said to pan Liguo, "director Pan, I will officially start filming tomorrow. But in order to better shoot the film, I have to say a few words to make the film better. Therefore, before shooting, I still say it in advance, so that if the film is not made well, it will waste a lot of manpower, material resources and funds. "Pan Liguo had a bad feeling. Although Cao Rongsheng was the biggest investor, it was clearly stated in the contract that the investor was not allowed to interfere with the filming.

After all, investors are businessmen who don't know how to make movies and are not professional.

Many investors do not understand, but to intervene, it will lead to poor quality.

Although pan Liguo is also afraid of Cao Rongsheng changing directors, it is also based on the fact that he has the right to make his own decisions in making films.

If he didn't have the right to make the decision, he would not accept the film.

As a result, he was able to decide to hire actors, screenwriters and the rest of the crew.

Unexpectedly, Cao Rongsheng said that, or to prepare to intervene in the film, he did not know whether it was the script or the actors, or other aspects.

No matter what, it has a certain impact on the original shooting plan.

However, pan Liguo was not good at pointing out anything. He could only smile and say, "Mr. Cao, what is your dissatisfaction with? You may say that I will change it and try to make the power supply better. "

Cao Rongsheng first looked at Yan Xin, and then turned his eyes to pan Liguo. He said faintly: "I think female number one, Yin Suyan, is not competent. I think Yan Xin is more suitable for female No.1. I also read the script, female No. 1 role, I think it is very suitable for Yan Xin. So I propose to change roles. In that case, I believe the film will be better. "

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