Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1413

Usually speaking, it's the agents who take the artists to all kinds of dinners and so on.

In order to avoid their own artists, suffering from unfair treatment, they will block wine or prop up the scene for artists.

Although Yin Suyan is a famous star in recent months, his qualifications are there.

Besides, both investors and directors are among the best in the industry.

As a result, sister Liu worried that she was no longer at the dinner party, worried that Yin Suyan would say something wrong and so on.

Most importantly, sister Liu also knew that she had been attacked twice last night. Although she did not know how Yin Suyan avoided danger, she was still worried about the safety of Yin Suyan.

Seeing sister Liu's appearance, Yin Suyan said with a smile, "Sister Liu, you don't need to worry about these things. Mr. Lin is my bodyguard. Of course, you have to take him with you for dinner. With him by my side, there won't be any problems. "

Sister Liu shook her head secretly. She still didn't trust Lin Kai, but when they came here, she said helplessly: "OK, if there is any problem with the dinner party in the evening, please send me a message or call me immediately. I will ask the company for support."

At the same time, Lin Kai gets a call from Li Shengxian on the sofa of the suite. In order not to disturb the conversation between sister Liu and Yin Suyan in the room, he walks out of the suite and talks with Li Shengxian.

Li Shengxian calls to the effect that all the ghosts in his company have been successfully caught and handed over to the police.

Unfortunately, that group of insiders, it seems very cautious, did not leave any clues with Lei Yuan group.

Even if it is from leiyuan group, the transfer of the group of insiders is also through private transfer.

And that person, is a person who has nothing to do with Lei Yuan group.

Therefore, without iron evidence, it is impossible to prove that it is Lei Yuan group, which destroys the industry competition.

At this point, Lin Kai had no accident.

If really find out and Lei Yuan group related, he will look down on Lin Yuan instead.

Lin Yuan is still living well because of his caution.

Lin Kai doesn't worry about other things. He worries about Lin Yuan's unscrupulous means.

In addition to this, Li Shengxian also said that he was officially discharged from hospital today and began to prepare for the development of the suburb of Xicheng, Donghai.

In this regard, Lin Kai asked Li Shengxian to pay more attention to it.

After all, the ghost who arranged Lei Yuan group to his company was found out.

Lei Yuan group spent so much money, and the internal ghost who was hard to rebel against was exposed in this way. He would not be so willing. There must be actions against Li Shengxian's company.

Li Shengxian also understands this.

After that, Lin Kai chatted with Li Shengxian again and hung up the phone.

When he put away his mobile phone and was ready to return to his suite, the door of a suite next door was half open, and a woman's voice came out from it: "Mr. Cao, as long as you give me the chance to act this time, people who are filming can come to your room every night."

"No problem. I'll talk about it when we have dinner in the evening." A man who hears the leader's voice, the voice comes.

Immediately from the half open suite, out of a bald middle-aged man and a beautiful young woman.

When they saw Lin open outside, they were both startled.

The beautiful young woman rushed back to her room and closed the door of the suite.

And the bald middle-aged man, quickly left.

In this regard, Lin Kai has no inner disturbance.

There are too many such hidden rules in a world full of money and money.

Lin Kai was not interested, and then returned to the suite where Yin Suyan lived.

"Linkai, what did you go out for?"

Yin Suyan sat on the sofa in the living room and asked curiously when Lin Kai came in.

Lin Kai said casually, "I made a phone call."

Yin Suyan immediately said: "it's still early. It's still some time before the dinner party. How about going shopping with us?"

Even if sister Liu came out of the bedroom at this time, she still asked Lin Kai.

Lin Kai had no accident. In fact, on his way here, he had a little discussion with Yin Suyan.

This kind of attack is not in the back of the hotel.

After Yin Suyan goes out, he may be attracted.

So it's good to go out. It's just this plan. Sister Liu can't know about it. Yin Suyan said to go shopping.

Lin Kai naturally nodded and agreed.

Seeing that Yin Suyan invited Lin Kai to go out for a stroll, sister Liu shook her head helplessly. She couldn't say anything about it. She could only remind her, "Su Yan, cover yourself up and don't expose yourself too much to avoid being recognized. It's not good if you encounter danger."

"Sister Liu, I understand that."

Yin Suyan said, then began to use some clothes to cover himself, what sunglasses Fashion Hat and so on.After these were finished, they started to leave the hotel with Lin Kai.

Lin Kai didn't drive the Rolls Royce phantom. Since he wanted to lead out the man who attacked Yin Suyan behind his back, of course, it would be more appropriate to walk around the street.

So that two people, casual shopping.

This hotel is not far away, but there is a large shopping mall.

Yin Suyan first looked at Lin Kai's clothes, then looked at the large shopping mall, and then said with a smile: "it's not a way to stroll around like this. After all, it's still a problem whether it can be brought out. Why don't I take you to the mall and buy you a suit that fits you. How to say that you are my bodyguard now, and I have to join the dinner party at night, dress or pay a little attention to. "

Lin Kai never cares about clothes and so on.

Although he has a lot of money, the clothes he has bought now are tens of hundreds of yuan, and the most expensive one is about 1000 yuan.

So his whole body now adds up to hundreds of bargains.

But when Yin Suyan said so, Lin Kai didn't refuse. He said, "OK, Miss Yin, do as you say."

While responding, Lin Kai quietly urges the golden pupil to see a man in the coffee shop at the corner of the street, watching Yin Suyan and Lin Kai.

Lin Kai sneered to himself. He had noticed the man for a long time.

However, on the surface, he was very calm and went to the shopping mall with Yin Suyan.

After they left here, the man in the cafe came out.

This man is called iron hand in the world. It seems that he is the right arm of Yu youhang, the young master of Yu family in Beijing. In fact, he secretly worked for Lin Yuan of leiyuan group.

Between Yu youhang and Yin Suyan, it was he who instigated him. To be exact, it was Lin Yuan who secretly ordered him to let Yu youhang attack Yin Suyan.

Naturally, he came to kill Yin Suyan.

Yu youhang just ordered him to take Yin Suyan away and bring it to Yu youhang.

But Lin Yuan ordered that Yin Suyan be killed directly.

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