Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1346

It's just that Luo Zhipeng is preparing to leave the box.

Unexpectedly, the door of the box was opened.

Not only that, more than ten people broke in and came to look for trouble.

When seeing these people coming in, Zhou Xin was the first to react, pointing to one in the middle, who looked like a middle-aged fat man of nouveau riche, and said in a sharp voice: "Xinghai, he is the lecher! And hit me

This group of people who broke in was obviously led by the middle-aged fat man who was suddenly rich.

Xu Xinghai heard Zhou Xin say so, first of all, he took a look at the wolf brother and several security personnel under the wolf brother. When he was middle-aged, he was angry with the fat man! You dare to offend my woman. Do you know who I am? I'll make you look good today

Luo Zhipeng also followed, angrily scolded: "dead fat man! We're just getting ready to find you. I can't believe you're stupid enough to deliver it to your door! "

After Luo Zhipeng finished scolding, he then looked at brother lang. for a moment, his face was full of smile and asked him with a smile: "brother wolf, these people are so arrogant that they dare to break into the guest's box at will. This is your territory. Isn't it a slap in the face? So, what do you think we're going to do with these guys? Do you want to... "

Luo Zhipeng said, and suddenly stopped.

In fact, his words have not been finished.

As for why he didn't say it, it was because he saw wolf's look very strange.

To be exact, when brother wolf came in, he looked like a big boss. My territory was covered by me. Whoever dared to move my territory would abandon his attitude.

But now, wolf brother looked at the middle-aged fat man, is no longer that kind of expression, but has a flattering, flattering expression.

Even at the next moment, wolf said cautiously, "Mr. Cheng, this is..."

"All right, wolf, you don't take people out."

The middle-aged man, who was called the general manager of Cheng by Wolf brother, interrupted wolf brother's words directly, and his face showed his impatience.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Wolf brother immediately with a few security, busy to the box out, as if he did not want to stay here.

This scene made Xu Xinghai, Luo Zhipeng and others all froze.

Luo Zhipeng swallowed his saliva, hardened his scalp, and said to the wolf brother who just opened the box door: "brother wolf..."

Wolf brother from impossible to let, Luo Zhipeng said a complete sentence, suddenly turned back, called curse: "who are you? I don't know you! This is the famous general manager Cheng! The woman whom Mr. Cheng likes is a woman's blessing! Do you know? "

Brother wolf is not so heartless, he said, not forgetting to look at Luo Zhipeng, with warning eyes, scanning the past.

Luo Zhipeng saw wolf brother's warning eyes, and his forehead was constantly cold sweat.

But he is very clear that wolf brother's prestige moment, can let wolf elder brother, all feel pressure, that is the background is quite extraordinary!

Next to Xu Xinghai did not pay attention, what wolf brother's eyes, he hesitated.

However, at this time, general manager Cheng was extremely arrogant. He slapped Luo Zhipeng and said in a cold voice, "are you still going to deal with me? I'll see what you're going to do with me! Go! Give this man a good lesson first! After living for so many years, it is the first time that someone dares to deal with me in front of me

Luo Zhipeng was slapped by this slap. He was a little confused. He didn't expect that the general manager Cheng was so lawless.

And with the words of the general manager Cheng, several people behind him came forward and beat Luo Zhipeng hard, bleeding on his nose.

Wolf brother, who was preparing to leave at the box door, did not say anything but shook his head.

As for Zhou Xin, Tang Xiaoxuan, Feng Jia, Qin Ya and others, they were scared to retreat.

"You don't stop now!" "Do you know who I am? You dare to do it yourself

Zhou Xinhu's eyes are bright, yes, his boyfriend is the Department Manager of Li Shengxian company!

Behind Li Shengxian is the Li family! Li's position in the East China Sea is self-evident!

Zhou Xin want to understand, but also very proud of the mouth: "my boyfriend is Li Shengxian company department manager!"

"Li Shengxian's Department Manager?" General manager Cheng was a little surprised at first, and immediately disdained: "what is Li Shengxian worth, let alone you are still Li Shengxian's employees!"

General manager Cheng sneers at him repeatedly. Li Shengxian has a deep background. He is the youngest of the Li family in Donghai, and is also the most likely successor of the Li family.

However, he is not weak in Cheng Qianli. Now he is also backed by a big mountain, and he is not afraid of Li Shengxian.

General manager Cheng sat down on the sofa at this time, showing a funny color: "originally, I saw that little girl, just wanted to make fun of it. Unexpectedly, the little girl scolded me as a shameless old lecher. I couldn't help it."

He stopped a little and then looked at Zhou Xin. The interesting color in his eyes became more and more intense. He said, "anyway, I've said that I'm a shameless old sex wolf, so I should be a shameless old sex wolf, so I won't be sorry to be said so."General manager Cheng's tone was another meal, and then his face suddenly cooled down. He ordered his group of men to drink: "give me a hard lesson to all the men in this box! There are three women, but it's OK, especially the one with cartoon short sleeves. I like it! I'll take them all away. I'll give you a good explanation. What's a shameless old lecher. "

His group of subordinates, hearing the last sentence, each one of them had a meaningful laugh.

Then the group began to surround Lin Kai, Hu Wenliang, Feng Jia and Xu Xinghai.

Luo Zhipeng has been taught a lesson, and now he lies on the ground and cries with pain.

Xu Xinghai is surrounded by the most people, a full of 67 people, obviously do not want to let Xu Xinghai escape..

Lin Kai, Hu Wenliang and Feng Jia were surrounded by three people.

"Do you know what you are doing with this kind of behavior?" Xu Xinghai's heart trembled, very afraid, did not think that they all reported their identity, this group of people still dare to start.

Especially in front of a few people, he firmly surrounded, no chance to escape!

"Ah! If you want to fight, just hit them. I didn't participate in the whole process. It has nothing to do with me! "

Tang Xiaoxuan's boyfriend, also known as Feng Jia, was pale and frantically explained.

Although Hu Wenliang didn't say anything, his body was shaking violently and he was obviously very afraid.

After all, Luo Zhipeng was seriously injured. This example is in front of them.

Lin Kai looks indifferent, as if he didn't see three people around him.

No wonder, he thought, that the condition for completing the system task is to ensure Qin ya to spend a night safely.

It turns out that there are other troubles.

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