Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1359

The most shocking thing to say is Xu Xinghai.

However, he knew that the top management of Li Shengxian company had also found Yin Suyan's agent. Yin Suyan's agent refused and said that he would go to Beijing at noon to catch a well-known variety show recording.

There is also Lei Yuan group, which wants to recover Yin Suyan and continue to let Yin Suyan cooperate with its Qinren film and television company.

But Lei Yuan Group also can't keep Yin Suyan.

That's Lei Yuan group! Rich financial resources! It is said that it is a skyrocketing price and wants to keep Yin Suyan. However, Yin Suyan does not agree to continue cooperation!

Xu Xinghai just understood this, and knew that Lin Kai would never be able to invite Yin Suyan.

However, as a result, Lin Kai invited him here!

After half a ring, Xu Xinghai recovered from the shock and asked Yin Suyan, "Miss Yin, I remember you are going to take a plane to Beijing at noon to participate in the recording of a variety show? Why now? "

Xu Xinghai asked, at this time, the purchasing department, everyone's doubts, yes, is not there no time? Besides, she is one of the hottest female stars in recent months. How could she be invited by Lin Kai?

Yin Suyan said with a smile: "normally speaking, it's very important for me to participate in this variety show. No matter what company it is, I will refuse to do it one by one, no matter how high the bid is, no matter how high it is. But since it's Mr. Lin, if I'm invited here, I will not hesitate to postpone any work I have in hand, and I will also agree with Mr. Lin

Everyone in the purchasing department, including Hu Wenliang, was stunned.

Listen to Yin Suyan's meaning, she can come here completely depends on Lin Kai's face. What's the situation? Lin Kai is just a new employee. How can he face so much!

Xu Xinghai was confused again, but he seemed to think of something. He said with a smile: "Miss Yin, it's really our honor that you can come to our company. But the budget of our company is limited, so the endorsement fee of this new product will not be too high... "

He has been bought by leiyuan group, and he will not see that Yin Suyan really represents new products for Li Shengxian's company.

If the matter is stirred up, he will talk to the leiyuan group again. Maybe the leiyuan group will reward him.

In his opinion, Yin Suyan is a face opener for Lin, but he keeps the price of his endorsement very low, which is the price level of the 18 line stars.

If you don't have money, you won't give it back?

After all, they all want to earn more, so he can drive Yin Suyan away.

To Xu Xinghai's surprise, Yin Suyan said, "it's not a problem that the price is low. I don't care about the price when Mr. Lin invited me. Even free, I have no opinion. "

What? No problem with free?

Everyone was surprised how much face Lin Kai had!

Xu Xinghai is more stupid, what is the situation! Free endorsement is OK!

At this time, in addition to Xu Xinghai, Luo Zhipeng and Zhou Xin in the purchasing department, they felt very unhappy that Yin Suyan was invited by Lin Kai.

Other employees are very happy.

Not to mention anything else, just in reality, seeing the big star Yin Suyan in person is already very exciting.

Not to mention the urgent task of the company, it was perfectly completed.

What they have done is the staff of their purchasing department. You should know that this is what the propaganda department did. As a result, their purchasing department has completed this difficult task.

In the future, the company will take care of their purchasing department, which is a happy thing for everyone.

Next, the purchasing department will not go to eat any food.

Lin Kai has invited Yin Suyan. Naturally, he has to make a speech.

When the urgent task of the company is handed over to the purchasing department, they have to do it by themselves. They mainly invite the stars to make a contract with each other. As for the shooting, they call the backbone of the publicity department to shoot.

The Propaganda Department has long written down the copy of the specific content of the endorsement advertisement, but it is short of the star.

Not only that, according to the copy, we need a person who plays Yin Suyan's lover to shoot together.

This time, not only the male compatriots in the purchasing department were excited, but also the male compatriots from other departments came to participate in the performance one after another, all for the sake of intimate contact with Yin Suyan.

Of course, the decision is in the hands of Yin Suyan. She asked Lin Kai, "Mr. Lin, I invite you to shoot this advertisement with me. How about it?"

Lin Kai was embarrassed to refuse, although he knew that Yin Suyan could come because he saved Yin Suyan last night.

But he is also in order to complete the task of the system, and this time Yin Suyan proposed that there was no need for endorsement fee, that is to say, he really helped for free.

Li Shengxian's company, at present, has invested all its working capital in the projects in the suburbs of Xicheng. It can be regarded as a wreck, so that there is not so much money. It can only invite the first-line stars, but the second-line stars.

However, the most difficult task is to complete the shooting task today. Otherwise, if the shooting is not good today, the cooperators will stop cooperating.Even if the top management of the company can't finish it, it's handed over to the people below. In fact, there's no hope.

This new product can only be abandoned temporarily.

And Lin Kai invited Yin Suyan, whose current popularity is higher than that of first-line stars. The endorsement price is definitely a sky high price.

Li Shengxian's company can't afford it.

However, Yin Suyan didn't ask for the endorsement fee. In addition, with the popularity of Yin Suyan, the sales volume of this new product of Li Shengxian company will definitely become a popular item in the near future as long as the advertisement comes out.

That is to say, the company of Li Shengxian has been completely reduced.

Lin kaiben is the shareholder of Li Shengxian company, and the development of Li Shengxian's company is also a good help for Li Shengxian to stabilize his position as the successor of the Li family.

The development of Xicheng suburb takes time. Even if the Xicheng suburb is not as good as expected, it can be turned over with the sales of new products.

In short, Lin Kai has to thank Yin Suyan.

Lin Kai also told Li Shengxian about this, but Li Shengxian was also very excited. With the help of Yin Suyan's endorsement, his company's new product can guarantee the company's performance up to the standard for at least two years.

So at this time, Lin Kai didn't think about it, so he agreed to Yin Suyan.

At the time of shooting, Lin Kai is a pure background, just have a back figure.

The main character of the advertisement is Yin Suyan.

Yin Su Yan never had any problems shooting once.

So soon the shooting was finished. When it was over, it was 1:30 in the afternoon.

Yin Suyan returns to Lin Kai.

Those employees in the purchasing department came back after dinner.

When Yin Suyan seemed to have something to say to Lin, his ears stood up to listen.

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