Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1336

Lin Kai didn't know.

At the same time, in one of the mountains, on a smooth wall.

There is a purple figure, like a piece of paper, completely pasted on its wall.

Then, the figure pasted on the wall, like a balloon being pumped into the air, slowly swelled up.

finally, the figure disappeared from the wall and looked out in a direction. Two eyes were full of blood, and twittering in the mouth: "dragon vein essence......" They were taken away... "

After that, the figure seemed to be deflated, shriveled, and returned to the wall.

When Lin Kai arrived in the downtown area of Donghai, he said goodbye to master Zhicheng first, and then went home in a hurry.

Jiang Shu did what he said.

When Lin drove his car to the parking lot outside his home, he could sense that some ancient warriors hiding in every corner of the neighborhood were watching the place secretly.

These people have received professional training, just like the ancient warriors of Jiulong Mountain.

Obviously, they are all organizations under the Chinese state.

Don't think about it. It was Jiang Shu who sent people to protect his family.

Lin Kai can't help nodding secretly. Originally, he communicated with Jiang Shu to ask Jiang Zhu to help him investigate whether Lin Yuan or Lei Yuan group was related to the assassination.

If so, can we find some proof that it is Linyuan or leiyuan group that issued the extranet assassination mission.

In addition, Jiang Shu was asked to send people to protect his family for the reason of his dereliction of duty.

Unexpectedly, this dereliction of duty forced Jiang Shu to move out of master Zhicheng.

It is in this way that Lin Kai can easily obtain what the system says is the most Yin thing.

Although the process was slightly tortuous, he still appreciated Jiang Shu and introduced master Zhicheng to know him.

Lin Kai thinks, wait a moment or with Jiang Shu, call again, thank you.

At this time, he had arrived at home, but the hermit God had been hiding in the living room to prevent anyone from coming in.

"Mr. Lin, what's up? Can I help you? "

It is rare for the hidden God to show up and ask questions.

"No problem."

Lin laughs. It seems that the hidden God thinks that he has not found the most Yin thing.

The hidden God heard the speech and nodded, but without much words, he became invisible again.

Lin Kai walks into the bedroom. Lin Qianqian is still sitting on the edge of the bed with red eyes and a tired face.

However, Lin Qianqian still stares at Dong Shu lying in bed.

I'm afraid that there will be any accident for Dong Shu.

Lin Kai came forward and said to Lin Qianqian, "you'd better go to have a rest first. I've found the items for treating Dong Shu. But I'm going to refine it. "

Lin Qianqian just ready to shake his head and refuse, Lin Kai gently patted Lin Qianqian on the shoulder.

There's an acupuncture point, with a force, to hit, can make it forcibly comatose.

Lin Kai can see that Lin Qianqian's body is very weak, early to Lin Qianqian's limit.

If you don't take a rest, you will probably fall ill. This is not what Lin Kai wants to see.

Therefore, Lin Kai forced Lin Qianqian to rest.

Fortunately, this bed is big enough, he first took Lin Qianqian to one side of the bed.

Lin Kai took out the bottle containing evil spirits.

Instead of opening the bottle, he put it in his hand, and his own explosive force gradually penetrated into the bottle.

The evil spirit in the bottle suddenly became manic and wanted to burst the bottle.

How could Lin Kai allow it to be suppressed immediately by force.

Then in his own burst of strength, that manic evil spirit, gradually settle down.

Not only that, but with the passage of time, this evil spirit has become a thing of no owner.

Originally, this is the evil spirit of that evil spirit.

The reason why Lin Kai refined was simply to cut off the connection between the evil spirit and the evil spirit.

Even if the evil spirit is dead, the evil spirit has its own consciousness. To be sure, it is the spirit's separation consciousness.

If we don't erase this consciousness, we may give a fatal blow at the critical moment, which is not good.

In case this happens, Lin Kai first refined the evil spirit.

In the next moment, Lin Kai opens the bottle, and according to the treatment method given by the system, he slowly inputs the resentment into Dong Shu's body.

I saw Dong Shu's body tremble, and then on the surface of the body, appeared to wipe blood light.

The blood light is the Yin and Yang mantra.

But at this time, above the blood light, to Yin evil spirit, contaminated in the blood light, and then the power between the two engulfed each other.

Lin Kai's face was dignified. Fortunately, he broke up most of the yin-yang mantras. It's hard to imagine how terrible the complete yin-yang mantra is.

On second thought, it is.

After all, in order to learn such sorcery as Yin Yang mantra, the first thing to do is to condense the resentment of 99 resentful spirits, which is equivalent to the evil spirit of an evil spirit.

Then the user, at the cost of death, casts the Yin and Yang mantra.Its power is natural and powerful.

Lin Kai was afraid of the sorcerer of state t.

He also knew that under absolute power, all kinds of sorcery were useless.

Because I killed you before you did it.

If Lin Kai had the strength to directly kill the sorcerer, he would not have been able to successfully cast the Yin and Yang mantra.

In Lin Kai's thinking, the blood light and evil spirit are equally matched. Soon, they are consumed by each other.

This represents the success of fighting poison with poison.

The two sides are equal in strength, so they all die together.

It also means that the Yin and Yang mantra in Dong Shu's body is good!

With the speed visible to the naked eye, Dong Shuyuan's morbid and pale face gradually became ruddy.

Although not immediately wake up, but breathing became normal, want to come to a certain time, to wake up.

At the same time, the system also prompts to complete the task.

The semi divine level of the ability to extract rewards, but also let Lin Kai's heart.

This extraction ability is the green light extraction ability.

This green lamp extraction is to extract the purest flame in the world.

It can be said that it is the most lethal attack to deal with the evil spirits above.

Thunderstorm Rune and flame Rune are useless to evil spirits.

But this pure flame, can cause very strong damage.

It is also a kind of powerful attack means to deal with sorcerers or ancient warriors.

Lin Kai saw the two girls, lying quietly on the bed and smiling.

He did not disturb Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu, and left the bedroom.

It's almost seven o'clock in the evening for Dong Qianlin.

When you wake up, you can fill your stomach.

He sat on the sofa in the living room and dialed Jiang Shu's phone.

Before Lin Kai spoke, Jiang Shu said: "we have not found out who is the task of offering a reward on the Internet, but we have found a trace of Lei Yuan group. Some days ago, an employee of leiyuan group said that he wanted to go abroad on business, but in fact, he had close ties with a gang in Southeast Asia. "

"Oh?" Hearing Jiang Shu's words, Lin Kai's spirit suddenly shakes and interests him.

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