Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1326

Lin Kai is right, because Lin Yuan and he Zhang are very similar.

Whether it's Linyuan or not, the assassination reward task released will explain the difference between Linkai and Linyuan in the personal information disclosed.

In case of manslaughter.

For example, Lin Yuan issued a reward for his assassination, but he didn't show that he looked like Lin Kai. If he was recognized as Lin Kai and was assassinated by a killer, wouldn't it be very unfair to die?

Therefore, Lin Kai's personal information will certainly introduce Linyuan, so as to distinguish them.

"Haha! Since I can't cheat you, I'll die! "

The middle-aged man seems to have performed some secret arts. His eyes turned red in an instant. Not only that, his hair began to fall rapidly, and his face gradually withered.

It seems that he has exhausted all the life and blood of the middle-aged man.

Before Lin opened his hand, Yin Shen appeared at the first time, trying to solve the middle-aged man.

However, the middle-aged man grinned grimly, and his hands were shrouded in a dark mist.

For a time, Yin Shen was trapped in the black fog.

Lin Kaixin and shenyilin are worthy of the magic of state t! Compared with the ancient warriors of China, this magic method is more strange and unpredictable!

At this time, the middle-aged man rushed to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai is not afraid. He directly uses the ghost to attack and kill the past.

Obviously, this middle-aged man is fighting for death!

However, when Lin Kai is preparing to face the attack of the middle-aged man, who wants the middle-aged man to stagger and fight against Lin Kai.

See a middle-aged man, burst out a half arc of blood light, to the bedroom and go.

"Die! Hey, I'm in the Yin and Yang mantra, all die! It's good to pull two cushions! "

The middle-aged man uttered the last ferocious laughter, and fell to the ground feebly, as if he could die at any time.

On the thin and bloodless face, but with the color of excitement.

But Lin Kai's face changed. The middle-aged man obviously knew that this move was not effective for him, so he transferred the target to Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian in the bedroom.

"Damn it!"

Lin Kai didn't have time to pay attention to the middle-aged man. He was about to rush into the bedroom.

He no longer has any hesitation, used a gold extraction ability, burst double power!

He didn't feel heartache at all. He was saving Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian!

At this point, the exit burst out at double speed!

Under the middle-aged man's shocking eyes, he rushed to the bedroom door and suddenly split towards the half arc-shaped blood awn.

In an instant, most of the blood awn has dissipated, but there is still a trace of it. She goes to Lin Qianqian who is lying on the bed!

"Lin Qianqian!"

Knowing that he was impossible, Lin Kai broke up the trace of blood and roared, trying to wake up Lin Qianqian.

At this time, Lin Qianqian opened her eyes and was still confused.

But at this moment, Dong Shu timely response, without hesitation to push Lin Qianqian.

And Dong Shu herself, baby that trace of blood into the body.

Dong Shu fainted directly.

"Dong Shu! Dong Shu! Wake up Lin Qianqian with a cry: "why do you want to help me block! Knowing that I am your rival in love, you still block the attack for me

When Lin Kai saw this scene, he could imagine his anger. He turned and ran to the middle-aged man. He stepped on his chest with his foot and roared: "say! How to solve the Yin and Yang mantra

"Haha, I didn't find the way to relieve it in three hours. It must be turned into a mass of thick water!" The middle-aged man gave a sharp smile.

Lin Kai's face sank and he knew that he couldn't ask for anything. He took a decisive move and shot the middle-aged man to death, so as not to have any later moves.

Engraved below, the middle-aged man's eyes reveal a strong unwilling color.

At this moment, the hermit God breaks through the fog.

"Sir, I..."

As soon as the hidden God came out, he was ready to plead with Lin.

"Needless to say, I don't blame you." Lin Kai sighed slightly in his heart.

The most important thing is that I don't know much about the sorcery of state T. I can't imagine how difficult it is.

This middle-aged man's own strength is not very good. It's his magic. It's too weird.

Both Linkai and Yinshen need some skills to solve it.

If you have a deep understanding of this aspect of sorcery, you won't be so embarrassed.

Lin Kai decided that after curing Dong Shu, he should have a good understanding of the magic of state t.

Avoid the next encounter, will be in a passive state.

He decisively killed the middle-aged man, and there is another point, that is, just now, the system finally put the unknown content out in detail.

That is to cure Dong Shu.

Dong Shu got a trace of yin and Yang mantra, not all of them, so he won't die in three hours.

But for ordinary people, if they don't solve it within half a month, they will become vegetative.Lin Kai finally understood why it was unknown at first that this mission with demigod level rewards.

That's because if he can erase all the blood, the task will be completed in an instant.

If the blood was not broken, Dong Shu would die within three hours, and the task would be more difficult.

Today, there is a trace of yin and Yang mantra not into Dong Shu's body, the task is still not low.

According to the mission, we need to find something that reaches Yin and attack poison with poison to break the Yin and Yang mantra in Dong Shu's body.

But even if there was no such task, Lin Kai would save Dong Shu.

He didn't have much thought now. He looked at the system task. He went into the bedroom.

Lin Qianqian is still in that sad cry, Dong Shu is lying in bed, eyes closed, small face white, like a sleeping beauty.

Lin Kai patted Lin Qianqian on the back and said, "Lin Qianqian, don't worry, I will save Dong Shu. During these days, you can stay at home and take care of Dong Shu. I will arrange for Yin Shen to stay here to protect your safety. "

"Woo! Lin Kai, you must save Dong Shu! "

Lin Qianqian threw herself into Lin Kai's arms and couldn't help crying.

Lin Kai whispered, "yes."

No, Lin Qianqian said that he would try his best to save Dong Shu.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Qianqian's mood gradually recovered, but still very low.

After all, Dong Shu was in a coma to save her.

Lin Kai see this, quit the bedroom, he let Lin Qianqian take good care of Dong Shu first.

The Yin and Yang mantra is a kind of magic, which can't be saved by the hospital.

Lin Kai had to find a way to find the most Yin thing.

Before he went out, he made a phone call.

I told the man on the other end of the phone about his encounter with an extranet killer.

And the bodies of two extranet killers, at his home.

On the other end of the phone, we'll take care of the bodies of these two extranet killers.

These two Internet killers are actually international wanted criminals.

Naturally, the state will not go into this matter, but will reward Lin Kai.

Of course, Lin Kai is not in the mood to accept any awards. He has only one request, that is, to send someone to Donghai.

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