Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1345

Lin Kai still insisted on speaking for Qin Ya and nodded secretly.

No wonder Qin Ya will be selected by the system.

Those selected by the system as the target of the mission are either the bad ones or the kind-hearted ones like Qin ya.

Lin Kai didn't get angry when he saw that everyone had different attitudes towards him. Instead, he said with a faint smile: "I really forgot. I just brought a small item to Qin ya. In advance, it's a very cheap thing, so please don't laugh at it. "

after that, Lin Kai took out a sachet from his pocket.

In fact, the sachet is quite good. It's a very ordinary cloth bag. I don't know what it contains.

Speaking of it, this bag is for Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian. It actually contains three body protecting talismans, which can block three attacks.

Why not install a little more, because more will be invalid, you can only use three at a time.

He completely saw that Lin Yuan disguised his appearance and went to talk with Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian.

If Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian encounter this situation next time, the amulet can sense that if they are attacked, they will block the attack for them.

Of course, suffering from other crises can also block it.

In short, you can protect your life three times.

Lin Kai didn't explain what was inside. He knew that even if he did, no one at the scene was an ancient warrior, so he would not believe it.

It's better not to explain.

Sure enough, people saw that Lin Kai took out the cloth bag, and their faces became very strange.

"Linkai! It's like muddling through with such a rag bag. You fool people, and you don't take it with you! "

Zhou Xin yelled at Lin Kai's gift and was dissatisfied with it.

As if the gift was for her.

Don't mention Zhou Xin. Hu Wenliang is also ashamed of Lin Kai's gift.

An ordinary cloth bag, also took out as a birthday gift, really Kui Lin can think of it!

Although Qin Ya is not angry, she just smiles at Lin Kai's perfunctory gift. She quickly takes over the cloth bag in Lin Kai's hand and says, "Lin Kai's gift is OK. Don't embarrass Lin Kai any more."

Naturally, Qin Ya doesn't want others to target Lin Kai.

"Yes, yes, anyway, today's heroine is Qin ya. Tonight's Bureau is also to celebrate Qin Ya's birthday. She has said that gifts are OK. We don't have any opinions." Hu Wenliang also stood up in time.

Qin Ya and Hu Wenliang said that it was really not good for others to target Lin Kai, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

However, after playing in KTV, none of them took Lin Kai.

Occasionally, Hu Wenliang asked Lin Kai to accompany him for a drink.

Lin Kai is happy and free. Unfortunately, Xu Xinghai didn't drink any wine. Moreover, Xu Xinghai and Zhou Xin had no useful information in their chat.

However, it was not without harvest. He noticed that Xu Xinghai spent more than two million yuan on the Maserati for Zhou Xin.

According to Xu Xinghai's income, Xu Xinghai gnaws his teeth and can buy a luxury car between 1 million and 2 million yuan at most.

But if you spend more than two million dollars directly, and you don't blink, that's very problematic.

So he has to investigate the source of Xu Xinghai's money.

Li Shengxian, several of the company's insiders, since they were bought by leiyuan group, must have used the same bank account to transfer to Xu Xinghai and others.

As long as the bank account is found, he can check the transfer record. At that time, several other insiders of the company will be exposed naturally.

While Lin Kai was thinking, Zhou Xin drank a lot of wine and went to the toilet.

But when Zhou Xin came back, she came back crying, and there was a very obvious slap mark on her face.

When people saw Zhou Xin's appearance, they were all stunned.

In particular, Xu Xinghai, who was his girlfriend, asked, "Xinxin, who did it?"

Zhou Xin immediately looked very indignant, and then gnawed his teeth and said, "Xinghai, you have to do something for me! Not long ago, I had just finished going to the toilet. I didn't expect to come out and meet a lecher! The lecheron even wanted to touch me, but I naturally refused. As a result, I was slapped by the coyote! "

When hearing this, Xu Xinghai was angry, his girlfriend was offended, this is not in his face!

What's more, he is the middle-level leader of Li Shengxian company and the manager of important departments.

Soon, he will be promoted to the top management of Lei Yuan group!

That's Lei Yuan group! The rising overlord of the East China Sea recently!

How could he bear the feeling of being beaten in the face!

So Xu Xinghai stood up directly and hummed, "naturally, it's for you. Teach that guy a good lesson!"

Luo Zhipeng saw his direct subordinates and spoke like this. In order to show himself in front of Xu Xinghai, Luo Zhipeng immediately said, "manager Xu! This KTV boss, wolf brother is my friend. don 't worry! It's all up to meXu Xinghai took a surprise look at Luo Zhipeng, thought a little, and then said with a smile: "it's OK, Zhipeng, please bring your friend brother wolf over here and help me see who that guy is! No matter who it is, I let him know what it will be like to offend me! "

Zhou Xin was deeply moved when she saw Xu Xinghai's domineering appearance. But the hot feeling on her face made her eyes twinkle with cold. She wanted that person to pay the same price!

Luo Zhipeng began to call the so-called wolf brother.

I don't know whether Luo Zhipeng intentionally ordered the hands-free voice so that everyone in the box could hear the voice of wolf brother on the phone.

Luo Zhipeng quickly said what happened here.

The wolf brother on the other end of the phone seemed to have a good relationship with Luo Zhipeng, so he responded: "Xiao Luo, this bag is on me. This is my territory. If you don't say anything, I will teach you a lesson. You wait for me in the box, and I'll be right there

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zhipeng's face was extremely proud, as if to say, how about my contacts.

Before long, a bald man came with several security guards.

The bald man is the wolf.

When Luo Zhipeng saw brother Lang, he quickly gave him a pack of good cigarettes. He said with a smile: "brother wolf, this matter should be the decision for us."

"Since you are in charge, that's fine. No problem."

Brother Lang is very skillful, took the pack of cigarettes.

Immediately, he took a look at Zhou Xin and said, "please show me the way. I'd like to have a look. It's a guy who doesn't have a long eye. He's making trouble with me. It's against him!"

Luo Zhipeng looked at Qin Ya and others, and his face was still pleased. He said, "brother wolf and I will teach that guy a lesson. You can stay here."

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