Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1335

What makes Lin Kai shake his head.

At this time, master Zhicheng also opened his mouth and said, "in fact, the poor monk is the most grateful to Lin Daoyou. If it had not been for Lin Daoyou's help, the four of us would have been here. Not only that, but also solved the disaster here. I don't know how to repay the kindness. "

Master Zhicheng thought for a moment. He took out a token size, like a wooden card carved out of peach wood, and handed it to Lin Kai.

"Lin Daoyou, this wooden card represents the identity of our Pihua residence. There are hundreds of people in our Pihua residence, and each of them has the ability to deal with evil spirits. When Lin Daoyou encounters such troubles in the future, he can use the wooden card to contact other Taoists in Pihua residence, and help him solve the problem. "

Seeing master Zhicheng take out this wooden card, the other three people all smile.

Zhang Moyan stroked his long beard and invited him: "it's better to join Pihua residence because of Lin Daoyou's ability. Although Lin Daoyou is the ninth mountain master of Jiulong Mountain, he can also join Pihua residence at the same time."

Chen Guang also said: "yes, in fact, the Pihua residence seems to be an organization. In fact, it comes from people from all over the country with different forces and sects. For example, I come from the Chen family in Beijing. Master Zhicheng is an eminent monk from Shaolin Temple in Songshan mountain. The two of them, one from Longhu Mountain, the other from their own school.

No matter who you are, you can join the Pihua residence as long as you have the ability to deal with evil spirits. There are no restrictions on the residence. They are very free. The most important thing is that all the Taoists in the Pihua residence come from different forces. If you become the owner of the house, you can call on you

Xianning Taoist also nodded: "at present, there is no master of Pihua residence. We will choose between us in the future."

Hearing what the four said, Lin Kai had a general understanding of the house.

At present, he doesn't want to join. He has his own immortal gate.

It was the owner of the house of Pihua, who was really attractive.

After all, the members of the Pihua residence all have another identity. Who knows if it will be amazing.

If you become the owner of this house, it is equivalent to indirectly controlling those other identities.

It must not affect the forces.

However, it will be an unprecedented force for the whole of China to turn the forces of these members into a rope.

Lin Kai also knows that it is no less difficult to be the owner of the museum than he is to be the master of Jiulong Mountain.

What's more, his current focus is on Lei Yuan group.

Weighing one or two, Lin Kai accepted the wooden card, but declined to join the Pihua residence.

When they saw this, they all showed a pity.

After a while, a group of five people walked out of the mountain forest.

When they saw the deserted houses, master Zhicheng began to chat.

"The evil spirits here have been solved by Lin Daoyou. It will not be long before the beautiful mountains and clear waters can reappear in the world."

"Indeed, since this place has been solved, it will be a pity to say to the leaders here that it will continue to be abandoned like this. It's better to make use of it and develop a new area. "

Before they came, the four of them had investigated the history of the desolation here.

Even now, I feel that if this place is not open, it will be a waste of such a good place.

Lin Kai listened, but he laughed to himself. Not long ago, he received a message from Li Shengxian that he had successfully purchased the land in this area.

In terms of price, it's very cheap.

And so on, master Zhicheng will report to the leaders of Donghai, who will surely regret it.

Because Li Shengxian and the official, signed a land purchase contract.

This is also to prevent accidents, let Li Shengxian personally handle.

But even if the price of the land is very cheap, the place is too big, so in terms of total price, it is still quite frightening.

Li Shengxian at present uses the fund, needs to use Li family a little fund, can buy completely.

So Li Shengxian explained the situation to Li Chengjia and asked for the vacant funds.

Li Chengjia doesn't like that area very much. He thinks that it's a strange place. It's a loss making business. Let Li Shengxian think about it again.

Li Shengxian also showed that Lin Kai solved the evil spirits in that place.

Li Chengjia didn't believe it. Finally, he gave the vacant fund to Li Shengxian.

Li Chengjia doesn't think highly of Li Shengxian. He even says frankly that if the loss exceeds 10% of the investment, he will consider the candidate of the successor of the Li family.

The implication is that the Li family has paid more than 10% of the money. It is very likely that the Li family will give the position of the heir of the Li family to other children.

Li Shengxian still obstinately chose to buy the land in that area.

He did not blindly believe in Lin Kai, but Lin Kai gave him miracles again and again. This time, he also believed that Lin Kai could stabilize the position of the successor of the Li family.He thinks so, but the whole Li family doesn't think so.

Because Li Shengxian bought the land in that area, it has spread in Li's family.

At the same time, also spread between Li Chengjia and Li Shengxian, one can be regarded as gambling.

Basically, no one in the Li family thinks highly of Li Shengxian.

The happiest thing is that they compete with Li Shengxian, the heirs of the Li family.

They believe that Li Shengxian believes too much in an outsider, which leads to his being buried in vain and the position of the successor of the Li family.

It's cheap for them.

Li Shengxian also told Lin Kai about it.

Lin Kai only replied: time proves everything.

This is a place that even master Zhicheng, Taoist Zhang Moyan, Taoist Xianning and Chen Guang are all praising. How can it be simple?

although the Dragon veins have been destroyed, the essence of dragon veins can not be integrated into the mountains.

but the geomancy here is still very good. Besides, Lin Kai can refine the pure liquid of dragon vein essence and make the geomancy of this place further upgrade.

This kind of nature can't compare with the real place of dragon veins, but it can also be said to be the place of false dragon veins.

Soon, the five came to the side of the road.

It's almost evening.

This road was originally deserted and remote. There were vehicles passing by occasionally every few days before.

Since the accident happened here a few days ago, there has been no traffic passing by.

Therefore, before waiting for master Zhicheng to speak, Lin Kai took the initiative to take the four of them to the urban area of Donghai.

Anyway, the four of them were also going to the downtown area of Donghai. As they happened to be on the way, they took the initiative to mention it.

Master Zhicheng's four thanks, they all got on the bus one after another.

Lin Kai then drove his car in the direction of Donghai city.

Now, he can't wait to return home, and then immediately give Dong Shu the Yin and Yang mantra in the treatment center.

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