Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1322

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Kai came to Donghai hospital.

According to the visiting order of these two days, he quietly walked into Liu Yang's general ward.

He didn't see scar man and cockfight eye. Did you say that they didn't come to the ward?

According to the young man of Lei Yuan Group in the early morning, he told scar man that he was arranged in Liu Yang's ward in the morning.

When the news of Li Shengxian's "poisoning" comes, he will take Liu Yang to the VIP ward to accuse Lin Kai of framing him.

When Lin Kai was in doubt, Liu Yang saw him coming and pretended to be very happy: "brother! You come to see me every day! Elder brother, I am more grateful and ashamed. I should not have worked for Linyuan before. "

Lin Kai shook his head slightly in his heart, saying that Liu Yang was stupid or stupid. Last time he was exposed, Lin Yuan would never keep him.

So find someone to solve him, but good luck didn't die.

To be honest, he really became Liu Yang's savior.

But Liu Yang was kept in the dark and thought he was still working for Lin Yuan.

For such people, Lin Kai can't point it out. The wicked have their own grind.

It's scar man and cockfight eye. Have you ever been here?

"Brother, ha ha, it's OK. You promise me to help me deal with Lin Yuan. There's no need to feel guilty." Lin Kai waved his hand and asked, "how's the injury? Where's the nurse in this ward? You're almost finished

"Brother, don't worry. I'll get out of bed and walk in two days. I'll take you to a place where leiyuan group specially invites people to work for Linyuan secretly like me."

Liu Yang also disregarded the wound on his chest and patted it, as if to say, "brother Lin Kai, you should have a hundred hearts.".

Don't say, Lin Kai is still interested in this place.

Although know, Liu Yang this is to throw out a huge temptation, but he still nodded: "brother has a heart!"

In this way, scar man and cockfight eye mix, did not enter this ward at all? So where is it going?

Lin Kai frowned and thought, then looked at the mobile phone, suddenly suddenly.

More than ten minutes ago, Li Shengxian sent a message saying that he had captured a picture of a scar man trading a "poison needle" with a nurse.

Scar man and cockfight eye mix, was invited by Li Shengxian, directly into the VIP ward.

So it's easier to shoot.

Lin Kai has some accidents. Unexpectedly, the people invited are quite reliable.

Interestingly, the nurse, no matter he or Li Shengxian, knew him, that was the snow white.

Lin Kai is not surprised. After the last time, Bai Xue's attitude towards him and Li Shengxian has changed. In addition, if Lin Yuan gives her enough benefits, the next poison is nothing.

Li Shengxian also said that when Bai Xue changed the infusion for him, she secretly pricked him with a needle.

If you use the real poison needle to prick it, you will not feel any sense and poison it silently.

But what Snow White takes is a fake poison needle, just ordinary needle pricks to Li Shengxian's body.

Li Shengxian can't say pain, but he has to act as if nothing happened.

Lin Kai can imagine the scene at that time, and he smiles in his heart.

That's enough to get a picture of the needle trading.

Now what he has to do is to find the little monkey and copy the video.

However, Lin Kai didn't go in a hurry. He suspected that Lin Yuan would send some ancient warriors to watch outside the hospital.

He thought a little and said to Liu Yang, "brother, can you get out of bed and walk?"

"Walk, walk." Liu Yang said with a smile: "it is that the wound still has some pain. If you have any instructions from my brother, you can say that this injury is not in the way."

Lin Kai suddenly felt that Liu Yang was stupid, but he could not help admiring his professionalism.

"It's not what I told you, but I went to the VIP ward of this hospital not long ago. As you should know, a friend of mine is in the VIP ward

Lin Kai stopped for a moment and continued: "to my surprise, there are two male nurses who not only know me, but also know you. Let me call you into the VIP ward."

"Two male nurses? You know me? Tell me to come over? " Liu Yang was stunned and said, "brother, are you kidding? I don't know many people in Donghai, but I don't know any male nurses. "

Lin Kai shook his head: "then I don't know. Anyway, the two male nurses seem to be familiar with you. They not only know your name, but also know when you were injured. In a word, they asked me to let me go there. "

Liu Yang was even more puzzled:" brother, what are the two male nurses like? "

"A man with a scar on his face, and a cockfight eye. But from their temperament, I don't think they're male nurses. Instead, they look like gangsters. " Lin Kai looks puzzled.

When Liu Yang heard Lin Kai's words at this time, his pupils shrank. Although he wanted to make himself as ordinary as possible, now no matter how good his acting skills are, there are also flaws.How could he not know, these two men!

After all, anyone who hears that "my own people" are openly installing nurses in this hospital has asked the target person of Lei Yuan group to call him.

Isn't that to expose him?

Liu Yang was angry in his heart. He worked hard in this acting and even paid the cost of hospitalization, not just to gain Lin Kai's trust.

Lin Kai finally trusted him. Unexpectedly, "my own people" would just show up in front of him, and he was pulled out.

Maybe I thought, maybe it was Lei Yuan group that let scar man and cockfight eye fool to do this, and the anger in my heart dissipated.

Seeing Lin Kai showing a curious look, Liu Yang quickly opened a ha ha: "it's them! Listen to your description, I know who it is! I do know those two people, my former secondary school students, who played very well

"They look fierce, but we learn nursing in secondary school. Maybe I just joined this hospital recently. I knew I was in the hospital. Otherwise, they would definitely come to visit me. "

Liu Yang's acting skills are worthy of being better than professional actors.

He immediately jumped out of bed. Although the wound hurt, he bared his teeth, but pretended to be excited: "I really haven't seen them for a long time. Since they let me go to the VIP ward area to find him, I will go now! Excuse me, brother. I'll come when I go! "

"Go, go, I'll wait for you here." Lin laughs.

Looking at Liu Yang leaving the ward, he quickly sent a message to Li Shengxian to let the invited people pay attention to it. He will secretly shoot the dialogue between scar man and Liu Yang!

Liu Yang doesn't know why he came to the hospital.

Why not make use of Liu Yang to shoot more video evidence of the bad things done by the real hammer leiyuan group.

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