Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1412

So Lin Kai thought about it a little and said, "Miss Yin, when I get to Lingnan, I can be by your side and protect you for a day or two. If someone is still secretly attacking you, I will help you to seize it. Then there will be evidence to clear the root of the problem. In this way, you don't need to worry about it in the future

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lin! I don't know how to repay you! "

Yin Suyan was extremely surprised. The day before yesterday, she saw how powerful Lin Kai was. If Lin Kai was around to protect her and help her, her whole heart would instantly settle down.

With Lin in, she was relieved.

Lin Kai said: "if leiyuan group is also involved, then I have a certain responsibility. After all, because I published the news of leiyuan group on the Internet, you terminated the contract with leiyuan group, so there is no need for this."

What he said is true. If leiyuan group colludes with some capital city Hangzhou Shaoyu youhang to harm Yin Suyan, it has something to do with him.

Besides, the task of the system is to protect Yin Suyan for one day.

Yin Suyan shook his head: "first of all, I am willing to terminate the contract with the film and television company of leiyuan group. Secondly, Lei Yuan group really wants to participate in it, and it has nothing to do with you. I have a public antidote. So thank you very much

She thought about it and then chuckled, "if there is any advertisement like that in the future, you can ask me for free. Or whatever, it's OK. Although it's not enough to repay the kindness, I can think of it for the time being. At present, I can only think of these things. "

Lin laughed, as if to think of something, and then responded: "you say so, there is really a need to use your endorsement."

"Oh? What kind of endorsement? "

"A main cosmetics, is a good friend of mine new research and development, quality I can guarantee." Lin Kai Dao.

In fact, it is the first cosmetics developed by Lin Qianqian company.

In fact, yesterday Lin Qian Qian for Dong Shu's birthday, came to Lin Kai's home, also incidentally is to talk about this matter.

After a night's treatment, both Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu are still in Lin's home.

In the morning, the two girls asked about Lin Kai.

At the same time, Lin Kai also learned about the status of the two women. Lin Qianqian also explained that her company had developed the first cosmetics and was ready to focus on cosmetics. She needed a famous star to speak for her.

After all, Lin Qianqian knows that Lin Kai has an entertainment company in Beijing.

Lin Kai is ready to arrange his company's artists to speak.

But at present, his company's artists, the most popular also have a line, but also no Yin Su fireworks.

You can imagine how strong the popularity of Yin Suyan is.

Therefore, it would be better to have Yin Suyan's endorsement.

At this time, Yin Su Yan said with a smile: "no problem! I'll use it when I get there

Lin nodded, then continued to drive in the direction of Lingnan.

Another hour and a half to Jinyuan city.

The way to Lingnan is to bypass Jinyuan city.

Yin Suyan saw that Lin Kai was going directly to Lingnan. He then asked, "Mr. Lin, will you go directly to Lingnan?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Lin Kai wondered, isn't the destination Lingnan?

Who thought Yin Su Yan touched his flat stomach without a trace of flesh and muttered: "it's almost noon. Isn't it going to Jinyuan right now? It's better to have lunch in Jinyuan before leaving."

Lin Kai couldn't help pointing to the back seat and said with a smile: "there are some snacks on the back seat. If you're hungry, you can eat them yourself. If I don't want to eat, I can't help it. Anyway, if I'm hungry, I won't die. I can also lose weight. "

Yin Su Yan immediately glared at Lin Kai and hummed: "I have such a standard figure, do you still need to lose weight? What's more, the so-called people are iron and rice is steel, and they are very hungry if they don't eat a meal. What's more, I shoot variety shows all night, and I've been attacked. I haven't eaten anything all night. Naturally, I'm even more hungry. "

"OK, OK. I'll get to the service area on the highway. When I'm waiting in the service area, I'll stop and buy some food." Lin Kai was helpless.

Yin Suyan was not happy again, and continued to hum: "the food in the service area, as we all know, is expensive and not delicious. It's better to buy more snacks. The snacks in the back seat are not enough for me to eat for more than ten minutes. "

Lin Kai is surprised. The snacks in the back seat are left by an Xiaoran.

I didn't expect that Yin Suyan, with such a perfect figure, could eat so much.

To know that stars, especially female stars, but very strict to maintain body management, eat less or not, it is normal.

Even if you eat a little more, you will exercise a little more, which is to keep your figure unchanged.

In this way, it will be more beautiful and beautiful in front of the camera.

It seems that Yin Suyan, is so many girls, are very envious, that how to eat also eat not fat body.

In this way, Lin Kai had to follow Yin Suyan's words, and when he got to the service area, he bought a lot of snacks for Yin Suyan.Yin Suyan sat directly in the back seat and ate happily.

Lin Kai is speechless.

After a few hours, he finally arrived in Lingnan.

During this period, Liu Jie, Yin Suyan's agent, constantly calls Yin Suyan for fear that Yin Suyan will be abducted by Lin Kai.

Until she saw Yin Suyan and appeared safe in front of her, sister Liu relaxed.

However, after Lin Kai sent Yin Suyan, he still followed Yin Suyan.

Although Liu Jie is very confused, but did not ask.

Yin Suyan took the initiative to tell sister Liu that Lin would stay by her side for a meeting to protect her for a day or two.

In this regard, sister Liu is not surprised. Even if Yin Suyan says that Lin Kai is already her boyfriend, sister Liu will not be surprised.

Because sister Liu can see that Yin Suyan looks at Lin Kai from time to time.

She is indeed the agent of Yin Suyan, but Yin Suyan is not a big star in general. In terms of this kind of private life, she only suggests it at most, and dare not to take charge of it.

If it's not the kind of star, or can manage.

At this time, the hotel is in a suite.

Lin Kai is sitting in the living room of this suite, while sister Liu takes Yin Suyan to her sleeping room.

Sister Liu then said to Yin Suyan: "Su Yan, at about 7:00 p.m., she has to go to Xiangge Yunlan hotel. She will go there to have a meal with Cao Zong, director Pan, male one, male two and female two."

"It's just that the investors and the crew get together for a meal. There's no need to be so cautious." Yin Suyan can't help shaking her head. Obviously, she is not satisfied with sister Liu's pulling her away from Lin Kai.

Sister Liu responded: "mainly because I have other things to deal with at night, in this dinner, it's up to you."

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