Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1380

Ma Jingyang opened his mouth, widened his eyes, and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

He has seen it before. Lin Kai is very difficult. It can easily defeat Zhang Gangzi, but also can avoid bullets in a short distance, and even kill Hydra by himself.

Although these are also shocked, but with the cooperation of Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li, he can also solve the problem of the nine headed snake.

When this ancient corpse, the three of them join hands, there is no resistance! Know the power of ancient corpses!

But now? What did he see?

This ancient corpse is in Lin Kai's hands, and has no resistance!

The three of them are sheep, and the corpse is a wolf.

Now Linkai is a wolf, an ancient corpse is a sheep!

I can't imagine how tough Lin Kai is!

After the shock, Ma Jingyang reacted quickly and struggled desperately for a while, and then escaped from the ancient corpse.

Then, without looking at Lin Kai and the ancient corpse, he was ready to escape.

Lin Kai shook his head and mocked: "master Ma, I'm also your Savior. I don't want to say thank you. I'm ready to run away. It's rude."

Ma Jingyang smell speech, while covering his arm wound, while turning to look at Lin Kai, face chilly: "is I let you save it? Why should I thank you for saving me? Besides, Linkai! All these are thanks to you. My two subordinates can't die in vain! When I get out of the ancient tomb, I will contact the powerful heavenly masters of my father's generation. Then I will see you, can you still be so arrogant! "

Ma Jingyang gave a cold hum again. He did not go to see Lin Kai any more. He resolutely went out to the big stone gate. Obviously, he was afraid and did not dare to go deep into the ancient tomb.

Seeing Ma Jingyang run away quickly, Lin Kai shook his head again, and his face was even more mocking: "Ma Tianshi, if you just stay where you are, you may still save your life. You will only die if you return to the original way so rashly. I'll be very kind. I'll advise you to come back soon, or you'll die ugly. "

Ma Jingyang ran and sneered: "Lin Kai! Are you afraid that I'll go out and call people to frighten me like this? If so, I look down on you

Just as he had just finished, when he was less than two meters away from the big stone gate, he seemed to have stepped on something.

The familiar sound of mechanical rotation made Ma Jingyang stop in vain.

He remembered that previously, Zhang was trapped by the mechanism on both sides of the big stone gate, causing two thighs and injuries.

Just as he was about to open the gate, Ma Jingyang was about to open the door.

It's just that the mechanisms on both sides of the big stone gate are dense bows and arrows!

Whew! Whew!

Although the bows and arrows are all rusty, the designers of ancient tombs, in order to prevent tomb robbers, did not consider that the bows and arrows would be useless after a long time?

It's not as sharp as before, but it's better than the number of bows and arrows.

Ma Jingyang can't avoid it. Under his expression of remorse, he is directly hit by these dense bows and arrows.

His body is full of bows and arrows. Before Ma Jingyang died.

"Tut, it seems that there is not enough professional knowledge. In such tombs where many traps have been set up in order to prevent grave robbers, it is no doubt that returning from the original route is a way of self-directed death. "

Lin Kai looks at Ma Jingyang's miserable appearance, and is indifferent. He did it before, naturally not to save Ma Jingyang.

Let's not talk about Ma Jingyang. I want to hurt him. Ma Jingyang is the only one who can do it. He also sells the Chinese treasures and cultural relics from ancient tombs abroad.

Archaeology is only a rescue excavation. When a cemetery is discovered, it is afraid that tomb robbers or other factors will damage the tomb. Only then can we dig out the cultural relics inside and treasure it.

Or to study history. Most of the history of China is learned from the study of these antiquities.

And then we will continue to improve the five thousand year cultural history of China.

Therefore, it has great research value in culture.

Tomb robbers are for their own interests, either damage cultural relics, or sell cultural relics abroad.

Ma Jingyang belongs to the latter, so he deserves to die.

As for Lin Kai, why to stop ancient corpses is to prevent them from sucking blood again.

After the ancient corpse has absorbed blood, its strength will be further improved.

Lin Kai was not afraid. She was afraid of any change. After all, Alice and an Xiaoran were still outside the big stone gate.

At this time, Ma Jingyang almost lost his breath. Before he died, he clearly heard what Lin Kai said. He had only one doubt.

That is to say, he is a little famous in the Heavenly Master world. He has been fighting for dozens of times, so he should be said to have rich experience.

But in front of Lin Kai, he seems to be a new Celestial Master. Compared with Lin Kai, Lin Kai is the real one.

Is Lin Kai really like the rumor that he is a very powerful Heavenly Master? Younger than him? The world of heavenly masters is so big that he has never seen Lin Kai fall down. So what is Lin Kai's real identity?With this doubt, Ma Jingyang gradually stopped breathing.

In fact, Lin Kai didn't know what kind of Celestial Master's means. He could be acutely aware of the crisis by virtue of his status as an immortal cultivator.

Seeing Ma Jingyang dead, Lin Kai looked at the ancient corpse in front of him.

Although the evil spirit of this ancient corpse is strong, it is not as strong as that of the last evil spirit. Obviously, this ancient corpse is not the most powerful evil spirit in ancient tombs.

Lin Kai passes by with a palm, and the ancient corpse turns into countless evil spirits. But at the next moment, these evil spirits quickly gather together, and the form of the ancient corpse appears again in front of Lin Kai.

The ancient corpse stares at Lin Kai dead and seems to have great anger: "damn human! Let me take one less human blood. I wanted to be the last one to suck your blood. Now I'm going to suck your blood! "

"Mr. Lin!"

The ancient corpse is preparing to attack Lin Kai when Alice and an Xiaoran both run in.

It seems that the two women ran in because they saw Ma Jingyang being killed by a trap outside the big stone gate. They were worried about Lin Kai.

Alice and an Xiaoran, as expected, saw Lin Kai. They were in danger.

All of a sudden, Alice was very anxious.

An Xiaoran is also worried about Lin Kai. She can see that this ancient corpse is stronger than Hydra.

Even if she stood at the gate of the big stone gate, a few tens of meters away, she could also clearly detect the terrible evil spirit of the ancient corpse.

When the two women are worried, Lin Kai looks calm again and smashes the ancient corpse into countless evil spirits.

But this time, it didn't work.

But those evil spirits, and the evil spirits in the ancient tomb, began to blend into one.

It's like a pond, pouring in a large number of fish, which instantly makes the whole tomb's evil spirit become violent.

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