Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1382

When master Zhicheng heard this, he felt anxious and helpless. He had to say, "benefactor, how do you want to believe the poor monk?"

Wang Yue sneered: "unless you are Lin Kai, my teacher and several other experts were still talking about how to do archaeology this time an hour ago. It happened to talk about Lin Kai. He said that Lin Kai was invited by the state to help us solve the evil. I don't believe in any evil. If you are Lin Kai, please prove that you are Lin Kai! "

She listened to the discussion between the teacher and several experts. She also knew that Lin Kai was a very young man.

How could this old monk be Lin Kai!

And she didn't believe that even if there were evil things in the world, it was impossible for a very young guy to know how to solve evil spirits!

Besides, the information about the ancient tomb is very close, but some tomb robbers are very sensitive.

While saying that he was not a tomb robber, the old monk wanted to enter the tomb again, saying that there were friends waiting for him in the tomb.

If it wasn't for the gang fighting, she majored in Archaeology in University, and she had gone down to the grave twice. She had learned from Bai and had the experience of going to the grave.

Although master Zhicheng is an eminent monk, he is good at subduing demons and demons, but he is not good at talking to people, especially when he can't show his identity, he doesn't know how to defend himself.

He wanted to say something, but he didn't come out. His face was red and his heart was very anxious.

Master Zhicheng knows that an Xiaoran's temperament has not been seen in the ancient tomb. It must be an advanced tomb.

Because an Xiaoran wanted to accomplish more of the tasks of the Pihua residence.

Although the Pew residence does not require its members to specify what tasks to accomplish, they will be rewarded handsomely if they do the same.

An Xiaoran seems to be very short of money, leading to a lot of tasks to do.

The ancient tomb here is still in the East China Sea.

Master Zhicheng happens to be familiar with this place. Instead, an Xiaoran contacted him and said that he would go to the neighboring city of Donghai.

Master Zhicheng agreed, but understood that the evil spirit in the ancient tomb might not be easy to deal with. After all, he had the experience of evil spirits last time, so if an Xiaoran arrived first, he would wait for him outside.

Before Ann Xiaoran went up the mountain, he sent a message that he had arrived first.

However, outside the ancient tomb, we did not see an Xiaoran's figure, so we must have entered the tomb ahead of time.

The most important thing is that master Zhicheng sensed the evil spirit in the ancient tomb, which was more intense than the place where the evil spirits were last time.

Had to let him anxious, extremely worried about the safety of an Xiaoran.

Not long ago, master Zhicheng was preparing to enter the ancient tomb. Unexpectedly, a female doll was killed on the way. He said that she belonged to the archaeological team and that he was a tomb robber. Stop in front of him, just don't let in.

Master Zhicheng doesn't dare to break through. He is his own.

When he was very anxious, he suddenly thought of something. His eyes lit up and he quickly asked Wang Yue, "benefactor, what did you mean by Lin Kai? Is it the state specially invited to solve the evil of the ancient tomb? "

Although the name of Linkai has more than one billion people in China, there are many people with the same name and surname.

There is only one person, Lin Kai, who is the leader of the ninth mountain of Jiulong Mountain!

Thinking of this, master Zhicheng murmured excitedly: "if benefactor Lin follows me into the ancient tomb, I don't have to worry about the safety of an Xiaoran. The evil spirit here is really strong, but it is a little stronger than last time. Benefactor Lin's ability should be able to suppress the evil spirits in the ancient tomb. "

"It's still evil."

Hearing master Zhicheng's murmur, Wang Yue disdained to say: "those who fight are those who fight against each other. They have done something harmful to nature. In order not to let themselves suffer retribution, they deliberately make up that there are gods and monsters in the world, so that the gods can protect them. I won't let you in, even if you've broken the sky

Master Zhicheng was speechless. He didn't say anything to Wang Yue. How could he refute him.

He shook his head and said helplessly, "benefactor, how many times have you said it? I really don't fight against each other. If you are still so stubborn, you can only offend a lot."

Wang Yue wanted to persuade Wang Yue in the face of his own people, but Wang Yue was stubborn, that is to say, he didn't accept it.

Master Zhicheng is not sure whether Lin Kai has entered the ancient tomb, so he intends to break through.

And even if Lin goes in, there may be some danger.

Lin Kai is not only his benefactor, but also the benefactor of some of his Taoist friends. Therefore, we can't let him face the evil spirit in the ancient tomb alone.

"Old monk! What are you up to? If you do anything, I'll call you! When the time comes, the state will send someone to take you directly! "

Wang Yue pretended to be calm and took out her mobile phone. In fact, she was extremely flustered. If she could make a phone call, she would have called someone and arrested the old monk in front of her.

It is estimated that the mountain is very remote. After entering the mountain, the mobile phone has no signal.As for why there is a signal in the daytime, Wang Yue automatically ignored this problem.

"Benefactor, you worry too much. I don't fight against you. Naturally, I won't do it to you."

Master Zhicheng's words fall, also did not wait for Wang Yue to have any reaction, very fast rushed into the mouth of the ancient tomb.

"You, you, you!"

In the next moment, Wang Yuecai reacted. Looking at the back of master Zhicheng's entrance, she was surprised and angry. She did not think about it. She also entered the entrance of the ancient tomb and chased after him.

At this time, the gate of the big stone gate of the ancient tomb.

The scene is similar to the confrontation between master Zhicheng and Wang Yue.

An Xiaoran has been blocking Lin Kai's way and forbidding him to go to the coffin of the owner of the tomb.

Lin Kai is helpless like master Zhicheng before.

If an Xiaoran has the ability to destroy the evil spirit of the owner of the tomb, he will definitely leave the tomb with Alice without hesitation.

Anyhow, an Xiaoran can be destroyed. Why should he waste his time.

The final result is the same, can complete the task of the system.

The tomb robbers have been solved, leaving only the last evil spirit. If the archaeological team comes in again, it will naturally be able to carry out archaeology smoothly.

But the crux of the problem is that an Xiaoran does not have that ability. She does have the means to subdue demons and demons, but she has not been able to kill the evil spirit of the last tomb owner.

In addition, an Xiaoran's nature is not bad, so Lin Kai is very patient.

However, patience returned to patience. At this time, Lin Kai thought a little bit and said, "an Xiaoran, you and Alice are still at the gate of the big stone gate. I'll go there alone and kill the evil spirit of the owner of the tomb. I won't use any items and come back again. How about that?"

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