Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1323

As for why Lin Kai didn't go with him, it was mainly the scabby man and the cockfight eye who knew him but didn't know that he was Lin Kai.

If he and Liu Yang go together, they will expose their identities, so they can't make videos.

Soon, Lin Kai received a video from Li Shengxian. It was a video of Bai Xue trading "poisonous needles" with scar man.

And in the hall, a bald doctor and a scar man talking in the corner.

He sneered, his eyes slightly cold, combined with the video content shot in the morning, in fact, there is no need to wait for the video of Liu Yang meeting with scar man, so it can be sent online now!

Lin Kai said to do it, immediately took out his mobile phone, click into a timely social software, Weibo.

He had a previous Weibo account, so he logged in.

Lin Kai first set up a topic about how to kill Lei Yuan group.

And then quickly hit a few lines of words, explained the leiyuan group this time, against his intrigue.

Finally, he even pointed to leiyuan group, which was reckless.

In addition, there are also videos of dialogue between young men and scar men in the morning, as well as videos of snow white and scar man trading "poisonous needles" in the morning.

The two videos are integrated into one piece, and both the text content and the video are sent out.

Finally, @ Ping'an Donghai, the official of leiyuan group and Donghai hospital were also visited.

Although leiyuan group was established for a short time, it also has its own official blog.

How to say, now is the age of network information development.

Whether as a corporate group or a public figure, public opinion on the Internet is very important.

Once there is a negative impact, it will have a very serious impact on the company group or public figures.

Since Lin Kai has video evidence, it can prove that the conspiracy and conspiracy used by Lei Yuan group this time will be exposed mercilessly.

Lin Yuan has already started to fight against the people around him. Would he not fight back?

Li Shengxian has arranged for someone to buy this hot search of Lei Yuan Group's murder.

Therefore, within a few minutes, Lei Yuan group was on the top 50 of the hot search list.

As time goes on, more and more netizens will click in.

This will attract the attention of Pingan Donghai and investigate leiyuan group.

Although Lin Yuan is sure to find many swordsmen to carry the pot for him in order to keep himself, this network public opinion will certainly have a short-term negative impact on Lei Yuan group.

As expected by Lin Kai, he sent out the museum in less than ten minutes.

The number of hits exceeded 500000. There were 6000 people who liked the video and more than 1000 people forwarded it.

The number of reviews also reached 2000.

Lin Kai can't help but click to open comments and find that netizens are divided into three groups.

One group is shocked by Lei Yuan Group's practice and lawlessness.

One group thinks that this video is fake and thinks that Lin Kai is framing Lei Yuan group.

Another school is to eat melons in silence.

Just in time, he saw one of the most popular comments: "blogger, you see this video is fake, I advise you to delete the surrounding blog, so as not to forward 500, you have to accept the investigation."

Some people followed the comments: "yes, how could it be so coincidental? Have the ability to send a video out again! These two videos are obviously well prepared. "

"Yes, Lei Yuan group, I've heard of the Big Mac rising in the East China Sea recently. Some people are not happy, just deliberately fake video, want to let Lei Yuan group by the negative impact of public opinion. "

Ding Dong!

Just at this time, Lin Kai received a video from Li Shengxian.

This video is not only a conversation between scar man and Liu Yang, but also some ghosts in the hospital, discussing the next thing.

After all, they already think that Li Shengxian is "poisoned" and how to frame up and leave.

It's also a coincidence that when Liu Yang passed by, it happened that part of the ghosts in Donghai hospital were talking to scar man.

Scar man thinks Liu Yang is a member of Lei Yuan group. He is called here.

He also happens to need to use Liu Yang.

As a result, Liu Yang made a mistake and didn't tell him what Lin Kai had told him to come over.

This video, just right!

Lin Kai sneers, let me send another video? Good! Satisfy you!

Not only the video, but also a live broadcast!

While sending a video, he asked Li Shengxian to call the invited person to talk with the ghost in the hospital live.

At present, there are still secret discussions, plans to wait.

When Lin Kai released this blog, it suddenly became a hot pot.

"Sleeping trough! So exciting? And live? "

"Ha ha! The one who likes the most, but his face is swollen! I said this kind of video can't be fake! ""Yes! Lei Yuan group is so heartless

"The people of Lei Yuan group are estimated to be a group of people who don't use the Internet very much. No one has sent a message to that group of people. It's almost live broadcast!"

In fact, it's not surprising that scar men and others put their mobile phones in one place in order to be careful. They found a secret place to discuss the plan of framing Lin Kai.

So let the people of leiyuan group, how to contact scar man and others, also does not help.

Even when he saw that Lin had developed a new video, he still said, "I don't believe you can actually live it!"

Ding Dong!

Li Shengxian just sent a message. It was a live link. It was Ding houer who was on the live broadcast there. He was in the corner, in the blind corner of scar man's eyes.

Then, Lin Kai sent out a third blog, threw out the live link, and @ the hard spoken person, wrote: you want the live broadcast.

At this moment, the man did not dare to speak again.

Netizens laughed at the man one after another.

At the same time, the netizens are very angry with Lei group.

With the opening of the live broadcast, the topic of ා leiyuan group's murder for money ා, has reached the top 10 of the hot search list. According to this rising trend, it is not impossible to top three of the hot search list.

In short, with the heat of fermentation, leiyuan group this time is a blunder, planted a time.

Even if you can't bring down the leiyuan group, you'll have to make Linyuan hurt for many days.

Now he's not needed here in the hospital.

Such a big movement on the Internet has long attracted the attention of the police in Donghai, so the hospital will come here soon.

Seeing that noon was approaching, Lin Kai thought about it and decided to go home first.

After all, Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian came to his home in the morning and began to cook for him, waiting for him to have lunch together.

What's more, he also kisses Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian.

Then he should go even more, lest he be said to be a heartless man.

So Lin Kai sent a message to Li Shengxian and went back.

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