Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1348

Wolf said.

Everyone in the box focused on Lin Kai.

Both Mr. Cheng and Zhou Xin are waiting for Lin Kai's decision.

Zhou Xin saw that Lin Kai had not responded, so he even said, "Lin Kai! You know, you can't lose your job! In this, my family Xinghai is the Department Manager, your direct leader. Luo Zhipeng is the deputy manager, and I am the department head, is your leader! So you can't leave us! "

"Leadership?" Feng Jia, who lies at the door of the box, hates Lin Kai secretly, but he knows that Lin Kai's strength can't offend him. But he is very upset. He wants to drag some people into the water and suffer as much as he does.

Feng Jia sneered again: "I remember that dozens of minutes ago, you so-called leaders were constantly targeting Lin Kai. Are you leading like this? Let me say, let's not forget about this work, so as not to be further targeted by these so-called leaders. "

Then he looked at Lin Kai and said, "Lin Kai, don't you agree to Mr. Cheng? Anyway, it's just to send out the woman who mocked you before. Everyone is happy."

Feng Jia said that, in addition to trying to pull people into the water, it was also to prevent general manager Cheng from calling people. At that time, it was very bad for him to suffer.

When Zhou Xin heard Feng Jia's words, she realized that her bad attitude towards Lin Kai turned pale.

Yes, she always targets Lin Kai everywhere. Lin Kai will definitely promise Mr. Cheng.

At the thought of this, Zhou Xin couldn't help looking at Xu Xinghai, who was beaten with blood on his face, and called out: "Xinghai! You are the direct leader of Lin Kai. Please order Lin Kai to save me

Xu Xinghai did not immediately open his mouth, but fell into meditation.

This made Zhou Xin jump to his feet in a hurry and yelled again: "Xu Xinghai! Are you like Feng Jia? "

Hearing the speech, Xu Xinghai looked up at Lin Kai and said, "Linkai, it was our fault before. After all, Xinxin is your supervisor and colleague... "

Xu Xinghai did not finish, Lin Kai interrupted with a smile: "manager Xu, I have my own decision."

Hearing Lin Kai's words, I seem to know what Lin Kai means.

Zhou Xin body a shudder, the heart is very afraid, also very angry!

Lin Kai is going to promise Mr. Cheng! Then, she's finished!

"Ha ha, the man who knows business is a hero!"

General manager Cheng laughed again, and his face relaxed. Then he turned his eyes to Zhou Xin and scanned him with the eyes of a lecher.

In fact, the purpose of general manager Cheng is the other two women in the box, which are more beautiful than this one.

But Lin Kai does have some strength, so he has to take Zhou Xin away.

Seeing this scene, Feng Jia smiles and successfully pulls one into the water. It seems that Lin Kai listened to him.

So Feng Jia resisted the wound on her leg and got up trembling, ready to walk out of the box door again.

Unexpectedly, another beer bottle landed on Feng Jia's other leg with great precision.


Feng Jia fell to the ground again and screamed.

The beer bottle was naturally thrown by Lin Kai. After he finished throwing it, his eyes shifted to Mr. Cheng's body and said faintly, "I'm sorry, I didn't say I'm going to promise you?"

As soon as this word comes out, Cheng Zong is stunned at first, and then his face becomes a little ferocious.

Zhou Xin is like from hell, suddenly rose to heaven, the heart can not suppress the excitement.

The others, too, looked at Lin Kai in disbelief.

Lin Kai's mind is too broad!

Qin Ya looked at Lin Kai's eyes, and began to take a trace of worship, as well as unspeakable love.

Even if it was Tang Xiaoxuan, there were stars in her eyes.

Before that, she and Zhou Xin were so targeted at Lin Kai.

I didn't expect to wait until the real dangerous moment.

Lin Kai didn't care about what happened before. Instead, he would save them!

Although Lin Kai likes to boast, he is also stingy and poor.

However, compared with other people, Lin Kai can save them at a dangerous time, so naturally, he has some admiration for Lin Kai!

Don't talk about Qin Ya and Tang Xiaoxuan.

At this time, Hu Wenliang thought that Lin Kai was too manly!

In fact, they did not know that Lin Kai was not a saint, so he would not save Zhou Xin for no reason.

The original purpose of his coming to this KTV party tonight is to get in touch with Xu Xinghai and try to make a routine use of Xu Xinghai.

But no matter in his morning, in order to prevent Xu Xinghai from transmitting the company's core information to leiyuan group, he had to offend Xu Xinghai.

At noon, he did not know where to offend Zhou Xin.

In a word, the KTV party tonight was targeted everywhere, and Xu Xinghai could not be contacted at all.

Lin Kai had to finish the task of the system by the way.

Now he has changed his strategy by making such a fuss from Mr. Cheng, that is to win Xu Xinghai's trust first.In this way, Xu Xinghai can put down the previous target, and he can contact Xu Xinghai.

So Lin Kai chose to save next week Xin.

"Brother, are you really going to fight with me?" Mr. Cheng's face sank, and his face was hard to see.

Lin Kai didn't care: "did I choose to be tough? Aren't you aggressive all the time? You can continue to choose to go with me. Of course, it's better to persuade you to take people away

Cheng always smell speech, the facial expression indifferently clapped hands, then a sneer: "good good! Good one told me to choose to go down hard! That's what you want

With that, Mr. Cheng took out his mobile phone, looked at brother wolf, and said in a cruel voice: "I can't believe it. I still have to let the letter do less. Wolf, you let people guard at the door of the box. No one is allowed to let me out!"

Wolf elder brother heard the letter less than two words, his expression became dignified, and then with a pair of eyes to see the dead, he looked at Lin Kai: "it's really disrespectful! So many people advise you, agree with Mr. Cheng, you just don't agree! This is it! Mr. Cheng asks Xin Shao to do less. If Xin Shao does, none of you want to run away! "

Luo Zhipeng, who has been lying on the ground for a long time, is not as confused as before. He knows that the situation has escalated and become more serious.

Especially when he heard brother Lang's words, Luo Zhipeng asked subconsciously, "wolf, wolf, brother wolf Who is Xinshao? Why haven't I heard of it? "

Wolf brother sneered: "good to tell you, this flourishing age KTV has already been acquired, and the acquisition of this person is Shao Xin, the eldest young master of Wanxin group! Although Wanxin group is not in the East China Sea, Shao Xinxin has started to deploy in the East China Sea, which belongs to his forces! "

"Xinshao is not afraid of the Li family at all. You know how hard Xinshao is! I tell you, you are dead today

Wolf brother said, is still sneering.

In his opinion, it was not necessary to let the letter less. As a result, Lin Kai was so stupid that he went on with Mr. Cheng.

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