Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1324

It's eleven thirty at noon.

Lin was driving and had reached the parking place outside his home.

Just after he got off the car, the system released a task, which was unknown. It said that the system would provide the goal of completing the task only after he found the clues himself.

The reward is very good, a semi divine level of extraction ability.

Lin Kaida is surprised that the system has never been released, such an unknown task.

He asked the system, but it didn't respond.

Lin Kai shook his head. He was ready to go to his home.

I saw a middle-aged man who didn't look like the common people of our country.

The middle-aged man is more like the face of Southeast Asia, wearing a black robe.

At a glance, Lin Kai felt that this man was not simple, but he couldn't see where he was extraordinary.

It's like a veil, giving people a hazy feeling.

According to the law, he is an immortal who can see through the breath of any ancient warrior.

But this person can't see through.

There are two possibilities: either the man has some treasure in his body, or his practice is special.

Lin Kai is more inclined to the latter, because he can feel a trace of the cold breath of the middle-aged man when he rubs his shoulders with the middle-aged man.

This breath of yin and cold seems to come from Jiuyou.

Even if it's the big sun now, I feel that the temperature has dropped a little when I'm close to the middle-aged man.

"Hidden God!"

Lin Kai motioned for Yin Shen to move, and he went to his own home.

The middle-aged man left in the direction of his home.

Explain, this middle-aged man is likely to be sent by Lin Yuan, to the people around him!

In particular, the middle-aged man suddenly appeared black fog, as if there were evil spirits roaring inside, only to see the middle-aged man burst out a burst of speed, disappeared here.

The hidden God immediately chased after him.

Seeing this, Lin Kai felt more anxious! Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian, don't let anything happen!

He was so anxious that he went to his own home and left quickly.


Albert is the 45th killer on the Internet killer list.

Many people died in his hands, including martial Saint level.

At one time, he even boldly accepted the task of assassinating the master.

Although failed, but can retreat completely.

In fact, the killer is not his job, but his interest.

He loved the feeling of killing.

A few days ago, I saw such a task on the list of assassinations on the Internet.

The reward is very high, but the location of the mission is in China.

Many killers in China don't like the task here.

It's mainly because killers are here, and it's hard to play their part.

If he did not happen to come to China, otherwise he would not have taken this incidental task.

But he didn't expect to send him to kill a 20-year-old boy from China.

He also sent a master who knew the magic arts of state t to complete the suggestive task with him.

With his arrogance, he disdained to complete the assassination with others.

But the money owner doubled the amount of money.

Let him shoot the 20-year-old.

In fact, the gold owner was right.

That magic master of T country, played a role, attracted a master master master!

Albert put aside his underestimate, but he didn't expect that the young boy still had a master to protect him.

He is now on the ceiling of Lin Kai's house, holding a gun, waiting for the young boy to come in and shoot him directly.

As for Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian, they were not affected.

The two are in the kitchen, preparing the final dish.

Albert naturally has his own professional ethics and will not kill people outside the task.

Besides, this is the state of Huaxia. He is not allowed to mess around.

"Why hasn't Lin Kai come yet? It's true that he invited us to his house for lunch. Why haven't you come back yet? "

"Yes, it's a pity that we go to the vegetable market in the morning and buy the freshest ingredients just to make a good meal."

Maybe it was Lin Kai who was so close in the morning that Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian were not so hostile.

On the contrary, they began to complain about Lin Kai's pig hooves.

"Forget it, I'll call." Lin Qianqian put down her hands and washed the dishes.

Then he picked it up and was about to call Lin Kai.

Now the door opens.

Albert grinned grimly from the chandelier on the ceiling. Without hesitation, he shot a gun with a muffler.

Even so, the sound of this shot scared Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian in the kitchen.

Albert looked at the door, blood splashing everywhere, and one half of the body seemed to be injured.Albert's heart is happy: "hit him!"

Naturally, he didn't think that the goal of the mission could be solved with a gun.

The gold master has detailed information about this young boy. He is a very powerful master.

His gun is specially customized. There is a trace of genetic power in the bullet.

After being hit, people's strength will be temporarily lost.

So Albert leapt out of the chandelier on the ceiling, and with great speed, he made his way to the door.

"I thought it would be hard to deal with, but I didn't expect to be so relaxed."

Albert disdained the warriors of China.

They even suspect that the information provided by the owner is not true.

He also said that it was so dangerous and difficult that he didn't get a shot at last. Now he has to mend the knife and kill the young boy!

However, when he arrived at the door, he was shocked!

He did hit people, not the target, but the master of magic in country t!

Not only that, but there was a hand on the shoulder behind him.

Albert slowly turned his head, and his eyes were full of shock,

the man behind him was his target, the young boy of China!

How could it be!

How did he find out about me?

Besides, he saw with his own eyes that the master of T state's sorcery clearly attracted a master. Why was he caught so fast?

Albert's face was full of fright, and his eyes were sharp. The dagger in his hand stabbed at the forest fiercely.

However, he did not wait for him to get close to Linkai.

He saw Lin Kai, the hand on his shoulder, slowly stretched out. There was a poisonous needle on it, dripping with poison.


Albert gave a puff, spat black blood and fell to the ground in an instant.

Before he died, he was full of grief and indignation. He was good at using poison, but in the end he was poisoned.

He also reflected why the master of sorcery in state t was captured so quickly, that is, he was poisoned in silence.

Albert thought well, Lin Kai and the middle-aged man after, with a poison needle in silence, under the poison.

Lin Kai had already replaced this poison with a fast acting one.

Lead to Yin God soon, catch up with the middle-aged man.

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