Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1377

Alice had, indeed, intended to go to the big stone gate, too.

If she is really close to there, maybe she can escape faster than Zhang skinny.

At the same time, Alice was very grateful to Lin Kai. She looked at Lin Kai with a calm face, as if she knew in advance that there would be some mechanism trap coming out.

Alice is more in love with Linkai. This reliable man is what she is looking for! Let her more firm, must express to Lin Kai's determination!

She's just about to open up to Lin and say something. But Lin Kai seems to have sensed something. Lin Kai turns and looks behind.

Alice was so curious that her eyes could not help following Lin Kai's line of sight.

The statue of the nine headed snake in the middle of the square seemed to have come alive. The tall snake gradually lifted up, and the stones on the outside began to crack, revealing the deep blue and red color inside.

This is not a statue! It's a real Hydra! It's just that on the outside, it's coated with stone so that it looks like a statue!

The body of this nine headed snake is cyan red. It is very poisonous when you look at it, let alone have nine heads.

As for the recovery of the hydra, Lin Kai still looks calm. After a light look at the hydra, he turns around and looks at the big stone gate.

Today, although the opening speed of the big stone gate is relatively slow, it has already opened half of the degree.

Under Lin Kai's golden pupil, he can clearly see the strong black evil spirit, which gushes out from the big stone gate crazily.

If you don't open the big stone door before, the brake will indeed through the gap, leakage.

But the amount of leakage, with icicles slowly melting, a drop of water as slow.

And now the evil spirit, just like the flood water, is very fierce!

The Hydra was naturally dead, but because of too much evil spirit, the Hydra came back to life.

"This evil spirit..."

The evil spirit was more and more intense there.

He had previously speculated that it might be slightly rich, but he did not expect that it would be so rich.

Even under the use of the golden pupil, these strong evil spirits completely blinded him to the scene inside the big stone gate.

"In this way, the evil spirit in this ancient tomb is much stronger than that of the last one."

Lin Kai didn't have any fear. On the contrary, he was interested in knowing how strong the evil spirit in the ancient tomb was.

Just as Lin opened his eyes to reflect, the stone on the surface of the nine headed snake on the central square was completely smashed.

The hydra is completely "resurrected" and is actually manipulated by evil spirit.

At this time, the body of the nine headed snake was raised high again. The nine heads danced wildly, all spitting out the snake's letter, and their eyes were extremely poisonous.

Nine eyes, focusing on Lin Kai at the same time, seem to understand that Lin Kai is the most threatening of these people.

Therefore, the nine heads should have reached an agreement to lock their breath on Lin Kai, and then the tall snake body opened towards Lin Kai.

Mr. Lin! What's going on here! Oh, my God! Why did the statue come back to life? "

Alice was so frightened that she learned from books or other people that there were evil spirits and monsters in the world.

In fact, she didn't believe it at all. Who would have seen a living statue today! This completely subverts her understanding of the world!

Linkai was looking at the nine headed snakes attacking him. He was ready to turn back and ask Alice to step back and tell her not to worry.

But suddenly, a petite figure, with the speed of thunder, appeared beside the hydra.

This beautiful figure is a girl who looks like she is only sixteen or seventeen years old. She wears a pair of horse tails and looks cute and lovely.

But she did not fear, rushed to the hydra.

This girl is an Xiaoran who came with her.

At this time, an Xiaoran did not know from taking out a long blue sword. The slender jade finger crossed the blue sword as if it had opened the light. Magic runes were surging on the blue sword.

"Yin and Yang, sword light to kill evil!"

An Xiaoran drank again, and with the blue sword surging rune, she stabbed the Hydra directly.

"Hiss! Hiss! "Hiss..."

All of a sudden, the nine headed snakes seemed to feel a great danger. The heads of the nine snakes opened their mouths and their mouths were opened, and they roared in the sky.

Although an Xiaoran is very cute on the surface, she is firm and confident when facing Hydra, and she doesn't look scared.

An Xiaoran even speeded up, waving the blue sword in his hand and chopped it down in an instant!

If it's an ordinary weapon, even a bullet, it's impossible to hurt Hydra.

It can be said that hydra is the evil spirit revived by evil spirit.

Those ordinary items can't hurt Hydra, but the blue sword in an Xiaoran's hand is different.Soon, the blue sword stabbed into the body of the hydra, giving out a lot of black evil spirit.

When these evil spirits touch the blue sword, they turn into white smoke.

Nine headed snake instantly eat pain, and then swing the tail of the snake, very quickly put an Xiaoran to take a few meters backward.

Not only that, the nine headed snake each stretched out the snake letter son, with endless evil spirit, toward an Xiaoran attack.

An Xiaoran's pretty face was full of dignified, and her figure quickly rolled over. Then she looked at Lin Kai and said in silence: "Hello! That handsome guy, you've been watching, why don't you do it! "

She followed Lin Kai and others all the way, so she didn't enter the square.

She didn't run in until she heard a lot of noise in it. As a result, there was an evil spirit.

Maybe it was a professional reaction. Seeing the evil spirit, she ignored so much and jumped out to kill the nine headed snake.

Although she was almost one percent sure that Lin Kai was a tomb robber, she could not bear to be killed by evil spirits.

Because she is a Pihua residence, she is dealing with all kinds of evil problems in China, in order to protect the safety of the people. It's equivalent to, in another way, guarding people.

Grave robbers will be punished by law, but evil will threaten the lives of these people.

An Xiaoran can't do it yet. She turns a blind eye to these fresh lives.

An Xiaoran also vaguely saw that among these people, Lin Kai's expression was the most calm. He guessed that he was a more powerful person, so he came to Linkai for help.

At this time, Lin Kai also heard an Xiaoran's cry for help.

Lin Kai didn't have any unexpected color. He couldn't help laughing. In fact, before he entered the ancient tomb square here, he realized that a man was following them.

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