Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1331


When the Buddha beads with golden awns were slapped on the red spirit, it was like a piece of iron with extremely high temperature, which was put into the cold water and made a continuous hissing sound.

And the red spirit's body, began to take on the black gas, the shadow has become a bit transparent.

If you were to die, this blow would certainly drive him out of his wits.

But after all, it is a little more powerful than the spirit of resentment, which has not been dispersed.

Even this action angered the red spirit and gave a roar. Then a pair of hands full of barbs immediately attacked master Zhicheng.

Master Zhicheng did not expect that the red spirit did not disappear. It seems that it is not an ordinary spirit.

He looked dignified and chanted words in his mouth. The Buddha beads thrown out came back to him.

When master Zhicheng was just ready to beat the red spirit with Buddhist beads, he didn't expect that the speed of the outbreak of the red spirit was amazing.

All of a sudden, he came to master Zhicheng.


The red spirit raised his hand and waved to master Zhicheng. In an instant, master Zhicheng hid in embarrassment and fell to the ground.

Although he was not attacked, the sleeve of his right arm was smashed.

"Looking for death!"

Lin Kai is to explore the situation of the three people on the ground. As soon as he looks back, he sees master Zhicheng being attacked.

The master picked him up quickly.

Then the body suddenly bumped into the red spirit!

Longicorn is popular!


The red spirit was hit by this, and screamed bitterly.

Lin Kai can not let go of such a good opportunity, a big hand, patted to the head of the red spirit.

All of a sudden, the black spirit on the red spirit, crazy out, the shadow is more and more transparent, quite a kind of want to be driven out of his wits.

Just when Linkai was ready to give the red Goblin a final blow.

Suddenly, from the end of the forest, there was a hoarse voice that could not tell whether it was a man or a woman. It sounded: "human beings, break into the king's territory! You will stay forever

When the words fall, the sound of sand and sand in the mountain forest continues, towards the forest open this side, quickly approaching!

It seems that there are innumerable resentment spirits, rushing to this place!

Master Zhicheng's face was very ugly. He went to Lin Kai's side and said, "Lin Daoyou, the master of that voice, should be the evil spirit occupying the Fengshui land."

Evil spirits nourish many resentful spirits, even demons.

No matter the spirit of complaint or the spirit of evil spirits, they are equivalent to the hands of evil spirits. They are obedient to what they say and dare not to violate them.

Master Zhicheng heard the voices nearby, and his expression gradually became extremely dignified: "Lin Daoyou, something is not good. This evil spirit has gathered all the complaining spirits in the mountain forest!"

In fact, it doesn't need to be mentioned by master Zhicheng. Now, Lin Kai can also detect it.

At this time, hundreds of black shadows were gradually surrounded by Lin Kai and master Zhicheng from four directions.

Not only that, there are three red shadows, and then they arrive.

"With the help of Lin Daoyou, there are so many grievances that you can deal with But there are three more demons... " Master Zhicheng's scalp is numb. At most, he can resist a demon.

What's more, there are so many complaining spirits here, as well as two demons!

Lin Kai is also dignified. Fortunately, he has the ability to extract talisman several times.

"Master Zhicheng, what kind of talisman are these resentful spirits and Demons afraid of?"

Asked Linkai.

But master Zhicheng was stunned. Unexpectedly, Lin held a meeting to ask this question.

"The resentful spirit and the evil spirit are all a group of energy condensed by evil spirit. The more evil spirit, the more powerful it will be." Master Zhicheng quickly explained: "the evil spirit is the combination of Yin Qi and resentment of heaven and earth, afraid of thunder and fire. Last night, the poor monk and some Taoist friends were hit by ghosts and wasted the thunder and flame runes

Master Zhicheng was about to ask why Lin Kai asked about this.

However, the next moment, master Zhicheng was stunned.

I see Lin Kai's hands, I don't know when there are more than a few runes.

It's Thunderstorm and flame.

"Master Zhicheng, you hide behind me. I'll solve the complaints and demons."

The reason why Lin Kai asked this question before was that he extracted the corresponding talisman.

Anyway, it's also a divine level extraction skill.

What's more, Lin Kai can feel that the thunderstorm Rune and flame Rune extracted by the system are absolutely more powerful than those refined by others!

He even suspected that a rune could solve the problem.

At the moment, those complaining spirits and demons, have rushed over.

Without any hesitation, Lin Kai threw a thunderstorm Rune at will.

In the blink of an eye, thunderstorm symbol into innumerable thunder light, crackling down on the body of those complaining spirits and demons.

Those angry spirits are directly out of their wits, while the spirits are still howling and struggling.Lin Kai gave a sneer and threw out a flame rune.

The fire burned several spirits to ashes.

Master Zhicheng was stunned.

"Ah! Hateful human! When the king comes out, you will die! "

At the end of the mountain forest, that evil spirit is roaring wildly. It never thought that the human could wipe out all the people it has cultivated for many years. It is unforgivable!

"Master Zhicheng, I just looked at your friends. There is no danger to their lives, but someone has to wait by to prevent accidents."

Lin Kai looked at master Zhicheng, who had not recovered from the shock, and continued: "so master Zhicheng, you wait for your friend here first. I'll go to that place and get rid of the evil spirit. "

Unable to tolerate any objection from master Zhicheng, Lin Kai quickly went to the end of the mountain forest.

Lin Kai is so urgent. That's a systematic hint. The evil spirit of that evil spirit can really cure Dong Shu's injury!

Even, he did not waste time, he decided to go!

Master Zhicheng looked at Lin Kai. His back was gone, and his eyes were worried. He cried out: "Lin Daoyou, do it again under the condition of ensuring your own safety! If there is any accident, please send a message to the poor monk for immediate support! "

Master Zhicheng knows very well that the evil spirit is powerful.

Fortunately, the evil spirit was temporarily trapped in Fengshui.

With the strength just shown by Lin Kai, it may not be impossible to solve the evil spirits.

However, he was still worried. In fact, according to his plan, he saved his friends first.

Then he left first and worked out a new way to suppress the evil spirits.

Unexpectedly, Lin Kai goes alone now.

Master Zhicheng sighed. He wanted to go with Lin Kai.

Then he saw three unconscious Taoist friends on the ground and turned back.

I'm very anxious in my heart. I can't leave the three Taoist friends alone.

Lin Kai can be said to be the benefactor of the four of them!

"Amitabha, I hope Lin Daoyou is OK."

Master Zhicheng prayed for Lin Kai secretly, even if he could not solve the evil spirits, he also prayed for his whole body to retreat.

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