Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1332

Immediately, master Zhicheng took out a cassock and quickly put it on the three Taoist friends on the ground.

He could see that his three Taoist friends, if not dispelled in time, might threaten his life.

It's under the light of his cassock.

Of course, it's useless for the evil spirit, otherwise he would have given it to Lin Kai.

After finishing this, master Zhicheng sat down beside the three men.

He couldn't take them away, so he had to wait for Lin Kai to return safely.

On the other side.

Lin Kai came to the end of the mountain forest.

By means of complaining spirits and demons, he roughly deduced the strength of evil spirits.

The spirit is close to the master level, and the first one reaches the master level.

The words of evil spirits are more powerful than ordinary masters.

If the evil spirit is not trapped, it is really difficult to solve it.

But the evil spirits are trapped by the dragon power of Fengshui land. Relatively speaking, the evil spirits will be solved easily.

The most important thing is that Lin Kai needs the evil spirit to cure the Yin and Yang mantra for Dong Shu and accomplish the task of the system.

Besides, if the evil spirit is solved, Li Shengxian can be asked to buy it here.

The good thing to kill three with one arrow is still under your own control.

It is not good for the evil spirits to escape after they get rid of the trap.

Of course, Lin Kai is very confident that he can solve the evil spirits by himself, but he will be very careful.

When he was completely out of the forest, he came to a mountain.

The sky here is gloomy.

It was as if it was going to rain. The clouds were thick and thick.

Lin Kai couldn't help slowing down. He looked around warily. Who knows the evil spirit, what's more.

However, since he entered the mountain area, the evil spirit has not moved any more.

There was also a dead silence nearby. It was not like being in the mountains at all, it was more like being in a cemetery group.

In this world, only the footstep sound of Linkai is left.


Suddenly, Lin Kai seems to have stepped on something. When he looks down, he is a finger bone.

He was about to raise his step and move on, but from the ground, a skeleton hand with a missing finger stretched out.

Thinking of Lin Kai's leg, he grabbed it.

The skeleton hand was not white, but black.

As if it had been contaminated with some kind of poison, even the earth turned black and eroded instantly when it was touched by the skeleton hand.

Lin Kai didn't pay attention to it. He was also caught by the skeleton hand.

Fortunately, he responded promptly, only to the corner of his pants on his leg.

That part of the pants edge, directly into nothingness.

Lin Kai didn't dare to touch the skeleton hand with his body.

He threw a flame Rune and landed on the skeleton hand accurately.

Unexpectedly, the skeleton hand was not imagined and burned to ashes.

But in the flame, constantly struggling, its black color, gradually burned to a forest white.

In the middle of the fire, the skeleton hand flew up and was ready to flee.

When Lin Kai saw this scene, he would not let the skeleton hand leave.

he immediately picked up a stone on the ground, and his whole strength concentrated on the stone and threw it at the skeleton hand.

However, the skeleton hand lost control.

And the stones followed, as if they had hit something and burst out one after another.

Lin Kai's eyes congealed and saw that direction. There was nothing at all.

He immediately walked past, only to find that he couldn't make it, as if he had a glimpse of the air wall blocking his way.

Thinking deeply, Lin Kai turned to pick up the finger bone.

That section of the finger bone, has long been burned by the flames of the forest white, there is no danger.

Then Linkai took the finger bone and tried to walk to the place where there was an air wall again.

This time, in front of my eyes, there was a ripple of water smearing.

Then his figure, all of a sudden, penetrated in.

Lin Kai looked up and looked around.

He was no longer outside the mountains, but in a stone chamber in a tomb.

The feeling of cold and damp came in an instant.


Lin opened his eyebrows, and there were scattered skeletons on the ground.

In the middle of these skeletons is a huge coffin.

It looks very heavy and unusual.

Lin Kai also noticed that there was a golden dragon pattern on the huge coffin, facing the coffin below.

But the color of the golden dragon is very dim.

If you don't look carefully, you think it's a colorless dragon.It seems that this is the seal power of the dragon vein, and it will disappear when there is no color at all.

At that time, the evil spirits will be able to get out of their predicament.

"Master Zhicheng is right! As expected, it has the seal power of the dragon vein! As master Zhicheng had expected, the seal became weaker and weaker, and the evil spirits could break the seal at any time! "

Without any hesitation, Lin Kai walked decisively towards the huge coffin in the center.

However, he did not go a few steps, the ground of those dense skeletons, as if to hear some kind of command, attack him!

Lin Kai's Secret Road, fortunately, there are enough talismans extracted.

There are two thunderstorm runes and one flame Rune left.

Otherwise, he would have a headache with these skeletons.

He first decisively threw out a thunderstorm rune. The skeletons were covered with thunder in the blink of an eye, and then they were bombed and turned into powder.

At the same time, the huge coffin was shaking wildly.

Lin kaineng sensed that the evil spirits in the coffin were furious.

Sure enough, the hoarse voice that could not distinguish men and women seemed extremely angry: "human! If you go now, I can let you leave safely! But if you want to continue to fight against me, even if I lose a lot of strength, I will break the seal by force, and you will pay the price of death! "

Lin Kai said with a sneer: "it's your own fault. You forcibly destroy the geomantic omen here. You want to swallow up the power of the dragon vein, but you get eaten back."

The reason why Donghai is in such a hurry to move to a new city center.

It is because this evil spirit secretly destroys the geomantic omen in the old city center, and then there are many strange things that this evil spirit is doing.

He did not give up his mind, harmed many people and restored part of his strength.

He began to practice in this place, completely changed the original appearance of this place, and became a dead land.

Even if Dong Shu didn't have the most Yin thing that Dong Shu needed, Lin Kai would eradicate this evil spirit.

So, Lin Kai went on: "do you want to delay time and break the seal? Oh, don't worry, you won't use this seal in the future

After that, Lin Kai went to the huge coffin in the center.

The evil spirits in the coffin can obviously feel that Lin Kai is getting closer and closer.

The coffin trembled wildly again, even the whole tomb was shaking, as if there was an earthquake.

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