Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1340

Lin Kai asked the young employee when he saw him. He did not show any impatience.

Instead, he was extremely easygoing, talking to this young employee.

Through a few minutes of chatting, Lin Kai already knew that the young employee was Hu Wenliang.

In this purchasing department, I have been a purchasing employee for a year, and I like to make friends. So in Li Shengxian's company, many colleagues are more or less familiar with it.

This makes Lin Kai's eyes shine. What he needs is this kind of employee who can be familiar with himself.

Because in this way, we can get relevant information from the mouth of this kind of self familiar employees.

Li Shengxian asked Lin Kai to enter the company as an ordinary employee. This is the purpose.

"Brother Liang, I'll treat you to a meal when you leave work at noon. Just as I don't know where the canteen of the company is, please show me the way and let me get familiar with it. " Linkai spoke at this moment.

Hu Wenliang smiles and nods his head immediately. He likes Lin Kai's straightforward character.

Then Hu Wenliang went back to his desk.

After lunch, Lin Kai followed Hu Wenliang to the canteen.

Lin Kai bought the most expensive lunch set meal in the canteen, which made Hu Wenliang look at Lin Kai with a new look.

Taking advantage of this meal time, Lin Kai first chatted casually, and then quietly asked Xu Xinghai how the leader was.

speaking of Xu Xinghai, Hu Wenliang seems to have a stomach of water, in short, make complaints about everything Xu Xinghai has.

, but basically it's still a matter of work.

finally has nothing to make complaints about. Hu Wen Liang started to talk about what Xu Xinghai's private life is like.

At this time, Hu Wenliang pointed to a corner of the canteen and said indignantly: "colleagues are not allowed to fall in love with each other in the company, but you see, there are three beautiful women sitting there. The one on the far right is named Zhou Xin. She is Xu Xinghai's current girlfriend!"

Lin Kai took a look at the other side. Three girls were standing at the dining room window to serve food. He noticed that the other two girls were more beautiful than Zhou Xin.

"Zhou Xin is currently the head of our purchasing department. She has only been in the position for only three months. She has been promoted rapidly only by Xu Xinghai's relationship." Hu Wenliang make complaints about it again.

Then he looked at the other two girls and said with a smile, "are those two beauties nice? The name of the white dress is Tang Zixuan, and the cartoon short sleeve is Qin ya. They are the goddess of our purchasing department. Even other departments are watching.

However, these two people should have too high vision and totally despise the colleagues in our company. It seems that they also have boyfriends, so you have no chance. "

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai shakes his head and laughs.

Tang Zixuan and Qin ya, in the eyes of ordinary people, really belong to beauty.

Not to mention anything else, compared with Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian, it is far from satisfactory.

But Lin Kai paid more attention to Zhou Xin. After all, Zhou Xin is Xu Xinghai's girlfriend.

By coincidence, Zhou Xin and his wife sat down on the table next to Lin Kai after they finished their meal.

Lin Kai didn't feel much, but Xu Xinghai seemed a little excited. He lowered his voice and muttered to Lin Kai: "it's a rare chance to see a beautiful woman from such a close distance. Let's eat slowly and have a good look."

Lin Kai was speechless.

When he was about to say something, Zhou Xin wanted to take something out of his bag on the table next to him.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Turning it over, a car key just landed on the dining table.

"Why, sister Xin, have you changed a new car? If I read it correctly, this is Maserati's car key Tang Zixuan looked at the key on the table and was surprised.

Compared with Tang Zixuan's surprise, Qin Ya was not quite calm. She just glanced at the key and withdrew her eyes.

As Zhou Xin picked up the key and put it into her bag, she said with a little pride: "Zixuan has a good eye! It's the latest Maserati! A few days ago, it was the anniversary of our acquaintance with Xinghai. Our Xinghai gave me this car! "

Tang Zixuan looked forward to: "this is a million luxury cars! Manager Xu is really rich! It's very kind to you, too! You should be getting married soon? After all, manager Xu is willing to give you a luxury car! "

The pride on Zhou Xin's face became more and more prosperous. She laughed and said, "that's not true. I'll discuss marriage with him when I find an opportunity."

Qin Ya seemed not so interested in what they were talking about. She said to Tang Zixuan: "Zixuan, look at you like this. Do you want to change to a richer boyfriend?"

Tang Zixuan immediately said: "no, my boyfriend is not as rich as manager Xu, but he is also middle-class and handsome! But Xiaoya, you don't want to find a boyfriend soon. At the beginning, I thought you had a boyfriend, but I didn't think you had a boyfriend yet. "

Qin Ya shook her head and replied, "I'm not in a hurry."

"It's you who have too much vision! Xiao Ya, Mr. Li is going to recruit an assistant from the company to be responsible for the new project. I saw you put in your resume. Xiaoya, do you like Mr. Li? "Without waiting for Qin ya to speak, Zhou Xin taught Qin ya a lesson with a taste of Education: "Xiaoya, you should be self-conscious. You like Mr. Li, but Mr. Li doesn't like you. What's the use of that.

So it's better to lower your eyes, or I'll introduce one for you. Luo Zhipeng, deputy manager of our purchasing department, is very good. Besides, I can see that he is interested in you. Besides, Luo Zhipeng is a good friend of Xinghai in my family. He will not treat you badly. "

Tang Zixuan said with a smile: "sister Xin, you are wrong. Your family Xinghai is Luo Zhipeng's direct leader. If Xiaoya really gets on well with Luo Zhipeng, it's nothing. "

"Well, well, you two, it's you who worry too much. As I said, I'm not thinking about finding a boyfriend right now. " Qin Ya couldn't stand the conversation between Tang Zixuan and Zhou Xin, and could not help interrupting the topic.

Lin Kai and Hu Wenliang naturally heard what they said.

Hu Wenliang murmured: "it turns out that Qin Ya doesn't have a boyfriend. Unfortunately, she won't consider looking for a boyfriend for the time being..."

Lin Kai smiles.

But not once, Luo Zhipeng, deputy manager of purchasing department, went to Qin Ya with a bunch of flowers.

Then, Luo Zhipeng handed the flowers to Qin Ya and said with a smile, "Qin ya, I have noticed that today is your Lunar birthday. Although your Gregorian birthday has passed, but the Lunar birthday has not yet passed, it can be regarded as not missing your birthday."

Qin Ya declined: "deputy manager Luo, thank you, but I'm not a Lunar birthday. Take this flower back."

Luo Zhipeng did not have any unhappiness on his face, but continued to smile: "Qin ya, you can not accept flowers, but tonight to KTV, celebrate your birthday, you have no problem?"

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