Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1325

Lin Kai is so vigilant, or because the system released an unknown task.

With the advent of demigod level extraction ability, he knew that the task was not simple.

Just met the middle-aged man who looked like Southeast Asia.

As an immortal cultivator, he could not see the middle-aged man. There must be something wrong with him.

When wiping his shoulder, Lin Kai used a poison needle silently. However, the toxin used was not fatal. It would only lead to slow movement.

The hidden God can quickly seize the middle-aged man in time.

Lin Kai is not stupid. He knows that the middle-aged man is trying to attract the hermit God.

The real crisis is likely to be at home.

Naturally, he was worried about Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian, but they didn't lose their sense. He let Yin Shen open the door with the middle-aged man.

Lin Kai went around to the balcony behind his house and went in. Sure enough, he saw a foreigner, holding a gun, crouching there.

So he sent a message to the hidden God. After opening the door, don't show up and block the middle-aged man in front of him.

If Lin Kai wasn't alert enough, he would have been hit.

"Linkai! Are you all right? "

"What happened?"

Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian both came to Lin Kai with pale faces. They were obviously scared by the scene just now.

It's OK to see them. It's a relief for Lin.

He didn't know how to deal with the two women's accidents.

Lin Kai then asked Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian why they came home at the same time today. He felt that the arrival of the two women might be related to the assassination.

Under this question, he was really shocked.

Both Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian said that last night "he" personally visited two people and invited them to his home.

Last night, Lin Kai had been busy all night and had no time to go.

Lin Kai instantly thought that Lin Yuan pretended to be him and invited Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian.

As for why, Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian were directly kidnapped because Lin Yuan's target was not the two of them, but Lin Kai.

Besides, Lin Yuan can't do it himself, which will leave a flaw.

The dead foreigner and the half dead middle-aged man were obviously invited by Lin Yuan.

Lin Kai's eyes were cold at the middle-aged man lying on the ground.

Today, he didn't expect that the two people around him are so vicious.

The other is to use people around him to assassinate him.

It can be said that both hands are fully prepared.

He estimated that Lin Yuan, if he knew that he was not only living well, but also backhanded, absolutely angry.


Not enough!

This time, Lin Yuan's practice completely annoyed him!

If Lin Yuan just shot at him, he faced calmly.

However, Lin Yuan again and again, to the people around him, then don't blame him merciless!

Lin Kai picked up the dagger on the ground and walked towards the middle-aged man step by step.

"I am a citizen of T country, you can't kill me!" the middle-aged man said in Chinese with his feet turned away

"Is it?" Lin Kai didn't care. Country t was just a small country in Southeast Asia.

Not to mention anything else, it is also a violation of the rules of China if people from state t come to China to kill people!

Lin Kai sneered: "it's natural to ask you some questions. It's just an honest answer, otherwise..."

He said, the dagger in his hand to the middle-aged man's arm, gently stroke.

The dagger is very sharp. Even with a slight stroke, it can make a long wound appear on the arm of the middle-aged man, and the bone can be seen deeply.

Even so, the middle-aged man did not soften: "boy, you can't know anything from my mouth! If you want to kill or scrape, you can do it

"Dong Shu, Lin Qianqian, go to your bedroom and have a rest. I'll try your craft after I've dealt with them. "

Lin Kaihu's head said.

The most important thing is that Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian, after all, are ordinary girls. They have never seen such a bloody scene, so they go back to their bedroom to have a rest.

Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian very clever nod, immediately left the living room.

After the two women had left, Lin looked at the middle-aged man without saying a word. He immediately raised the dagger again and crossed the middle-aged man's leg.

A wound was left in an instant.

However, this wound is not a common wound, but a little corrosive.

This corrosivity is the reward for the first two system tasks, the one that left a mark on Shao Xin's face.

One time gold extraction ability, extracted a wound corrosion effect.

This kind of effect, will make the pain infinite increase.

The next moment of the middle-aged man, immediately tearing heart crack lung pain cry, crazy roll on the ground.

Lin Kai looked at it coldly. He knew that the middle-aged man was a sorcerer of T country.If you want to be a sorcerer, you don't know how many ghosts you have.

What's more, when he wiped his shoulder, the middle-aged man still wanted to use magic to shock him.

Only when the hidden God appeared, the middle-aged man changed his mind to attract him.

"Come on! Stop it The whole face of the middle-aged man's pain was ferocious: "I am a disciple of the number one sorcerer in country t at present. If you kill me, you will definitely die ugly in the future! So if you let me go... "

Before the middle-aged man finished, his other arm was also attacked by a dagger, and another corrosive wound made the middle-aged man constantly scream like a pig.

That kind of pain, not the pain on the body, just like from the soul!

It's worse than killing him!

Half ring, the middle-aged man's body trembled, while pointing to Lin Kai: "devil! devil! You are the devil

"Devil?" Lin Kai eyebrows a pick: "I am more terrible than the devil!"

As a result, another corrosive wound emerged from the middle-aged man.

Lin Kai said in a cold voice, "if I ask you for the last time, will you answer me?"

"Answer, answer, answer!" The middle-aged man is painful, which has previously a pair of hard mouth appearance.

Lin Kai smelled the speech, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said faintly, "is it Lin Yuan who sent you to assassinate me?"



Lin Kai did not hesitate to leave a corrosive wound on the middle-aged man again.

The middle-aged man almost fainted in pain.

Without waiting for Lin Kai to speak, the middle-aged man said: "I don't know who Lin Yuan you are talking about. I'm the 91st killer on the list of Extranet killers. The name of the person who died on the ground is Albert, ranking 45th on the list of Internet killers. The two of us are in the external network to assassinate the task list. When we see the reward task for you, we take it. "

"The gold Lord will not disclose his information, only your personal information, so I don't know who Lin Yuan is, and I don't know..."


Lin Kai interrupted, staring at the middle-aged man coldly, thinking of a key question: "no, you really know my personal information, it is impossible to know who Lin Yuan is."

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