Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1379

When Lin Kai heard the speech, he did not feel any anxiety. Instead, he gave a faint smile: "we are not in a hurry. Whether they can hold on to the cultural relics inside is still a problem."

The evil spirit in this ancient tomb is more powerful than that of the last time.

Even if Ma Jingyang, Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li worked together, they could not even enter the seal of the dragon vein.

What's more, the evil spirit in the ancient tomb will not be watched by Ma Jingyang, the three of them, moving their burial objects.

If Lin Kai is not here, Ma Jingyang alone will be killed by Hydra even if he opens the big stone gate.

Before Lin Kai had finished thinking, there was a scream like killing a pig from the big stone gate.

The cry was full of panic and despair.

This voice is from a thin man.

Alice was startled. She was about to say something. But the next moment, Xiao Li also gave a shrill cry.

It seems that Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li have encountered a mysterious attack.

This time, an Xiaoran also looked uneasy, and everyone could hear the despair of the two screams.

Ma Jingyang and others, in the big stone gate, what happened?

How short a time, Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li are so desperate scream? What about Ma Jingyang?

Both Alice and an Xiaoran are full of doubts.

Lin Kai is still calm, completely in his expectation, he is very interested in staring at the big stone gate, immediately into the inside.

"And you, Miss Jean? All of you are standing in the same place. Don't walk in curiously. "

Lin Kai doesn't forget to look back and remind Alice and an Xiaoran.

Also did not wait for two female to have what reaction, Lin Kai already entered big stone door.

At last he knew what was going on under his golden pupil.

Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li, as expected, had an accident. They fell on the ground with blood all over their bodies, and they had already died miserably.

Although Ma Jingyang is still alive, it is almost the same.

Now Lin Kai's eyes have not fallen on Ma Jingyang. He doesn't care whether Ma Jingyang's three people are alive or dead.

If Ma Jingyang's three people are polite to him, or if they don't harm him, he may save them.

But when the three of them kept on targeting him, and even wanted his life, would he save them? If he did not kill them himself, he would have done his kindness and righteousness.

In addition, Lin Kai also kindly reminded them not to enter the big stone gate, which showed that there was danger.

So if you want to die, you don't blame others.

At this time, Lin Kai's eyes and lines of sight all look at an ancient corpse.

The ancient corpse is dressed in ancient clothes, and the clothes are almost dried up. The ancient corpse itself is also very shriveled.

But its body's evil spirit is very rich, a look is a powerful role.

Lin Kai also saw that Zhang skinny left a knife mark on the ancient corpse with a dagger. Xiao Li shot, also on the ancient corpse, leaving traces of bullets, but they can not cause any impact on the ancient corpse.

It seems to have inspired the ferocity of the ancient corpse and raised the bodies of Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li one by one.

See two hands a pinch, Zhang thin son and Xiao Li's whole body up and down blood, all toward the ancient corpse's mouth influx.

This ancient corpse is no longer shriveled. Under the influx of a large amount of blood, the ancient corpse quickly recovered and became a normal human form.

Not only that, the body's evil spirit is more rich, obviously the strength of the ancient corpse has also been improved.

When the corpse was spilt on the body of Gu Mi, the one with blood spilled from his mouth was absorbed from the dead dog.

Whether the raw glutinous rice or black dog blood, is the most effective for the ancient corpses in this cemetery.

But this ancient corpse was not the same. He took the initiative to swallow glutinous rice and black dog blood, and nothing happened.

"I haven't absorbed such fresh blood for a long time. Gaga, when I have absorbed all your blood, I'll absorb the blood of other people. I'll have a good drink at one time

The ancient corpse grinned strangely. Even after washing the bodies of Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li, they all threw them away. Then they kept walking to Ma Jingyang.

Ma Jingyang was scared to retreat again and again. After a while, he came to a dead corner and had no way to go back.

Ma Jingyang, looking at the ancient corpse, was about to arrive, and was extremely frightened in his heart.

In particular, his line of sight happened to see the bodies of Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li. As the ancient corpses had absorbed blood, they had become shriveled corpses.

When Ma Jingyang saw that his two subordinates were still so miserable after their death, he thought of himself and immediately stepped into their wake, which made him even more frightened and frightened.

Over the years, he and his two hands have fallen into a lot of fights, and naturally have encountered many evil spirits.

All of them can solve those evil things.

Of course, there have been fierce evil, but we can also manage to solve them.But the evil spirit of this ancient tomb is quite different!

The three of them in front of this ancient corpse, the ability to resist at all, just like a sheep met a wolf, can only wait for the arrival of death.

Ma Jingyang is also remorseful. He regrets why he came to this ancient tomb to fight. He knows that there is evil in it. Also regret, completely offended Lin Kai.

It was because they had completely offended Lin Kai that the three of them made a decision with Alice and went to eat the treasures in the tomb by themselves.

When Ma Jingyang constantly regrets, the ancient corpse is less than one meter away from him.

In Ma Jingyang's eyes, full of despair, he held a peach wood sword tightly in his hand, and he wanted to have a final try.

Although the peach wood sword is useless for the ancient corpse, what if it is useful?

The corpse is closer!

Ma Jingyang roared and stabbed the ancient corpse with his peach sword.

Only listen to the click sound, remember that the ancient corpse did not have a thing, peach wood sword was abruptly broken.

With a cruel look at the ancient corpse show, Ma Jingyang, who looks like a dead grey, stretches out two blackened hands, grabs them tightly on Ma Jingyang's arms, and then raises them.

It seems that he is ready to suck Ma Jingyang's blood.

When the ancient corpse was lifted to the moment, Ma Jingyang was completely despairing and his eyes were dull.

But suddenly, Ma Jingyang noticed that there was one more person behind the ancient corpse.

This man is Lin Kai. He looks at Ma Jingyang calmly and says, "isn't this Ma Tianshi? Yes? Regret it? I told you long ago, leave this ancient tomb, don't enter the big stone gate. Well, young people nowadays just don't listen to some advice, and ultimately they will hurt themselves. "

Hearing Lin Kai's words, Ma Jingyang is not in the mood to pay attention to Lin Kai. He is almost killed by an ancient corpse. How can he feel to talk to Lin Kai.

However, he was stunned. Why hasn't the ancient corpse sucked his blood?

Then he looked down and was stunned.

Lin Kai's hand, put on the ancient corpse's shoulder, let the ancient corpse can't move, as if with some magic, let the ancient corpse settle down.

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