Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1411

There is still reason for this.

There is no shortage of fans in the neighborhood.

After the fans knew the whole story, they were all very angry.

"How dare you slander my goddess! I can't find it! "

"Teach me a good lesson!"

That group of fans are angry, and they want to beat the dirty fat man.

Seeing this scene, the obscene fat man ran away in panic, while the angry fans chased him.

Seeing that all the people were attracted by the scene of the group of fans chasing the dirty fat man, I was attracted.

Lin Kai took the opportunity to leave Donghai airport with Yin Suyan.

Then he drove the Rolls Royce phantom and carried Yin Suyan to Lingnan expressway.

Lingnan is two cities apart. It's really close.

At this time, Yin Suyan is sitting in the front passenger's seat and has taken off all the clothes covered on her body. She half opens the window to let it breathe.

The smoke was blowing from the outside.

Thanks to Mr. Yin Lin, I don't know how to drive the car

Although she has encountered these problems, but generally it is the economic companies that help her.

Of course, she had dealt with it herself, but she did not meet an extremely shameless person as she did today.

Lin laughed and said nothing and continued to drive.

Yin Suyan looked at Lin Kai with curious eyes and asked, "that man's name is Wang Biao. Does Wang Biao really have AIDS?"

Lin Kai casually said: "after learning some traditional Chinese medicine, you can still see it at a glance."

In fact, because he is an immortal, he doesn't need to learn any traditional Chinese medicine at all. He can get the effect of watching, hearing and inquiring about common people by urging his true Qi to see ordinary people.

Yin Suyan became more curious and asked subconsciously, "Mr. Lin, can you help me see if I have any disease?"

After hearing the speech, Lin Kai took a look at Yin Suyan, and then said with a smile: "Miss Yin, although you are not sick, it should be because of your occupation. Day and night are reversed, and there has been an imbalance. If it goes on like this, it's not good for the body. It's suggested to eat more nourishing blood and tonifying the body. "

Yin Su Yan's eyes show a touch of worship, did not expect to really see, immediately nodded obediently, really must pay attention to this aspect.

Lin Kaiyou noticed that Yin Suyan had a small sachet hanging around his waist. In that sachet, he felt the amulet, but it seemed to be missing.

So Lin Kai said, "Miss Yin, in the sachet on your waist, there should be three amulets I sent you. Are they in it? Show me the amulet inside. How's it going

Yin Su Yan's pretty face changed, and then sighed: "in fact, I just want to talk about this problem."

She took the sachet from her waist and opened it slowly. Sure enough, there was only a amulet left in it.

In other words, Yin Suyan was in danger twice a night.

If in danger, the amulet will protect Yin Suyan and dissipate after protection.

When seeing Yin Suyan off yesterday, he was worried about what danger Yin Suyan would suffer, so he gave three amulets, and he didn't say much.

However, Yin Suyan was very serious. She always wore the three amulets around her and specially prepared a small sachet to hang on her waist.

Lin Kai frowned slightly: "Miss Yin, do you know what danger you have suffered?"

Yin Suyan nodded and shook his head: "although I know some, I didn't pay attention. I didn't expect that in the shooting scene, I could also encounter life-threatening

Lin Kai couldn't help wondering, "do you know who did it?"

Unexpectedly, Yin Suyan was also confused, but he also offered a guess and said, "I suspect it was hangshao from the capital, and Yu youhang did it. The last time you rescued me from the hotel, it was Yu youhang who wanted to capture me. However, my whereabouts should have been exposed to Yu youhang by leiyuan group. "

"Oh? What else? You should also have energy behind it, if you guess Yu youhang, go and ask for the explanation. What's more, if leiyuan group is involved, do you dare to run here? The influence of leiyuan group is not only in the East China Sea, but also in Lingnan. " Lin opened his mouth.

This is not his random guess. There is a force in Lingnan that cooperates with Lei Yuan group.

Nearby several cities, leiyuan group has cooperation.

"It's not that simple. It's mainly due to insufficient evidence." Yin Suyan also shook his head helplessly, and then said: "I come here mainly because there is a big movie to be shot. Many shooting places are here, so I have to come. I have already pushed the online movie of Lei Yuan group, but this is a big movie of cinema, so I can't push it any more.

So even if I knew there was danger, I had to come here. Besides, I'm actually looking for you when I transfer flights in the East China Sea. I also wanted to call you. I didn't expect to meet you directly at the airport. "After hearing what Yin Suyan said, Lin Kai nodded secretly. Indeed, there was no way. After all, he had to work.

At this time, Yin Suyan then began to speak with embarrassment: "that Mr. Lin, do you still have a amulet? I know it's very precious. If there is one, I'd like to buy it at a high price. "

Lin Kai shakes his head and smiles. He has the ability to extract talismans. He can take as many amulets as he wants. He can only take three amulets with him. More than three extra ones will lose effect.

However, it can put the extra amulet at home and use it again after use.

Lin Kai then said with a smile, "Miss Yin, in fact, I still have a lot of amulets. It's OK to give them to you. But it's not a way to go on like this, right? It is not the root cause but the symptoms. "

"Mr. Lin, what can I do?"

When Lin Kai said this, Yin Suyan was immediately worried. Yes, it is not a way to solve the fundamental problem.

Yin Suyan went on: "I don't know what kind of Zhang wants to hurt me. I only know that he has brought a silencing gun. Last night when I went out for a trip, he fired two shots in the corner, and there was no monitoring."

Lin Kai frowned: "are you going to Lingnan to make a new film?"

"Yes, this evening, the investors and crew who want to see the new film are all set in Lingnan. We have to have dinner together in the evening. Tomorrow, we will officially start shooting this location. " Yin Suyan responded.

Lin Kai thought for a moment. The task of this system is to ensure the safety of Yin Suyan today, which means that Yin Suyan will certainly encounter danger in Lingnan.

Then, it is very likely that the person behind the hand, he helped Yin Suyan find out the person behind and solve the fundamental problem.

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