Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1338

Although Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu said that it was unhealthy to eat takeout, they were still very honest.

In fact, it's not like eating a lady for two days.

Lin Kai is speechless.

When Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu are full of food and drink, Lin Kai dare to say, send them back.

But both Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu said that they must let Lin Kai have a taste of their cooking skills, so they will stay here for a day and cook a rich lunch tomorrow.

Fortunately, there are many vacant rooms, so Lin Kai agreed.

It's big night.

The three return to their rooms to rest. Lin Kai has experienced a series of things during the day and is already physically and mentally exhausted.

However, he did not sleep immediately, but extracted the divination ability of the tortoise.

He divined the leiyuan group and found that this kind of divination was only a prediction of fortune.

No wonder it's just the gold level extraction ability, which let Lin Kai a burst of disappointment.

However, it is not useless. It is predicted that the fortune of leiyuan group will continue to decline within 10 days, especially the lowest on the seventh day.

Lin Kai thought deeply, seven days later, Lei Yuan group did something, or something happened, and suffered bad luck.

Of course he won't miss such a good opportunity.

That day was the worst day for leiyuan group. We can use this day to investigate the leiyuan group.

After divination, Linkai fell asleep.

The next morning.

Lin drove to Li Shengxian's company. In order to disguise his identity, he didn't drive there. Instead, he took a taxi and arrived at the gate of Li Shengxian's company.

He dialed another phone call, which was sent by Li Shengxian, that is, manager Wang of the personnel department.

Before long, manager Wang personally came to the door of the company and led Lin into his office.

As soon as he got to the office, manager Wang took a document and gave it to Lin Kai. Then he said, "Mr. Lin, this is your position. Everything is ready for you. If there is no problem, you can go to the purchasing department on the eighth floor

Manager Wang doesn't know who Lin Kai is, and he doesn't know. Lin Kai came here to find out the company's insider.

He thought it was Li Shengxian's friend or relative who arranged to enter the purchasing department because of Li Shengxian's relationship.

Everyone knows that this purchasing department is one of the most profitable departments in most companies.

Often this purchasing department is a trustworthy person.

At this time, Lin Kai took over the document from manager Wang. As he looked through it, he said casually: "manager Wang, how is your relationship with manager Xu in the purchasing department? Or, what do your peer managers think of him in the company? "

Xu Xinghai, a purchasing manager, just came in.

Step by step, from ordinary purchasing staff to purchasing department manager.

Should belong to the company's middle-level leadership, the veteran level.

However, this Xu Xinghai is Li Shengxian, one of the most suspicious people.

Yes, Li Shengxian believes that this is not the only one in the company.

Xu Xinghai is the middle level of the company, although the position in the company is not too high, but this department is still more important.

I'm also afraid to scare the snake.

Therefore, we should start from Xu Xinghai to see if we can set out other ghosts in the mouth of Xu Xinghai.

At this time, although manager Wang was curious about why Lin Kai asked, seeing that Lin Kai was Li Shengxian and arranged to come in personally, he responded truthfully: "Xu Xinghai and I have had a few exchanges in our work, but we haven't had much contact. As for his performance in the company, he has always been in the middle of the line. When he was elected to the purchasing department, it was because he had worked in the company for many years, so there was no problem. "

Speaking of this, manager Wang seemed to think of something and said with a smile: "if Mr. Lin, you want Xu Xinghai to take care of you in the company, I can talk to Xu Xinghai, so as not to neglect you."

Lin Kai shakes his head and laughs. It seems that manager Wang thinks that he wants Xu Xinghai to take care of him.

"Manager Wang, that's not necessary." Lin Kai waved his hand again. After collecting the documents, he got a work permit and said goodbye to manager Wang.

Manager Wang personally sent Lin Kai out.

Lin Kai went to the eighth floor of the building with his work permit and entry documents.

On the eighth floor, there are three departments of Li Shengxian company.

Among them, the purchasing department is the most important of the three departments.

Therefore, the office environment of the purchasing department on the eighth floor is the best among the three departments.

Lin Kai didn't bring the hidden God. Although the hidden God could hide himself and help him investigate something, it was not so useful in the company.

But you can wait until Xu Xinghai gets off work, and then arrange Yin Shen to go and investigate Xu Xinghai.Now what Lin Kai wants to do is contact Xu Xinghai first, whether he is an internal ghost.

Lin Kai thought, soon came to the purchasing department on the eighth floor and went to the purchasing manager's office.

Many of the staff in the purchasing department are working at their desks. When they see Lin Kai's strange face and carry the work permit of the purchasing department, they are all curious.

Is this man a new colleague?

At this point.

In the purchasing manager's office.

Xu Xinghai sat at his desk with a smile on his face and looked in a good mood.

He has been lucky recently. Lei Yuan group gave him 6 million yuan to monitor Li Shengxian's company. If he has the opportunity, he can transfer some purchased goods.

After those purchases are transferred out, they are replaced with worse quality imitations.

If things are done well, leiyuan group will transfer millions for him in the future.

In fact, Xu Xinghai didn't feel bad about the company. Instead, he was grateful for Li Shengxian's promotion.

But his only grudge is that the hidden rules of the purchasing department can basically make some profit.

However, Li Shengxian's supervision is too strict, which has led him to dare not to fish in recent years.

In addition, he usually spends a lot of money and raises a lover, so his salary and company welfare are not enough.

Think of Li Shengxian's supervision, which makes the original gratitude, become hate Li Shengxian.

Or leiyuan group generous, a wave is six million.

At the same time, when Li Shengxian was ill, he had no time to supervise him, so he changed a batch of imitations according to the order of leiyuan group.

The quality of these imitations is not as good as the real ones.

Of course, he can't do it alone if he wants to replace the genuine products purchased by the company with imitations.

Among them, the cooperation of several other departments in the company is needed www.mylovenovel.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!