Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1360

At this time, Yin Suyan looked at Lin Kai and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, last time you helped me, I asked for your phone number. I forgot to give you my personal phone number. Now here you are. Let's add a friend first. In this way, it will be convenient to contact me later. If you have anything to do with me, you can contact me at any time. You don't have to be as troublesome as today. "


As soon as Yin Suyan's words came to an end, an employee of the purchasing department nearby was holding a pile of documents. When he heard Yin Suyan say so, his hands trembled and the documents fell to the ground.


Super popular new first-line female stars, even to their company's new employees, take the initiative to add friends to each other, but also leave a private phone!

What is the situation? Did Yin Suyan fall in love with Lin Kai?

Luo Zhipeng also looked at Yin Suyan nearby. He was so jealous that his eyes were burning with jealousy. He immediately sneered and said, "Lin Kai, this poor boy, can't even find a slightly beautiful girl friend in his life. Miss Yin is just saying something polite. You don't have to take it seriously. "

When some employees heard Luo Zhipeng's words, they just added friends to leave a phone call. When Yin Suyan knew that Lin Kai was a poor boy, he would not pay any more attention.

And Yin Suyan also said that it was because Lin Kai helped her last time and left a phone call just to show her politeness.

At a time when more and more employees in the purchasing department felt that Luo Zhipeng was right, Tang Xiaoxuan couldn't help but stand up.

Tang Xiaoxuan first glanced at Luo Zhipeng, then set her eyes on Lin Kai, with a trace of love in her eyes: "who said that a girl who looks a little bit beautiful can't see Lin Kai? If Lin Kai wants to, I will be Lin Kai's girlfriend now! "

Feng Jia and Feng Jia broke up last night.

Compared with Lin Kai's bravery, Tang Xiaoxuan likes Lin Kai directly and dare to take responsibility.

She didn't mean to refute Luo Zhipeng, but she told the truth.

"What? Tang Xiaoxuan also fell in love with Lin Kai? She is one of the two goddesses in our department

Qin Ya and Tang Xiaoxuan, the two great goddesses in the purchasing department, are naturally beautiful women.

Unexpectedly, Tang Xiaoxuan said frankly that she fell in love with Lin Kai. Seeing the love in her eyes, it was not like cheating.

This makes many men in the purchasing department jealous.

Yin Suyan is too far away to think about in this life.

Tang Xiaoxuan, however, is not the same. She is a colleague in front of her eyes and has a chance.

However, now she said that she liked Lin Kai, so the men in the purchasing department naturally envied, envied and hated.

Luo Zhipeng's face is very ugly, because Tang Xiaoxuan's words are not to hit him in the face!

Luo Zhipeng hums a voice: "a play left, abandoned woman, nothing strange."

Qin Ya frowned and said, "I'm the same as Tang Xiaoxuan. If Lin Kai wants to, I'll tell Lin Kai on the spot and become his girlfriend!"

When Lin Kai looked at Qin Ya with a surprised look, Qin Ya seriously said to Lin Kai, "Lin Kai! I mean it, if you will

Everyone in the purchasing department is stunned, or do they know Gao Leng fan qinya?

Luo Zhipeng, in particular, was as embarrassed as eating a fly, and his face was gloomy to the extreme.

The purchasing department knows that he has been pursuing Qin Ya for a long time and has spent a lot of money.

But this Lin Kai, just came to the company for two days, let Qin ya love Lin Kai.

Luo Zhipeng's mood, can think how bad, more hate on Lin Kai.

"What charm does Lin Kai have that can make the two goddesses of the Department compete with each other?"

Many men in the purchasing department are also sighing.

However, the next moment, they are even more envious and jealous! Almost envious, to say!

Yin Su Yan's beautiful eyes flashed a smile and said to Luo Zhipeng, "Mr. Lin is the best man I've ever met. In my opinion, as long as Mr. Lin is willing, how many beautiful girls will rush for Mr. Lin. Even I want to move Mr. Lin

It was like a thunderbolt.

Men in the purchasing department, no matter who they are, are jealous to the red eye!

Yin Su fireworks a few months, there is naturally black powder, want to pick up the black history of Yin Su smoke, the results found that there is no black history, there is no scandal!

In the eyes of male fans, the most perfect and pure national goddess!

Yin Suyan now this sentence, the meaning has been very obvious, she also adores Linkai!

What kind of luck did Lin Kai step on? Even the national goddess has fallen!

Not only that, Qin Ya and Tang Xiaoxuan both stare at Yin Suyan with vigilance, but also stand beside Lin Kai.

"Stars are also human beings. Do you have to say" come first, then come? " Tang Xiaoxuan took the lead.

Qin Ya also said, "yes! The most important thing is that we should have fair competition. We can't rely on your status as a big star to do whatever you wantTang Xiaoxuan and Qin ya say, again close to Lin Kai, trying to squeeze Yin Suyan to one side.

In fact, Yin Suyan is still very angry in her heart. She can't imagine how the two girls compete with her fiercely, Lin Kai.

If it was not for his identity, he would have taken Lin Kai's arm.

As for Lin Kai, who was a party, he had a big head. He didn't seem to do anything or say anything. How could he be surrounded by three women and fight for him?

He just came to Li Shengxian company and sneaked in to catch the internal ghost.

Although it was not a failure, it was not so smooth. He just kept quiet for a few more days to see if he could investigate several other ghosts.

But now, Qin Ya and Tang Xiaoxuan two colleagues, both put in a foot, this let him how to ease down?

Nearby Luo Zhipeng, envious viscera, are about to explode.

His face was very ugly, and his heart was jealous. But on the surface, he was still extremely stiff and said, "what's the use of being seen by a woman? A poor boy who doesn't even have a car is going to be raised by a woman? Be a waste rice

When Hu Wenliang heard this, he said helplessly to Luo Zhipeng: "deputy manager Luo, I have said more than once. Lin has a car, and his car is really a Rolls Royce phantom. Why don't you believe it all the time?"

Luo Zhipeng sneered again: "he was deceiving a fool. Only a fool can believe that he has a Rolls Royce phantom. I will ask you, who has personally seen Linkai's Rolls Royce phantom?"

Before Hu Wenliang responded, Qin Ya immediately said, "I'm sorry, I've seen it. Last night, Lin Kai was driving that Rolls Royce phantom and took me home."

Yin Suyan also faintly opened his mouth: "Mr. Lin picked me up from the airport, also driving his Rolls Royce phantom."

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