Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1347

However, for Lin Kai, this is just a small trouble that can be easily solved.

At this time, Tang Xiaoxuan was brave and blocked Feng Jia's body: "my boyfriend and the people in this box don't know each other. It really has nothing to do with him!"

However, what people didn't expect was that Feng Jia pushed Tang Xiaoxuan away in order to save herself, and then said in a low voice to Mr. Cheng: "Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, this is my girlfriend. I don't mind if you just let me go

Tang Xiaoxuan was so confused that she didn't expect Feng Jia to say such a thing!

Tang Xiaoxuan secretly hates how to find such a man to be a boyfriend! Her eyes, full of disappointment and regret!

Other people in the box also looked at Feng Jia.

In particular, Feng Jia, who had grown up and offered his girlfriend to her, burst into laughter: "good, good! Now that you're on the road, it won't be difficult for you. You can go now. "

Feng Jia hears the speech, quickly ground also did not return, ready to leave this box.

Luo Zhipeng was beaten seriously, he did not want to be sent to the hospital in such a mess.

Besides, he was tired of playing with Tang Xiaoxuan.

Women are just like changing clothes to him, so he doesn't have any hesitation.

Tang Xiaoxuan didn't know Feng Jia's mind, but Feng Jia left so decisively that she lost her last thought.

She looked at Feng Jia's back and cried out, "Feng Jia! You are heartless

Feng Jia didn't seem to hear that. He was about to open the box door.

Suddenly, a beer bottle fell on Feng Jia's leg.

In an instant, Feng Jia screamed and fell to the ground.

I don't know which direction the beer bottle is from the past.

But this beer bottle, but let Cheng Zong that group of people, began to fight Lin Kai and others.

For a while, they attacked Lin Kai, Hu Wenliang and Xu Xinghai!

Xu Xinghai was the worst. After all, six or seven people surrounded him. Before a few seconds, he was beaten black and blue, and ran around holding his head.

When Hu Wenliang saw this, he felt bitter in his heart. He knew that the beating was inevitable.

He immediately picked up his head and protected his head from injury. He was ready to be beaten.

However, in the next moment, he heard the sound of bone fracture, which was not from his body. He didn't even feel pain. No one even touched him.

What's the situation?

Hu Wenliang with doubt, will hold the hands of the head, put down, and then slowly straighten up.

First of all, he saw Lin Kai. He didn't know what was going on and blocked him.

Hu Wenliang was about to say that Lin Kai was dangerous and told him to get out of the way.

However, he noticed that there were several subordinates of general manager Cheng lying on the ground, screaming with pain, as if they had suffered some severe attack.

The six or seven people who beat Xu Xinghai also noticed the situation here. They no longer beat Xu Xinghai. Instead, they all looked at Lin Kai strangely.

In addition to Hu Wenliang and Xu Xinghai, all the other people in the box had seen it before. Lin Kai had just lightly solved the six people.

And this is a direct abolition, the six men's fighting capacity, the six lying on the ground, have been unable to climb up!

"Oh! Have you learned martial arts? " General manager Cheng was also shocked, but he didn't believe it. Even if he had learned martial arts, he should not be able to fight.

General manager Cheng immediately gave an order: "you several go up together! The two fists are hard to beat with four hands. The boy just broke them one by one. I'll see if he'll be beaten this time! "

The six or seven people who had beaten Xu Xinghai all reacted to it. Yes, the boy just now was just relying on the sneak attack, and he fell down one by one.

This time, they are afraid of the boy?

So, the six or seven people besieged Linkai together!

However, everyone in the box was stunned.

Lin opened his legs and kicked them out. All the six or seven people flew out and fell to the ground fiercely. They felt as if they had been beaten by a sledgehammer. They spat blood and couldn't get up.

This skill!

Cheng zongteng stood up with a voice, his eyes full of wonder.

Soon, he was in a cold sweat, because Lin Kai glanced at him.

Scared, Mr. Cheng bowed and said, "great Xia, you are really good. I haven't had time to make friends with this kind of great Xia. How can I send someone to beat you. Ha ha, great Xia. You can leave this box now. I will give you a free membership card of Shengshi KTV for one year, OK? "

Qin Ya and others also showed disbelief, but also some worries. They worried that Lin agreed to general manager Cheng at the meeting, and then left directly like Feng Jia.

Besides, these people, except Qin Ya and Hu Wenliang, before that, others had no less ridicule at Lin Kai.

If Lin Kai left now, he would understand.Because of this, they are worried.

"Let me go?" Lin opened his mouth slightly arc, not to say anything else, just a system task, save Qin ya, he has to finish.

Immediately he glanced at the box door, still lying on the ground Feng Jia, light way: "I can't be like him, no man's appearance."

"The most important thing is, these people, either my leaders or colleagues, how can I leave like this? I'm afraid I'll lose my job."

In fact, this is what Lin Kai casually said, looking for a reason.

However, in the eyes of Qin Ya and others, after Lin Kai's words, their image of Lin Kai has not only been upgraded to a higher level! A moment to a great image!

Is it the same person who said he bragged about opening the Rolls Royce phantom and sent a broken cloth bag as a gift?

Especially Zhou Xin and Tang Xiaoxuan, both of them look at Lin Kai in a daze, their eyes showing inexplicable emotions.

Tang Xiaoxuan is the most complicated, because Feng Jia, who falls on the ground and cries in pain at the door of the box, is in complete contrast to Lin Kai, who stands there and nobody dares to move.

General manager Cheng heard Lin Kai's words, his face was a little ugly. He said so, but he didn't give him face.

He then said again: "the great Xia is to give you face, don't be shameless! Do you really think I am Cheng Qianli, a soft persimmon? "

General manager Cheng Pei a sentence, pointed to Zhou Xin, ruthlessly said: "brother, this is it, let's each step back. I'm sure I'll have to educate this woman tonight, so I'll just take her and let the rest go

Wolf, who was outside the box, didn't leave, but stood outside watching. At this time, he came in and advised him, "it's also the first time I've seen Mr. Cheng and compromised with others. Brother, I still advise you to agree to the request of general manager Cheng, otherwise it will be bad for everyone. "

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