Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1339

Lei Yuan group, also bought the company several other people, in order to smoothly replace.

In fact, Xu Xinghai is still very nervous about doing such a thing.

If found, it's a felony.

Fortunately, not long ago, people from leiyuan group sent a message, saying that these days, let him and several other people of the company cooperate.

Will target at Li Shengxian this company, let Li Shengxian's company had better go bankrupt.

If let this company go bankrupt, Lei Yuan Group promises, will dig him into Lei Yuan group, when an executive!

Now, Xu Xinghai passes on the core information of Li Shengxian collected by himself to the people of leiyuan group.

At present, the transmission progress has reached 70%.

We have five minutes to complete the transmission.

But just then, the door of my office rang.

Xu Xinghai was surprised. He had already told his staff that he had something to do, so for the next hour, don't come in and disturb him.

When Xu Xing Haydn was angry, he immediately suppressed his anger and said in a cold voice, "who?"

"Manager Xu, I'm a new job in the purchasing department. I'm here to report."

Outside the office, Lin Kai said.

"When did the purchasing department hire? Is the personnel department wrong? "

Xu Xing Haiyan looked at the progress bar on the computer screen, which was rapidly transmitted in the past. No matter how many, he directly said: "you go back to the personnel department and tell manager Wang that there is no shortage of people in my purchasing department. You don't need to recruit people. Please go back."

And those in front of the desk, the staff of the purchasing department, looked at Lin Kai's being driven away, all with silky eyes.

"This guy is handsome, but it seems that this kind of person is not suitable for our purchasing department."

"Yes, besides, our purchasing department is full of people."

"It is estimated that the personnel department has made a mistake. Manager Xu is angry at this boy."

"Ha ha, who let this boy? I don't know that boss Xu is busy. Isn't he hit the muzzle of a gun? Deserve to be driven away! "

These purchasing department staff, looking at Lin kaileng stand in the office door, one by one in whispering.

Lin Kai didn't take care of the staff's words. Instead, he secretly used his golden pupil. In an instant, he could clearly see that Xu Xinghai in the office was transmitting data in front of the computer.

The name of the other party transmitting data is a department of leiyuan group.

Seeing this, Lin Kai sneers at himself. Xu Xinghai is indeed an internal ghost, and he is still sold to Lei Yuan group.

Fortunately, Li Shengxian is more alert in the management of the company. Otherwise, he will not know how he died when he is so fooled by leiyuan group.

Without any hesitation, Lin Kai opened the door of the office and walked in.

This scene, those purchasing department staff, were stunned.

Xu Nei was more angry when he saw the office! Get out of here

Lin Kai pretended to have a stomachache and walked to Xu Xinghai's desk: "I didn't bring any paper, so I borrowed the paper from your office. I'm sorry."

Also did not wait for Xu Xinghai to object, Lin Kai with his hand toward the desk, took a few pieces of paper.

"Take it and get out of here!" Xu Xinghai roared at Lin again.

However, as soon as he finished, his eyes turned to the computer screen, and his face suddenly changed.

The computer screen is black!

What's the situation?

Xu Xinghai some numbness, the company naturally can not exist, the phenomenon of sudden power failure.

Even if there is a power failure, advance notice is often given.

Xu Xinghai suddenly thought of something, not from glancing at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai showed a more embarrassed look at this time, because his foot touched the charging line between the computer and the plug-in board, causing the charging line to fall from the plug-in board.

As a result, the computer ran out of power and was forced to shut down.

Lin Kai will not expose Xu Xinghai now. Since Xu Xinghai has confirmed that he is an insider bought by leiyuan group, there must be several people in the company.

It's only when we don't expose them on the spot.

What's more, this is also a breakthrough in the investigation of leiyuan group.

He didn't know why leiyuan group wanted to move Li Shengxian's company, but he certainly had no good intentions.

If we make good use of this opportunity, we can even take advantage of it to fight against the first army.

"Manager Xu, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! Just now, my stomach hurt very much. I didn't pay much attention to the thread under my feet. I was in a hurry, so I tripped over it. Didn't it cause you any loss? " Lin Kai looked more embarrassed.

Xu Xinghai is about to get out of his chair and jump up to beat Lin Kai.

Didn't pay much attention? The line between the computer and the board is under the desk. If you put your feet under the desk, you can trip the line?

Don't you pay too much attention to it?And it's a big loss!

Almost to the transmission to the leiyuan group! Now it's a failure!

If it is not for the boy in front of him, he is indeed a new comer, otherwise he will think that the other party is on purpose!

"No matter who you are, I count to three seconds. Within three seconds, you must disappear from your eyes!" Xu Xinghai clapped his desk and roared again.

"Oh?" Lin Kai laughs with disapproval and takes out the entry document, which is written with several words arranged by Li Shengxian.

It was these words that made Xu Xinghai's eyelids jump. His expression on his face was as fast as opening a book. He was so busy and said with a smile: "ha ha, it was introduced by general manager Li. It's OK. I'll ask the deputy manager to arrange a good post for you. We will all belong to the same purchasing department in the future, so we can communicate more. "

"That's it, that's it. Communicate more." Lin Kai also smiles, but his smile, with a meaningful flavor.

But what he exchanges is, from Xu Xinghai set out, the news of a few other ghosts in the company.

Later, a man in his thirties came into the office. It was Xu Xinghai who called in, and WAN Yong, the deputy manager of the purchasing department.

Wan Yong with Lin Kai, in the Department around, familiar with the post and so on.

Since he is trying to find out the company's ghost, Lin Kai naturally has to play the play well and integrate into the company.

"Isn't Li Shengxian still in hospital? Why are you free? I have a new employee to come to my purchasing department? " Xu Xinghai couldn't think of it. He murmured: "it should be relatives and friends. Just arrange a casual job."

Xu Xinghai thought, connecting the line to the board, quickly opened the computer.

When he was ready to transmit the information to leiyuan group, suddenly, the computer seemed to have something wrong. It couldn't be opened at all. It seemed that it was broken.

Outside the office, Lin Kai has been placed on a desk.

He inadvertently, looked at the office of Xu Xinghai, secretly smile, he used the real gas, computer damage.

"Brother, our purchasing department is obviously full. How did you get into our purchasing department again?"

At this time, an employee came to his side and asked curiously.

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