Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1358

Zhou Xin looked at Tang Xiaoxuan and said in a cold voice, "public is public, private is private. What's more, Lin Kai really saved us last night, but why didn't he do it earlier? If you start early, my family, Xinghai, and Luo Zhipeng will not be injured! As you can see, Xinghai's face has been beaten and smeared with a lot of potions. And Luo Zhipeng's arm is even more bandaged

Qin Ya was also unbelievable. Looking at Zhou Xin, Qin Ya repeatedly asked, "this is clearly the vengeance that feeds the hand! According to you, if Luo Zhipeng didn't want to celebrate my birthday, everyone would not go to Shengshi KTV, wouldn't it be ok? If you didn't go to the bathroom at that time, you wouldn't meet Mr. Cheng, and you wouldn't lead to anything later. Do you blame Luo Zhipeng? Is that your fault? "

"Naturally, it's not my fault and Luo Zhipeng! If you want to blame, blame Lin Kaitai! " Zhou Xin did not listen to Qin Ya's words at all and insisted on his own ideas.

In her opinion, since Lin Kai can fight so well. It is so, at the beginning can avoid Xu Xinghai and Luo Zhipeng to be beaten, but Lin Kai didn't make a move, so he blamed Lin at the beginning.

She also felt that Lin had beaten the manager Cheng on the spot. After all, that fatso gave her a slap. She was also the leader of Lin Kai, so she should be angry for her!

Both Qin Ya and Tang Xiaoxuan looked at each other and could see the anger in each other's eyes.

They really did not expect that Zhou Xin, who had been together for several months and had a good relationship, would have such an unreasonable side.

They also said so frankly, but Zhou Xin, like Luo Zhipeng, thought that he was right. All the mistakes were made by Lin Kai.

It's twelve twenty-nine.

All the staff in the purchasing department are ready to go to the canteen for dinner.

"In fact, I'm curious. Has Lin Kai been wandering around the airport all morning?"

"Cut, he certainly won't go to the airport to look for Yin Suyan. Bi's going to find Yin Suyan is hopeless. I think Lin Kai has gone to the neighboring city to take a chance. "

"There's one minute left. It's 12:30. Hey, he hasn't come back yet. I guess he doesn't dare to come back."

"It's also a shame to be dismissed in public if you don't finish your task. I'm not going back to the company. "


At about 12:30, all the staff in the purchasing department were talking about Lin Kai.

But when people thought that Lin Kai didn't dare to go back to the company, there was a very excited voice outside the door: "coming! coming! Lin Kai invited the big star to come here in person

All the staff of the purchasing department can't help looking at the door. After Hu Wenliang came out of the elevator, he trotted over all the way and yelled excitedly.

The excited look on his face was like inviting someone who was not good.

"Ordinary stars are good, but big stars?"

"Yes, what about the big stars and the people you mentioned?"

Many employees, seeing only Hu Wenliang and not Lin Kai, not to mention the big star, questioned.

Luo Zhipeng's face was full of disdain.

Zhou Xin said with a sneer: "in a few hours, just rely on Lin to drive him? Can he invite stars to our company? It won't be a star of the 18th line, will it

Xu Xinghai has already walked out of the office. With a leadership posture, he said faintly: "the little stars of the 18th line are not qualified to speak for the products of our company. When we held a meeting, we strictly said that at least we should be second-line stars."

Hearing the doubts of several of his leaders, Hu Wenliang laughs but doesn't speak. Is he a star of the 18th line? You're kidding! Wait for Lin Kai to come in with a big star. It's absolutely frightening for everyone!

As I went back from the airport and entered the urban area, it was just at noon. During the rush hour after work, I ran into a traffic jam again.

A few minutes ago, Lin Kai drove his car to the company's parking lot.

Seeing that it was about to arrive at 12:30, Hu Wenliang offered to run to the Department and report the situation to everyone.

Lin Kai and Yin Suyan will come in soon.

Seeing that Hu Wenliang didn't say anything, they were more sure. Lin Kai invited a small star of the 18th line. He really had the face to say that he was a big star.

The elevator at the door just stopped on the first floor.

It's estimated that Lin Kai came with some people.

These employees in the purchasing department didn't leave in a hurry. They wanted to see who was invited by Lin Kai. I don't know if they have heard of it.

If you haven't heard of Lin Kai's 18 line star, it's a little funny.


At this time, the elevator door opened, and Lin Kai's figure first appeared in the public's sight.

Immediately after Lin Kou, is a big windbreaker, hat, sunglasses, etc., cover up very strict girl.

Although we can not see the face, but the figure, really let the men in the purchasing department, are swallowing saliva.

"The cover up is so tight, it's just to hide one's ears and steal the bell. In this way, you think that you are inviting a big star!"

"I think it's a random model, and then deliberately so, pretend to be a big star!"Many staff in the purchasing department are very disdainful.

Lin Kai then walked into the purchasing department. He looked at Xu Xinghai and said, "manager Xu, when you come back, there is a traffic jam. Should you not be late?"

It's just 12:30 now. It's stepping on the spot. It's within the specified time.

Xu Xinghai is naturally not good. In this regard, he has any worries about Lin Kai, but nods and says, "I'm not late."

Xu Xinghai said, and then looked at Yin Suyan, who was standing beside Lin Kai. He said in a deep voice: "if you are not a second-class star or above, you can't be competent to speak for us. This new product of our company. So if it's not, I'm sorry. Please come back. "

Yin Suyan then took down her hat, sunglasses and mask, revealing her beautiful face, and then said, "can I be competent?"

When the purchasing department, all the people saw the whole picture of Yin Suyan, for a time, there was a brief silence.

"Yin Yin Suyan

"My God! Am I right? It's really Yin Suyan

"Lin Kai really invited Yin Suyan!"

"How did Lin Kai do it? It's incredible

With a exclamation, the sound of shock, like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, has been heard.

"Linkai, you're wonderful!" Qin Ya's heart of worrying about Lin Kai is finally put down. She looks at Lin Kai, and her eyes are more and more colorful, and she is really happy for Lin Kai.

Luo Zhipeng's face changed again and again. His eyes were dull and he kept whispering: "how could this be possible! Lin Kai, how can he de invite Yin Suyan What the hell is going on! "

Zhou Xin is also like Luo Zhipeng. His face is dull and his heart is roaring wildly. It seems that he is not willing to believe this fact at all.

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