Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1334

Master Zhicheng also saw Lin Kai's gradually approaching figure.

At last he let go of his fear.

"Lin Daoyou, you are as powerful as the rumor. Not long ago, I sensed that the evil spirit here was constantly weakening. I knew that you should have solved the evil spirits here

Master Zhicheng laughed, and then asked, "Lin Daoyou, is that evil spirit's real body? Can it be a real human form with red to purple color?"

"Yes." Lin Kai didn't hide it.

Then he explained the situation to master Zhicheng.

as far as the essence of dragon vein is concerned, it is not stated.

Lin Kai naturally has his own selfishness, and then goes to the top of the golden Dan. By the power of dragon vein essence, he will be promoted to the stage of Yuan Ying.

besides, if he had the essence of dragon vein and the news was spread out, it would definitely cause great shock among the ancient Wu people.

At that time, the enemy will not only wait for Lin Yuan, but there will be countless enemies when waiting for him.

therefore, the essence of this dragon vein can not be known as far as possible, so that no one will know.

Although Lin Kai also knew that master Zhicheng would not make the kind of treasure that was obtained by peeping at others, he was not afraid of 10000 yuan, so he would shoot in case.

After hearing this, master Zhicheng showed a burst of fear, even some cold sweat on his forehead.

"Amitabha! Fortunately, Lin Daoyou killed the evil spirit in time. If he didn't kill the evil spirit tonight, he would carry out the last transformation and turn it into purple completely. That's an extraordinary evil spirit, the king of real evil spirits! Evil king

Speaking of this, master Zhicheng was deeply afraid, as if he had seen the power of the evil king.

"Lin Daoyou's action is of great merit." Master Zhicheng took a deep breath and bowed to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai was too busy to help master Zhicheng: "master, I'm just here for the evil spirit. What I admire more is that you are the kind of person who silently guards the peace of China. "

Lin Kai is telling the truth.

Although different from Jiulong Mountain, the Pihua residence is protecting the security of China.

As a matter of fact, the house of Pihua is faced with monsters and monsters, which is even more dangerous.

For example, this time, without Lin Kai's help, master Zhicheng estimated that he would die here.

Master Zhicheng and others are not for fame and wealth. They simply want to solve the evil spirits here and eliminate the hidden danger of life and death for the people here.

Hearing this, master Zhicheng appreciated Lin Kai's words.

"Master Zhicheng, how are your three friends Lin Kai looked at the three men who were still in a coma and frowned, as if something was wrong.

Sure enough, master Zhicheng sighed: "the evil spirit is not the evil spirit, but the evil spirit. The reason why the spirit was so powerful was that it was called into the tomb by the evil spirit, and then the evil spirit provided some evil spirit to the spirit. "

"The evil spirit of evil spirits is the most Yin thing between heaven and earth. Normal people are invaded into the body, if not dispel the evil spirit, I am afraid that the evil spirit will be devoured by evil spirit. He'll be dead by then. Previously, I thought it was the evil spirit of the demon, but I didn't expect Alas... "

Lin Kai said, "master Zhicheng, what can I do to get rid of the evil spirits and evil spirits in the three people?"

Master Zhicheng shook his head and sighed: "it is said that there are two ways, but those two methods are too harsh. The first way is to let the evil spirit recover the evil spirit in the body. Even if the evil spirits in the tomb are still alive, it is impossible to do so. "

Lin Kai nodded to himself. It was true. After all, evil spirits are evil spirits. They are more cunning than human beings. How can they help human beings solve this problem.

Then, when Lin Kai heard the second way, his eyes lit up.

"And the second way is to use tranquilizer. An Shenfu can dispel the evil spirit of this level. At present, there is only one person in China who is capable of refining calming talisman. And that person is... "

Before master Zhicheng finished, a bloody Rune paper appeared in front of him.

To be exact, it was Lin Kai who had an extra piece of blood color Rune paper in his hand.

This blood color Rune paper is just a tranquilizing talisman. Just now Linkai extracted a tranquilizing talisman from the system with the ability to extract the talisman.

Master Zhicheng's jaw almost fell off.

Half ring, he stammered: "that That Lin Daoyou, you are a god man! I admire you

Lin laughed and had to say that the use of this divine level talisman extraction ability in this respect is much greater than that in other places.

He even had the urge to join the shelter.

Because the more powerful the evil spirit is, there may be treasures in the place where the evil spirit is located.

, like this evil spirit, is the essence of dragon veins.

Good luck, of course.

However, if he can find some of these treasures, he will be more confident to attack the young baby.

Or his own strength is not so strong, otherwise it will not appear, Lin Yuan with Lei Yuan group, he was crushed to death.At present, Lin Kai just wants to solve the leiyuan group issue, help Li Shengxian, and stabilize the inheritance status of the Li family leader, and then make plans.

Thinking about it, Lin Kai used the calming charm.

I saw the amulet burning in an instant, turned into a burst of smoke, and floated to the three people on the ground.

Before long, the three people on the ground gradually came to life.

When the three men learned that Lin Kai not only killed the evil spirits alone, but also saved them with tranquilizing talisman, they were shocked and grateful.

"Lin Daoyou, I am Zhang Moyan, the 63rd generation disciple of Longhu Mountain! What difficulties do you have in the future? I will try my best to help him

A nearly 60 year old man with white hair and long white beard looks like a fairy. He worships Lin Kai to show his gratitude for saving his life.

"Lin Daoyou, I am a virtuous Taoist! The same is true of xuandao temple, which was founded in person! This life-saving grace will be remembered in my heart

A middle-aged man in a Taoist robe, that is, Taoist Xianning, has a resolute face and pays homage to Lin Kai.

"Ha ha, I'm familiar with brother Lin! Of course, brother Lin can't recognize me, but I've always heard of brother Lin's reputation! Although our Chen family has little influence in the capital, in some aspects, it is not weaker than those big families! I am Chen Guang, the head of the Chen family in Beijing! "

Chen Guang, the last person in full body armor, also bowed his hand and said, "brother Lin, if there is any difficulty in the future, my Chen family will do our best to help."

Facing the three people's sudden gratitude, Lin Kai just waved his hand: "three Taoist friends, you don't have to be like this."

He didn't save people to make them feel grateful. He just thought that the three people should not die like this.

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