Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1378

Lin Kai also sensed that the other side was a girl, so he didn't care too much.

He didn't expect that the girl would be so brave and take the initiative to deal with evil spirits. It seems that she is not bad hearted, but her strength is just a little rash.

This hydra is a little weaker than the evil spirit of the last time. The girl can't beat it. It's normal.

Lin Kai smiles again. He runs his true Qi and goes to the Hydra without hesitation!

Ghost attack!

Lin Kai's speed was very fast. He hit the nine headed snake with one blow.

As if the nine headed snake was beaten by a thousand catties of huge force, the original spit out the long snake letter, nine snake heads, all took back.

At the same time, many evil spirits appeared on the nine snake heads.

Those evil spirits turned into countless small black snakes, which were surging to the forest.

With a sneer, Lin Kai immediately used the talisman extraction ability to extract the fire talisman. A rune burned all these dense black snakes.

In an Xiaoran's gaping eyes, Lin Kai picked up the blue sword that she fell on the ground.

Lin Kai took the blue sword and stabbed it into the body of the Hydra with great ease. Then he made a hard stroke. The whole snake was cut by this sword.

What comes out of it is not blood or organs, but a lot of black evil spirit!

Seeing that the nine headed snakes are still struggling, Lin Kai is another sword. He cuts off the nine snake heads and turns them into black evil spirit, which dissipates in the world.

After that, Lin Kai extracted a crack fire Rune and burned the body of the nine headed snake to ashes.

This series of actions made an Xiaoran open his mouth and stare at Lin Kai in an incredible way. Then she gave a thumbs up and said in appreciation: "handsome boy, I really admire your ability to eliminate evil spirits!"

Lin opened a glance at an Xiaoran and said faintly: "if you don't have this ability, you won't help you. It's you. If you don't understand the evil power, you'll take the plunge. It's not good. "

Lin Kai seldom said with the taste of education.

An Xiaoran's previous actions made Lin Kai feel good. No matter what the girl was doing, she had no fear in the face of evil, which made him secretly praise.

The only drawback is that an Xiaoran didn't understand, so he was totally reckless.

Fortunately, he is here, otherwise, an Xiaoran will never live now.

An Xiaoran was first educated, flushed, just ready to refute what.

At this time, Lin Kai threw the blue sword to an Xiaoran, and then continued: "I advise you to leave the ancient tomb now. I guess the tomb will have great changes and it will be very dangerous."

Although an Xiaoran is very grateful, Lin Kai saved her life, but one thing is one thing.

She was carrying her blue sword and immediately hummed, "let me go? Joke! Let me go, you grave robbers, can't you carry out grave robbers openly and honestly? In my opinion, the great change should be that you turn around the ancient tomb and look for all kinds of cultural relics. How can I let you succeed? "


Hearing an Xiaoran's words, Lin Kai was slightly surprised for a moment, and then his eyes showed the color of understanding. He could probably guess the identity of an Xiaoran.

Therefore, for an Xiaoran's words, he laughed and did not refute anything or explain too much. After all, Ma Jingyang was still here.

Moreover, at this time, the big stone gate was finally completely opened.

Ma Jingyang and Xiao Li have moved their chariots full of thorns to one side.

This chariot is only made of wood, with only one chance to turn the gears inside, that is, an attack opportunity.

Therefore, Zhang was able to escape from danger and was rescued by Ma Jingyang and Xiao Li.

Ma Jingyang three people, at this time looking at the big stone gate, each has some bad.

From the appearance of this chariot trap to the resurrection of the statue of Hydra, this ancient tomb is becoming more and more difficult.

This is not simple. It does not refer to the identity of the owner of the tomb, but refers to the evil spirit in the ancient tomb, which is very strange and powerful.

Ma Jingyang's three people not only began to fear the evil in the ancient tomb, but also began to fear Linkai.

Previously Lin Kai easily injured Zhang Gangzi, but also very easily, dodged the bullet.

In fact, these can not prove anything. It may also be the luck of Lin Kai. It's really good.

Or what Lin Kai shows is not enough to make them fear.

But just now, Lin Kai killed the evil spirit of the nine headed snake, which was very powerful. He saw it in his eyes.

Zhang Gangzi's legs were seriously injured. Fortunately, he was an ancient warrior and bandaged himself to stop the blood. While he was doing it, he looked at Lin Kai and said, "Lin Kai is at least a martial Saint level master. I can't beat him at all. He can crush me with one finger."When hearing Zhang's remarks, Ma Jingyang's face was gloomy and terrible, but also quite unwilling. He thought for a moment and whispered, "the three of us have already offended the forest completely. It should be impossible for him to forgive us. In this case, we still advanced to the big stone gate and took all the treasures of the ancient tomb by the way of our Heavenly Master. "

"We'll get them ourselves. There must be one of these ancient tombs, which can sell tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of cultural relics. Hey, when it comes time, we can't rely on Alice's family, and we can be happy ourselves

Speaking of this, Ma Jingyang's eyes are excited.

They have already offended Lin Kai and Alice. Naturally, he took all the relics from the ancient tomb alone.

Xiao Li and Zhang Shouzi, hearing Ma Jingyang's words, are also eyes light a bright, immediately also reveal the color of excitement.

Yes, it's rare to see such an ancient tomb. There must be many good relics in it. Why do you have to work for the family behind Alice? Can't you take it all by yourself?

Besides, they are professional heavenly masters. They are confident that they are more powerful than Linkai.

He thinks that Lin Kai is just more powerful.

All of them reached a unified opinion.

Soon, Ma Jingyang three people without hesitation, all directly into the big stone gate.

An Xiaoran saw Ma Jingyang enter, but found that Lin Kai and Alice didn't follow in. She shook her head and looked at Lin Kai. She said, "how can I hear the sound of guns before I say it? It seems that you are not from one gang, but from two gangs. Tut, why don't you go in? Obviously, that group of people took the first chance to swallow the cultural relics in it

Listening to an Xiaoran saying so, Alice also looked at Lin Kai and said, "Mr. Lin, let's go into the real tomb now."

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