Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1330

Soon, the abandoned housing area came to an end.

Came to a mountain forest.

Just came here, Lin Kai can feel a burst of inexplicable piercing cold, toward his body up and down around.

Even now it is broad daylight, or the afternoon of the sun shining, that piercing cold, as if touched by ice from the millennium.

Ordinary people in this chill, not long, will be vulnerable to frostbite, and then some resentment spirit by the cold into the body, easy to ordinary people's body.

The weak ancient warriors could hold on for a long time, but after a long time, they were the same as ordinary people.

Strong ancient warriors can persist for a long time in this cold.

Both Lin Kai and master Zhicheng belong to the latter.

Although the chill was chilling, it had no effect on both of them.

Let Lin kaislightly dignified is, with him and master Zhicheng into this mountain forest.

It's like walking into a dark world.

The branches and leaves of the big trees that block out the sun completely block the sunlight outside, and a ray of sunlight can't penetrate.

It's so dark that you can't see anything.

Master Zhicheng is not surprised. He obviously knows that he has a nuclear flashlight and a strong light shines on his way forward.

He also threw a nuclear flashlight to Lin Kai. In fact, Lin Kai couldn't use it.

Lin Kai has golden pupils. He can see clearly even in the dark.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound ahead, as if someone was close to the forest to open them.

Lin Kai's eyes congealed. Under the light of a flashlight, a shadow was floating behind a big tree in front of him.

Master Zhicheng also saw the floating shadow. He looked back at Lin Kai and said, "we've got a grudge spirit on us. Lin Daoyou, be careful."

Lin Kai nodded and then used the golden pupil. Instead of being so dark in front of him, his sight was very clear, just like the day.

When he saw the floating shadow, he sneered: "give it to me!"

Say, the forest opens quickly toward nearby big tree, ghost attacks kill!

The attack was fast and accurate. It went there!

Master Zhicheng is startled by Lin Kai's sudden attack. He uses a flashlight to shine light on Lin Kai.

It's just that he just turned his flashlight around.

Master Zhicheng saw that Lin Kai attacked the floating shadow.

The shadow, which had no time to scream, turned into a black air and disappeared in this piece of heaven and earth.

"Lin Daoyou is really good! It's so easy to kill the resentful spirit! " Master Zhicheng's eyes were shocked and he praised him sincerely. At the same time, he was more sure that Lin Kai could save his friends and suppress evil spirits.

Although master Zhicheng has heard of the leader of Jiulong Mountain, the name of Linkai.

But I haven't seen it with my own eyes.

Now I see it. It's as powerful as the rumor.

At first, he had no hope. After all, it would take some time for him to seek help from the Pihua residence.

At least tomorrow will be the day when the people from Pihua residence come.

By that time, several of his Taoist friends had already become the resentful spirits in the hands of evil spirits.

Unexpectedly, when he was at a loss, he received a call from Jiang Shu.

What's more, Lin Kai is also in the East China Sea. He just needs something to be Yin.

What's more, master Zhicheng has seen with his own eyes the difficulty of the resentment spirit.

The so-called little ghost is difficult to be entangled with. If it were not for these complaining spirits, he and several Taoist friends would not be so embarrassed.

However, Lin Kai can easily solve the problem of resentment. By comparison, we can see the strength gap between the two sides.

For master Zhicheng's admiration, Lin laughed but said nothing.

The two continued.

According to master Zhicheng, the end of the mountain forest is the edge of the geomantic land.

Some of master Zhicheng's friends were trapped there.

They didn't waste much time. They quickened their pace and went there.

Along the way, one after another encountered the attack of the spirit of resentment.

However, these complaints were solved by Lin Kai immediately.

Lin Kai has a golden pupil. In addition, he himself is acutely aware of the resentment of heaven and earth.

Don't wait for the spirit to attack, let Lin Kai to blow up.

Suddenly, master Zhicheng, who was walking in front of him, stopped. He looked around and said, "look, Lin Daoyou, we should have passed this place before?"

Master Zhicheng paid attention to the surrounding environment, because this mountain forest was an ancient battlefield, and his resentment was strong.

Coupled with the interference of evil spirits and the breeding of resentment spirits, the magnetic field here is very unstable.

Maybe when you walk, you will encounter the so-called "ghost hitting the wall".If you keep walking in a place, you can't go out.

Hearing this, Lin Kai shook his head: "master Zhicheng, I think we are in a dreamland."

He has been using the golden pupil, so he has a better understanding of the surrounding environment than master Zhicheng.

Not long ago, Lin Kai noticed that several resentful spirits nearby didn't start, but were releasing something.

Thinking about this, Lin Kai looked around carefully.

Not long after, in master Zhicheng's surprised eyes, Lin Kai faced a stone under a big tree, which was not very impressive, and flashed past.

The stone split in an instant.

And it started to ring around, click click.

It's like something's crumbling.

After a while, the surroundings were obviously at the end of the forest.

Not only that, there is a red, bloody shadow, attacking three people.

The three people were hit by the red shadow, all fell to the ground and vomited blood and fell into a state of fainting.

"Lin Daoyou, the bloody shadow is stronger than the resentful spirit! It's a spirit between complaining spirit and evil spirit! Be careful

Master Zhicheng explained, and then anxiously looked at the three people lying on the ground.

The three men, two in robes and one in armor.

These three must be the Taoist friends of master Zhicheng.

They arrived just in time. Otherwise, if they came a step later, the red shadow spirit would kill the three people.

Lin Kai and master Zhicheng did not wait to attack the red shadow.

The red shadow took the initiative to attack. He didn't dare to sense Lin Kai's strength. He knew that he was not easy to deal with, so he killed master Xiang Zhicheng.

Lin opened his eyes and opened his eyes. He was surprised that the spirit had some wisdom. Compared with the complaining spirit who could only attack, he had a certain amount of wisdom. This alone was much more powerful than the complaining spirit.

As for master Zhicheng, he did not hide when he saw the demon attacking.

All the way before, it was Lin Kai who was trying to solve the complaint spirit. It was estimated that the consumption was quite large.

Master Zhicheng simply wounded the spirit and bought time for Lin Kai.

Master Zhicheng missed this and immediately took off a string of Buddhist beads on his neck. The beads were as big as glass beads and dark.

However, under his touch, the dark Buddha beads, flashing a golden light, slapped on the spirit.

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