Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1381

Even Alice and an Xiaoran at the gate of the big stone gate can clearly feel that the ancient tomb has become different.

It became colder and colder, and the temperature dropped a lot in vain.

Alice can't see the specific reason, an Xiaoran seems to understand what is the reason, pretty face slightly changed color.

At this time, however, Lin Kai had already reached dashiman.

Seeing that Lin Kai was all right, Alice patted her chest. She was frightened and said, "Mr. Lin, I can't imagine you are getting worse and worse. Have all the evil spirits in the ancient tomb been solved? Look at the thick coffin placed on the top of the steps at the end. It should be the owner of the tomb? "

Inside the big stone gate is a vast main chamber.

In this main tomb chamber, the construction is also very luxurious, everywhere is the ancient royal family is qualified, can have the decoration.

At the end, there is a pavilion. The pavilion is built on a few meters of stairs.

Inside the pavilion, you can see the thick coffins placed inside.

Alice's guess was right. What was buried in that coffin was the real owner of the tomb.

From the point of view of clothing, the ancient corpse should be a bodyguard or something to be buried with to protect the owner of the tomb.

Lin Kai narrowed his eyes slightly, and he could sense that the evil spirit from the ancient tomb was emanating from the pavilion.

The real evil in the ancient tomb has not been solved. He will not leave.

The task of the system is to let the archaeological team successfully complete the archaeology, and stop the grave robbers if there are grave robbers.

Nowadays, tomb robbers have been stopped. If we want the archaeological team to complete the archaeology successfully, we must clear away the evil spirits in the ancient tombs.

In this way, the archaeological team will not suffer from the danger of evil.

As for the mechanism traps in ancient tombs, there are also some in the archaeological team. It can be said that those who are specialized in this field are more professional than those of the heavenly masters.

The main reason is that they are afraid of evil. After all, those who can deal with it are not ordinary people.

Lin Kaizheng is ready to go to the pavilion to solve the last and most powerful evil in the tomb.

Before he took two steps, an Xiaoran's figure flashed and immediately stopped Lin Kai's way.

An Xiaoran said: "this ancient tomb and other archaeological team excavation, you grave robbers, will only damage these cultural relics! Such a large tomb, there must be very important literature or, or complete the history, not found in the culture! I don't think you two are bad hearted. If you two leave the ancient tomb now, I won't report it to the top. "

"What's more, this ancient tomb is really dangerous. If you go there again, your life will be in danger. So I advise you two to get out of here

On hearing this, Lin Kai laughed and said, "first of all, Miss lish and I are not grave robbers. Although the family behind Miss lish cooperates with the Heavenly Master of China, it is her family's business and she can't do it. Miss Liz came here because she liked the Chinese culture and wanted to see what the ancient tomb looked like

"The real grave robbers are ma Jingyang, who were all killed by evil spirits. Second, since you already know that there are still more serious evils in it, how can the archaeological team successfully complete the archaeology? Can't you solve it? You don't even have the ability to solve the hydra, let alone the most powerful evil spirit in this ancient tomb. "

Lin Kai did not laugh at an Xiaoran, but told the truth.

When an Xiaoran heard this, he put his hands on his hips and hummed: "you don't have to worry about the evil things in this. The purpose of my trip is to specially come to solve the evil problems in ancient tombs. Although I am a little weak indeed."

"So you know you are weak." Now, it's the same as saying, "I'm going to see you go to see you die soon."

If you don't see an Xiaoran's mind is not bad, and Lin Kai can guess where an Xiaoran comes from, he will explain patiently.

"You don't have to think about it. You two go." An Xiaoran said again, but he was a little anxious: "why hasn't the old monk come yet? What happened to him? "

When an Xiaoran was thinking.

Outside the ancient tomb at this time.

There are two people arguing about something.

One is a young woman. Her name is Wang Yue. She is an expert student of the archaeological team.

She did not believe that there was any evil in the world, because the evil things completely delayed the progress of archaeology.

The ancient tomb, which could have been excavated in half a month, had to be excavated for an indefinite period of time.

This makes Wang Yue very anxious, because she is about to graduate, to write a thesis.

It happens that this tomb, however, is a big one. It still comes from the Qin Dynasty tomb 2000 years ago.

This time can enter the archaeological team, also thanks to his teacher's blessing, was selected.

In order to write a perfect thesis, it must be good to dig out the tomb yourself.

However, there is something evil in it.

Wang Yue didn't believe that there was evil in the world, so she sneaked to the ancient tomb in the middle of the night. If she was OK for one night, it would prove that there was no evil in the world.She would tell her teachers and other experts that she stayed there all night and was fine. How could there be evil?

As for the fact that there is evil in this matter, what will happen to her? Wang Yue has never thought about it, because she does not think that there is evil in the world at all.

As she thought, she stayed by the tomb for more than ten minutes, nothing happened.

But now, an old monk in cassock appears beside the ancient tomb, which makes Wang Yue wary.

In fact, this old monk is the master Zhicheng of Pihua residence.

"I'm not a tomb robber. I'm helping your archaeological team solve the problem."

Master Zhicheng has been blocked by Wang Yue at the entrance of the ancient tomb passage for several minutes. However, no matter what he says, the other party just doesn't believe him.

But he couldn't tell us his identity as a Pihua residence.

Last time I disclosed to Lin Kai, it was entirely because Lin Kai was his own person. As the owner of the ninth mountain of Jiulong Mountain, he was naturally entitled to know.

But for others, it's not easy to reveal.

Therefore, an Xiaoran has not mentioned his identity.

as like as two peas, Wang Yue heard the words of master Chi Cheng, sneering at him: "look at your disguised clothes, you still have a set of monks, just like the real monks. My teacher told me that grave robbers are good at camouflage all kinds of identities to get close to the graveyard and steal tombs. If you come here most of the night, you are not from an archaeological team or from any other country. If you come here, you must have some intention for the ancient tomb! "

Master Zhicheng was speechless. How could he have thought that in the middle of the night, there were archaeological teams staying here. What's more, he didn't expect that the young girl in front of him was too stubborn.

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