Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1376

Ma Jingyang was the first one to come back to his senses. He looked fierce and said, "Xiao Li, shoot quickly! I don't believe it. This boy can hide a gun

Xiao Li smell speech, also quick reaction come over, pull the trigger of pistol directly.


An extremely harsh sound of a gun sounded in vain in this ancient tomb.

This open square, constantly reverberating with gunfire, making it more loud and harsh.

I saw a sharp bullet coming out of the muzzle of the gun, towards the chest of Lin Kai, and went away quickly!

Xiao Li had a smile on his face. Although he was a Buddhist in the middle of the road, he was not as good as Ma Jingyang and Zhang Gangzi in terms of means. But he has served in the Royal special forces of state y for several years. He is extremely accurate in playing with guns. It is not too much to say that he is a sharpshooter.

Ma Jingyang's face was also full of smiles. He knew that Xiao Li, an ancient warrior who had been shot to death with a gun, was countless. Even the powerful martial arts masters were shot and wounded by Xiao Li.

In his opinion, the next second Linkai will be bullet, through the chest, blood splashed, fell to the ground and died.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face was even more.

"Mr. Lin!" Alice was worried. Although he had seen Linkai and dodged bullets, it was in the mountains. Dense trees could be used to shield bullets.

But Xiao Li's distance from Lin Kai is less than one meter, and there is no shelter. How can he avoid the speed of bullets!

Just before Alice had finished shouting, the bullet was approaching Linkai infinitely!

Alice several people, with the naked eye to see, of course, can not see the bullet, but through the spark trace, from the forest open chest is also a few centimeters away!

This distance, at the speed of a bullet, is very fast!

Alice didn't even think of anything. They only knew that Lin Kai was shot dead.

But the next moment, jingle, as if the bullet hit some stone wall, issued a sound.

What a noise, it seems to come from behind them.

Behind me is the big stone gate! Can this bullet still turn?

Alice and others were stunned.

Then Alice's face was full of joy and excitement!

Because she saw that Lin Kai did not have any signs of injury, it seemed that at the critical moment, she really avoided the bullet, and the color in her beautiful eyes became more intense!

As for Ma Jingyang and Xiao Li, they are as if they had seen a ghost. They are still human beings! At such a close distance, I'll hide the bullet!

What's more, Lin Kai's words at this time made several people froze again.

"Hehe, you must be a special soldier who has practiced for many years. Well, the shooting method is really good. It can shoot out the opening mechanism of the big stone gate. " Lin Kai said with a faint smile, but the laughter was full of coldness.

"You You, how did you escape the bullet? "

Xiao Li is still in the shock of how Lin Kai evades the bullet. With such a close distance and the dead angle position of his shot, even if the fierce ancient warrior didn't get hit in the chest, he would have to suffer some injuries.

As a result, nothing happened to Lin Kai.

After half a ring, Xiao Li came back to his senses.

Like everybody else, what does that mean?

At the time of people's doubt, suddenly heard the loud bang, is from behind!

Ma Jingyang and others couldn't help but look back.

The big stone gate opened slowly.

Ma Jingyang and Xiao Li, including Zhang Gangzi, who was lying on the ground, had a kind of absurd feeling. It was clear that this shot was to kill Lin, but who could have thought that the bullet would really turn around.

Unintentionally, but let the big stone door to open.

They have no idea what happened to the bullet.

However, since the big stone gate has been opened, Ma Jingyang, Xiao Li and Zhang Shouzi put all their doubts behind them. They are all excited and stare at the opening of the big stone gate.

Alice is the same. She is very happy to see that Lin Kai is OK. Now the big stone gate has been opened unintentionally.

In this way, Ma Jingyang and others should no longer target Lin Kai.

Alice was thinking when she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. Before she could react, Lin Kai stood behind her and put her arm around her slender waist.

Linkai held Alice a few meters away, about five or six meters away from the big stone gate.

Alice then responded. She looked up and saw that it was Lin Kai. She said, "Mr. Lin, you are..."

Before she finished, there was another loud noise.

Immediately, there were bursts of mechanical gear sound, as if there was some mechanism opened.

Alice could not help looking forward.

In addition to the big stone gate, which opened slowly, the stone walls on both sides of the stone gate were opening rapidly.

Before long, there were two spiked chariots made of wood, and they rushed out from both sides.This is the same principle that Zhuge Liang invented.

However, wooden oxen and flowing horses are used to transport grain.

This kind of chariot with sharp spines is used to trap and kill the enemy.

Only a tomb like this is qualified to manufacture such chariots to prevent grave robbers.

Ma Jingyang, Xiao Li and Zhang Shouzi were very close to dashimeng.

So after the spiked chariot appeared, the three men all looked frightened and quickly retreated.

Zhang finally got up from the ground. He was seriously injured by Lin Kai and couldn't escape the speed of the chariot.

As a result, Zhang was the first to be hit by these two chariots.

The spines are all made of bronze. Although two thousand years have passed, even bronze has become rusty under the corrosion of years.

But in ancient times, this kind of art was simple and incomparable in order to kill the enemy.

Even if it is rusty, it can also cut open the skin of a thin person. The oxidized and rusty fragments fall into the wound. If it is not treated, it will be fatal.

At present, Zhang's legs are pierced by chariots.

Zhang shouts madly in pain, lying on the ground, bleeding in his mouth, and shouting: "Ma boss, Xiao Li, help me! I don't want to die! "

Ma Jingyang and Xiao Li look at each other. Instead of rushing to save Zhang, they are observing whether there are other traps that have been triggered.

Half ring past, also did not see other traps, Ma Jingyang and Xiao Li this just walked past.

Of course, the two are still in a state of incomparable vigilance.

Then two people, one left and one right, ready to pull a chariot.

Alice's eyes were startled at this scene, but at the same time, she finally knew that Linkai had pulled her back again.

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