Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1327

Dong Qian and Lin Qian want to send someone to protect Lin Qian.

He was afraid that there would be some sorcerers from T country.

The middle-aged man also said that he was a disciple of the first sorcerer in state T. if he knew that his disciple died in China, he would not come.

The person on the other end of the line hesitated and agreed.

Lin Kai is no accident. As the mountain master of Jiulong Mountain, the person on the other end of the phone, though of the same level, is also the official of China.

It's just that people on the other end of the phone are in charge of international affairs.

This kind of problem belongs to the international community.

Let two Internet killers sneak into China.

This alone is enough for people on the other end of the phone to be punished very severely.

Lin Kai gives the bodies of these two extranet killers to the man on the other end of the phone to make up for his mistakes.

Lin Kai was not so kind. He put forward two conditions.

The first is to send someone to protect Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian.

The second is to help him investigate who posted a reward for his assassination on the Internet.

You know, China will never allow anyone to release the reward task of this assassination on the Internet.

Moreover, it is not allowed to assassinate people in China, otherwise, it will be in accordance with the standards of treason.

In fact, Lin Kai doesn't have to say that people on the other end of the phone will also investigate.

Lin Kai also understands this. He just wants people on the other end of the phone to find out for him as soon as possible.

"By the way, Lin Kai, do you say that your friend has been cheated by the sorcery of state T and needs the most Yin thing?" The person on the other end of the line, named Jiang Shu, is in charge of the entry and exit of China.

This time let two net killers lurk in, it is obvious that Jiang Shu has made a mistake.

Jiang Zhu felt embarrassed and asked.

"Yes." Lin Kai responded.

After hearing the speech, Jiang Shu then said, "well, I'd like to recommend an individual to you. It's also an official organization of China, named Pihua residence. As the name implies, it means to protect China. What's different from you in Jiulongshan is that they deal with all kinds of super detached events in China. "

"It happens that there is a monk named master Zhicheng in the Pihua residence, who is already in the East China Sea. It is said that there is a supernatural phenomenon in the East China Sea, which needs to be dealt with. You can communicate with master Zhicheng. I'll bridge it for you. I happen to be very familiar with master Zhicheng. It seems that he met some thorny problems in the East China Sea. If you're here, I think it can help

"Yes." Lin Kai did not refuse. At present, he is still confused with the so-called Yin and Yang mantra.

If we find a person who is familiar with this kind of sorcery, we can communicate with each other.

"That's settled. I'll communicate with master Zhicheng later." Jiang Shu opens his mouth.

Lin Kai answered, and Jiang Shu was about to hang up the phone. Lin Kai said again, "Jiang Shu, I suspect that this matter is related to Lei Yuan group. When checking, it's better to focus on leiyuan group."


Jiang Shu then hung up.

Lin Kai takes back his mobile phone. His eyes are Ling ran. He is 100% sure that it is the assassination reward task released by Lin Yuan on the Internet.

However, he naturally did not believe that Lin Yuan would release it in person.

To investigate, we should start from the whole leiyuan group.

I hope that Jiang Shu, even if the investigation can not find out the incident, but if we find out the other bad places of leiyuan group, it will be a surprise.

Lin Kai would never miss such an opportunity and finally reminded Jiang Shu.

According to Jiang Shu, he will let master Zhicheng communicate with him later.

However, the speed of the police is very fast. It is estimated that after receiving the news from Jiang Shu, they secretly came to Lin Kai's home and disposed of the bodies of the two killers on the Internet.

The house was cleaned up, too.

At noon, Lin Kai asked Lin Qianqian to have some dinner.

But Lin Qianqian didn't have much heart to eat, but looked after Dong Shu by the bed.

Lin Kai sighs to himself that Dong Shu's action has made Lin Qianqian no longer hostile to Dong Shu, but more like a good sister.

Lin Kai didn't persuade Lin Qianqian. He was more anxious to find something Yin to save Dong Shu.

While waiting for master Zhicheng to call, he received several messages from Li Shengxian.

The main content is that scar man, cockfight eyed gangster, Liu Yang, nurse Bai Xue, and a group of ghosts in Donghai hospital were taken away by the police for investigation and treatment.

Lei Yuan group is very popular on the Internet at present.

It's all because of the popularity of those microblogs developed by Lin.

Of course, it is the negative public opinion of Lei Yuan group.

In a word, this all of a sudden, Lei Yuan group is completely lost.

In the future, it is impossible for the East China Sea to be as unscrupulous as before. At least it will be converged for a long time.

In this way, give Lin enough breathing time.

In addition to the two killers on the Internet, the assassination failed. It is likely that Lin yuangan was responsible for the assassination.Lin Kai has instructed Jiang Shu to investigate Linyuan and leiyuan group.

As a result, it is impossible for Lei Yuan group to be so unscrupulous today.

To Lin Kai's surprise, he received a short message without a number on his mobile phone: Lin Kai, it's you. This time, I lost completely, but next time, you're not so lucky.

Don't think about it. It's from Lin Yuan.

Lin Kai saw this sentence, but secretly relieved, which shows that Lin Yuan, for a short period of time, will not fight against the people around him.

Of course, but we should be on guard against Linyuan.

Lin Yuan is like a poisonous snake. If you are not careful, you will be bitten.

Lin Kai hates this feeling, so when Dong Shu is cured, if he still has the ability to extract divination, he will divine the key evidence of leiyuan group!

The reason why it doesn't work now is that he can't find the most Yin thing.

If he couldn't find it, he would use the only chance of divination.

In any case, it is at all costs to cure Dong Shu.

After that, Lin Kai sat on the sofa and opened the Weibo. A large number of @ or comment messages showed 999 +.

At first sight, he can see that the second most popular company in Weibo is leiyuan group.

Then click in to have a look, now public opinion is one-sided in criticizing Lei Yuan group, netizens all hope to investigate leiyuan group.

Lin Kai smiles and feels better.

Not long ago, because of Dong Shu's affair, he held back his breath.

If it was not for leiyuan group, he would have started with Linyuan.

Unfortunately, the current leiyuan group is too powerful, even if there is such a one-sided public opinion, still can not shake.

However, it can make Lei Yuan Group hurt.

Just as Lin Kai was thinking, his mobile phone finally rang. It was a strange mobile phone number from Beijing.

Without hesitation, he took it up.

"Hello, is that Lin Kai Tao you?"

At the other end of the phone, there was a deep and compassionate voice.

As soon as you hear it, you will know that the other side is an eminent monk.

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