Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1344

Lin Kai this words a, immediately caused the box, everyone's laughter.

In addition to Qin Ya's normal, even Hu Wenliang, beside Lin Kai, was drinking and almost choked by laughter.

"Lin Kai, do you really think we are fools? Or did you treat us like monkeys? I wonder if you have ever seen the illusion of Rolls Royce in reality, as a poor boy who eats all his meals clean and tidy? Are you still dreaming? Haven't you woken up yet? Do you know how much a Rolls Royce phantom costs? A car wheel, all than you several years of wages are higher Zhou Xin sneered mercilessly.

Luo Zhipeng also mocked: "Linkai, Linkai, you just joined our purchasing department. There is no need to brag with us, or you should be down-to-earth. Neither I nor manager Xu likes unrealistic employees. If you don't have time, manager Xu will dismiss you, and you will not end up well. "

This sentence, attracted the approval of all the people in the box.

Although Xu Xinghai also wanted to make Lin Kai more embarrassed by mixing his feet, he said that if the boy went to complain to Li Shengxian, it would not be good.

When Xu Xinghai saw a bottle of liquor with a very high degree on the table, he pointed to the liquor, continued to use the leader's taste, and said to Lin: "Xiao Lin, whatever your reason, since you are late, you will have to punish yourself and drink this bottle."

"Manager Xu, this degree is very high, just a few cups. I'm afraid you've got alcoholism in this bottle!" Hu Wenliang can't stand Lin Kai's boasting, but Lin Kai is someone he can talk to, so he says for Lin Kai.

Lin Kai looked at Hu Wenliang unexpectedly, shaking his head and laughing.

Looking at Xu Xinghai again, he said, "well, manager Xu said that. How can I be a disappointment? I drank this bottle."

When Xu Xinghai heard the speech, the smile on his face could not stop. If this bottle of wine, even if it could be drunk, could not bear to go down this bottle, let alone drunk.

It is even possible that alcoholism does occur.

The reason for ordering this bottle of platinum is actually to mix it into beer and let Qin Ya drink it.

However, Xu Xinghai wants to teach the boy a lesson, so he can't take care of that, so let Lin Kai drink first.

Xu Xinghai started to open the bottle of liquor for Lin.

Hu Wenliang sighed when he saw this.

Qin Ya frowned and thought that Xu Xinghai was going too far. However, Xu Xinghai is the biggest leader in the whole box. Who dares to offend his own leader? Unless you don't want to.

Luo Zhipeng, Zhou Xin and others all look at the good play.

Luo Zhipeng couldn't help but open his mouth: "Lin Kai, it's better to finish drinking in one breath. The more I can drink, the more I like it, the more I like it, maybe I will reuse you."

Zhou Xin also said: "yes, as long as you perform well, our Xinghai will promote you in the future. The Rolls Royce phantom you can open in your dream may be possessed in reality in the future."

Zhou Xin is joking, of course. It's a Rolls Royce phantom. Her boyfriend Xu Xinghai can't afford it, not to mention the poor boy Lin Kai.

The purpose of her saying this is to let Lin finish the liquor with a breath.

I don't know about the number of bottles of liquor.

Tang Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Feng Jia, though they didn't say anything, looked at Lin Kai, the white wine bottle, with interesting eyes.

Now, Linkai is holding the bottle of white wine.

He chose to drink for two reasons.

According to the task released by the system, save Qin ya.

The most important thing is this bottle of white wine. According to the task, this bottle of liquor will make qinya drunk. Then Luo Zhipeng will succeed in his plot to cook qinya raw rice into cooked rice.

Lin Kaizheng is worried about how to solve this bottle of liquor.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xinghai provided him with an opportunity.

Second, he is a cultivator of immortals. No matter how strong the wine is, it is useless for him. He can evaporate the alcohol with genuine Qi.

So Lin took a breath and finished the bottle.

He drank the white wine as well as the water.

When they saw Lin Kai finished drinking, they didn't react at all. They were all shocked.

The original appearance of watching the good play turned into a shock.

What's going on?

This Lin Kai, it's too hard to drink!

Seeing that Lin Kai is still calm, Xu Xinghai and others are in a bad mood.

Luo Zhipeng sees Xu Xinghai's face is very ugly. He is afraid that Xu Xinghai will blame him. How can he say that today is his bureau.

So he quickly said to Lin Kai, "Linkai, at noon, I said I had to give Qin ya a decent gift. Don't tell me, you didn't prepare? I also said, don't come at night without a gift

Zhou Xin heard this, she also remembered what Luo Zhipeng said at noon, and immediately said in a cold voice: "you've all come in for a period of time, and you haven't seen any presents. Can you just want to muddle through? And eat and drink here? "Tang Xiaoxuan also facial expression not good way: "yes, we all gave Xiaoya to send, you can't really did not bring the present?"

These people are aggressive, obviously waiting for Lin Kai to take the gift.

In fact, no matter whether Lin Kai brings a gift or not, he will laugh at him.

Because even if you bring a gift, how valuable can it be? Can you match the ring given by Luo Zhipeng?

However, Lin Kai did forget to send gifts. He came to this KTV gathering. It is mainly to contact Xu Xinghai outside the company, and then to complete the task of the system.

Lin Kai said frankly: "I've been busy with my work. I really forgot about the gift."

Words fall, people show disdain, really shameless.

Luo Zhipeng sneered: "if you stay in the purchasing department, I'm afraid it will bring disgrace to our purchasing department."

Xu Xinghai also said: "indeed, my purchasing department really uses such people, which is unfair to other employees."

Zhou Xin is not a guest: "so Xinghai, this Lin Kai, sooner or later will damage the reputation of our purchasing department. He didn't have a car, but he said he was driving a Rolls Royce phantom and didn't give Xiaoya a gift. Hehe, it's better to dismiss him. "

Hearing this, Qin Yaxiu frowned deeper, but he didn't dare to say anything serious. He excused Lin: "it doesn't matter whether you send a gift or not. What's more, Lin Kaiyi is really busy with his work in the afternoon. On the first day when he came to the company, he didn't get used to it, so he could understand if he forgot. Isn't today celebrating my birthday? He's here, even if it's a wish. "

"Qin ya, why did you help Lin Kai?" Luo Zhipeng immediately with anger, pointed to Lin Kai: "you go out to buy a gift now, otherwise I ask you to go out!"

"I don't need a gift." Afraid of Lin Kai's dilemma, Qin Ya once again spoke for Lin Kai.

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