Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1357

At this time, Yin Su Yan, a middle-aged woman, looked at her in a hurry.

"Sister Liu, I don't believe you don't have any other afterthoughts. Although you signed a contract with that program group, I didn't say that you had to go to this issue. It's not impossible to arrange the next few issues, right? " Yin Suyan said with a smile and made a look at the middle-aged woman.

It was like a signal. The middle-aged woman seemed to understand something. Then she approached Yin Suyan and asked in a low voice, "Su Yan, he is the one who saved your life in your mouth?"

"Yes." Yin Suyan nodded with a smile: "Sister Liu, or you can prepare a late ticket for me. Anyway, the shooting of the program is not one day or two days. I will make up for it then, and it doesn't matter."

"Now that you have said that, what can I do?" The middle-aged woman, sister Liu, shook her head helplessly: "be careful. The man in Donghai is actually from a big family in Beijing. Of course, I've sent someone to warn me, and I've promised that I won't do that again, but I'm still worried

Speaking of this, sister Liu glanced at Lin Kai, and then said, "if this person is really as powerful as you said, I will be at ease for your safety."

The smile on Yin Suyan's face was even worse. After nodding to sister Liu, he picked up his bag and walked to Lin Kai's side with a joyful step. He said, "Mr. Lin, let's go."

"Well, thank you very much, Miss Yin, for accepting my invitation." Lin Kai thanks.

Yin Suyan shook his head and said: "I should thank you. If you didn't show up last night, the consequences would be terrible. In short, this little thing is not enough to repay you! "

Lin Kai just smiles, and then leaves with Yin Suyan.

Yin Suyan is very clever and follows Lin Kai.

When Lin Kai and Yin Suyan walked out of the VIP area of the terminal, Hu Wenliang was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Lin Kaizhen invited Yin Suyan.

What's more, Lin Kai says that he barely knows Yin Suyan. That's bullshit! It's hard to know Yin Suyan. It's just like a good friend!

Hu Wenliang didn't know whether there was an illusion. He always thought that Yin Suyan looked at Lin Kai's eyes with worship from time to time.

The national goddess, who worships Lin Kai very much at the same time?

Hu Wenliang got on the car as if in a dream.

He was sitting in the back row, but Yin Suyan was sitting on the copilot.

Along the way, Yin Suyan stares at Lin Kai with different feelings in his eyes.

This made Hu Wenliang even more shocked, as if he was a big light bulb.

It's twelve twenty.

The purchasing department of Li Shengxian company.

Xu Xinghai looked down at the watch on his hand, and then looked at the door of the eye door. With a smile, he knew that Lin Kai could not complete the urgent task of the company.

It's half past twelve, but it's ten minutes to go.

Until now, Lin Kai hasn't come back. There must be no hope.

Luo Zhipeng, sitting at random in a position, cocked his legs, said to an employee who often flattered him: "I have great expectations for Linkai, but I have put the urgent task of this company in his hands. It's a pity that time is coming. I didn't expect that Lin Kai failed to live up to my expectations. It's so disappointing. "

"Brother Peng is right. You give that Lin Kai such a good chance. In fact, he will give you danshead. It's stupid of him not to grasp it himself. If Peng Ge gives me this good opportunity, I can definitely finish it well! " Naturally, the employee was lying with his eyes open. Anyway, the task of breaking the stall was entrusted to Lin Kai.

Luo Zhipeng likes the feeling of being flattered, even though he knows that the employee is lying.

He was ready to say something else. Suddenly he saw the door and walked in.

It's Qin Ya and Tang Xiaoxuan.

They talked as they came in.

"I don't know where Lin Kai is. It's hard to find any stars." Tang Xiaoxuan sighed.

Qin Ya first looked at Luo Zhipeng, and then whispered to Tang Xiaoxuan: "before, I thought Luo Zhipeng was ordinary, but he was also a normal person. After this, I felt that Luo Zhipeng's character was really not good. It's disgusting that Lin Kai tried to get rid of us when he saved us last night. "

After Qin Ya Gang finished, Luo Zhipeng walked towards her and Tang Xiaoxuan.

"Xiaoya, the meal is ordered. How about I treat you to dinner later?" Luo Zhipeng was in a good mood and spoke to Qin ya.

Qin Ya ignored Luo Zhipeng.

Tang Xiaoxuan is also a straightforward, said: "deputy manager Luo, you have done this, is not too much? Anyway, Lin Kai sacrificed himself to save us last night. Deputy manager Luo, you forgot that you were beaten last night. If it wasn't for Lin Kai, maybe you would... "

Before Tang Xiaoxuan finished speaking, Luo Zhipeng's face changed greatly and he yelled: "are you scolding the leader? I'm just giving Lin a good opportunity to improve his performance. How can I get to you, it becomes the taste that I want to bite the hand that feeds me? Besides, it was decided by the three departments. Are you still our leader? "Tang Xiaoxuan was very angry, but she couldn't help it.

Qin Ya can't help but say to Luo Zhipeng: "Luo Zhipeng, is it true that you bite the hand that feeds the hand that feeds you? I also think that you have really passed the test. "

Luo Zhipeng's face was gloomy and terrible. He said faintly: "it's nearly 12:30. If Lin Kai doesn't finish the task, he can be dismissed by the company and go away. It's not my decision. It's manager Xu and manager Wu of the operation Department who make a joint decision. To blame him, he doesn't have the ability. What's more, if Lin Kaizhen completes the task, the company will certainly not treat him badly. Everything has two sides, doesn't it? "

Luo Zhipeng's voice just fell, Zhou Xin also came. She followed Luo Zhipeng's words and said, "yes, Lin Kai didn't refuse the company's task. In the final analysis, Lin Kai is also aiming at the rich rewards of the company's tasks. He can't blame anyone for his incompetence."

Zhou Xinxuan said with a sneer, "didn't Lin Kai pretend very well last night? If he really has the ability, he will certainly be able to complete the urgent task of the company. What else do you worry about?"

"Sister Xin, why do you talk about Lin Kai. Don't you forget that if Lin Kai didn't save you last night, Mr. Cheng might have done something to you

Tang Xiaoxuan looked at Zhou Xin in disbelief. She and Zhou Xin had known each other for a long time. She found out for the first time that Zhou Xin was also like Luo Zhipeng. They were the people who would bite the hand that feeds the hand.

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